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Posts posted by KnifuWaifu

  1. 18 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Ever wonder that why?


    Not being rude, but surely it's not because other developers COULDN'T copy or emulate APB, of that I'm sure. 


    Well I'm sure wondering now. I mean it could be any reason some games are beginning to scratch that customisation itch but never with enough depth and really why should they bother with so much customisation when everyone is going to be forced to turf those characters when a slightly updated version of the same game but with a brand new price tag is released the following year?


    Also APB is free which I think scratches a lot of people's good places.


    Oooh also most games goes Console first then PC after, and really you need a mouse + keyboard to really take advantage of APB's APBness.

    15 hours ago, ZoriaDunne said:

    I actually did, with the excuse of, "I'll wait for the new engine to start playing again." And look, I'm not playing anymore.

    Lies, i totally saw you online the other day. 

  2. 16 hours ago, Solamente said:

    it’ll never work right tbh, maybe if we get phasing and a huge population boost


    without those two things at the very least any players/groups of sufficiently high skill will get less and less opp (and matchmaking is already annoyingly slow for these cases) as they steamroll through the district 

    Ah yeah, I'm assuming this will be done after the Matchmaking and Server Phasing stuff is done. But you're right - it will be easily exploited in a way that will disadvantage players that are simply good at the game and not cheating or toxic. 

  3. INALOE but AFAIK it's tolerated and probably part of the reasons why they're being awesome and working on getting us a beautiful Mute Themes button. 


    The only issue is the hassle of having to do it almost every time there is a patch, or whenever it does a scan of your game folders and FWIW if there is something spoopy with your files, EAC won't let you into the game but don't stake your account on my behalf, it only happened to me once when I was replacing APB_Catcher and once they fixed that from doing it's cloning trick EAC spun into gear and wouldn't let me do it again. 



  4. 4 hours ago, Solamente said:

    i can’t wait to never get opp gain because everyone blacklists anyone who beats em

    That’s part of the double-edged nature of the solution, it could be mitigated by maybe having the blacklist a small list so a single player can't have the entire district blacklisted. Or maybe having the blacklist reset every week? Day? Or on log out? 


    But if a player has gotten to the point where they can't find any OP due to having the whole district blacklisted - the issue probably exists with that player and not the district, like everyone in this thread has stated the whole game isn't full of cheaters it's just a couple of toxic ones that ruin the fun, so we should have the choice to not play against those since detection and prosecution of toxic players is a long and difficult process.


    *IF* players want to abuse the blacklist by putting players who simply beat them on the list rather than were being toxic - that's their issue imo, you reap what you sow.


    I do see another exploit thinking about it - a gold puts all the golds on the blacklist and now they only get matched with silvers/bronzes once the matchmaking goes into "find any player" mode. But that can be solved by removing the "find any player" mode. Again, if a player is blacklisting so many other players that they run out of OP - the issue is them, not the game.

  5. I just want to use this opportunity to plug my "Player Blacklist" idea - basically works like the /ignore list, but instead of ignoring their themes/banners/chat, it tells the Matchmaking system "Hey, I don't want to be matched against this player ever again." and then it removes them from your matchmaking queue for as long as they are on the blacklist for that player. 


    It's a double-edged sword I know, especially with such a low population - but it does stop the "constantly being matched against the same toxic group" issue that ruins district pops. Sucks for FC though where there is no matchmaking but since we're talking about genie wishes here - if Player X joins a FC and which has the majority of players who have Player X on their Blacklist, then Player X gets infinitely stuck as a neutral player in "Waiting for Players" mode. 


    It'll probably take a wizard to code all that in, but I can dream!



    Also I know that most cheaters can just reroll - but then it works just like the /ignore list where you've got to be vigilant and delete/cycle names/players who you haven't seen in a while because no doubt those throw away characters are long gone.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Sentaii said:

    Use free armas trial ...

    Not all the guns and their variants are up for trial unfortunately - also last time I bitched about it - some agreed that 30mins-2hours isn't really enough to full appreciate a gun but I get that the ARMAS store users have that same dilemma. 


    My particular one is that I bought base (no slotted) versions only to find out that I *should* always get slots. Little gripe I know, but still pangs I bit that I cant trade it in for a % JT refund and buy the next one. I mean, it's not the expense that's the issue - it's more the fact that when I do earn enough JTs to get the slotty ones - I'll then have a bunch of basic weapons I'll never use again just eating up space and I hate deleting things.

  7. 2 hours ago, ZoriaDunne said:

    It depends of what kind of weapon you like, I'm a LMG user, so I'd pick a Swarm.



    It's true - there is no "best gun" to buy the best thing about the new JT weapons is that there is enough variety now that you can pick the role you want and then have a selection to choose from. 


    My only gripe is that there is no way to refund/sell JT weapons if your selection happens to be a bad/regrettable one. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    because that's not how programming works.

    each item has its own identification number sort of thing or it could not exist.


    that's why my previous post explained it the way it did

    Oh ok. But let's say Cop Shirt (M) is #CS01M and they did make both MF versions, could unlocking that not unlock #CS01F in the background? 

    Or would that like double the amount of data a character takes up?


    But also if they did MF everything they could just make the algorithm just swap the #M with #F, no? 

  9. I really hope they don't fix it, and in fact place a few more of these gaps in the invisible force walls for us to explore around. 


    I mean really, it's social, no one is going to hide Mission Items up there or camp 100% protected forever as VIP. They'll just take cute selfies like OP and it makes everything better. Great post 11/10 would qiMRJiT.png again.

  10. 45 minutes ago, Frosi said:

    Aight, sorry for being used to connecting colors and crucial information, been doing that for 7 years now and I think its hard to turn back : ) My point is that at the end of the day, most vets are used to identifying things using colors instead of reading, Titles with the same color as enemy player names hurts this balance greatly.

    39 minutes ago, SkittyM said:

    I'm guessing the topic of this thread went straight over your head.  This isn't a reading issue, it's about colors.

    qiMRJiT.png These.

    1 hour ago, AlishaAzure said:


    If you don't look at names but on titles (which are right below them) you guys need to visit a doctor, just, right now. Seems liek you got issues or you need glasses to see better.

    I honestly never had that problem, i read the names before goign to shoot them and i don't look at titles.

    There are literally studies, articles, and videos that explain how the colour red has a deep effect on the human psyche. I call myself basic for falling for it but it is a basic response to red to react that way, overriding it is no simple task and LO shouldn't be blamed for accepting the bad design for putting red in the game that way.







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  11. 28 minutes ago, SkittyM said:

    While i had the title equipped i was wondering why i kept getting blasted by team mates when i would round a corner or pop up behind them.  

    If any of those was a SHAW, I apologise - my bad.


    I do agree though - anything that's beyond the normal colour title in APB does make me do a double-take, but the red shades it's a case of fire first, check later. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    If they had made it like blood red where its a darker red there wouldn't have been confusion, or as much. Tbh any shade would cause issues.

    Now I don't speak for everyone but I myself am a basic fuzzy bunny and will fire at anything within this colour range.



    Doesn't matter if it's friend, foe, civilian, sign post, my own radar, or pop up window - if it's reddish it gets a spray and while I'm not basic enough to complain to LO about all the reddish things in APB - I sure do appreciate the effort to remove one less thing for me and my happy trigger to have a panic attack over. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, HighSociety said:

    That also happens to people who spent real money on Armas weapons... we can't get refund either.

    U only wasted "some" playtime which was full of fun and so on. 🤔

    Don't you dare compare me to those sexy fatcats. 


    Although surprising that ARMAS doesn't do some sort of refunds either but I guess interventions with irl money might be more difficult, to me at least it seems like in-game currency is the easiest to mess around with. 

  14. 3 hours ago, GhosT said:

    Can always trial almost all of them on armas for free.


    14 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    assuming that f2p players are more likely to be buying jt guns they only get 30 minute armas trials, that’s not really enough time to actually evaluate a weapon imo

    5 hours ago, LuddeBoii said:

    you can still try them with the armas try for free function, if you haven't already. altho I think you need more than just a few hours to make up your mind if a gun suits you or not

    They're right - the f2p trials aren't enough to make such a decision and even if I did trial the gun and liked it the issue is buying the wrong one - like the OP and thread suggests - everyone here telling me to get the slotted versions but that doesn't help when I've got the base version which I'm finding out, along with buying guns that I find I don't like, are bad decisions.


    So the issue is what to do after making the bad purchase decision? Delete the guns and resave 6500JT+ to get the slotted ones/ones I do like? Then everyone tells me that I should have gotten the 2 slot? Or a patch/nerf happens which makes the weapon nonviable. 


    I'm not asking for 100% refund like rn I'd take even a percentage like most other RPGs because atm those bad decision guns are just a waste of inventory space. I mean there is a Sell tab on all the vendors, but nothing ever seems to pop up there. 

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