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Posts posted by KnifuWaifu

  1. SOBs with the discord notification sound going off in videos. 


    I really wanted EM3 to work on the Deep Impact/OSMAW. Sucks that it doesn't, but yeah having 0 shots sure is neat but it would be more sporting just to not be able to use blue mods on weapons where blue mods are useless.

    • Like 1

  2. 10 hours ago, blockblack said:

    Actually the forum account is no relate to the in-game account, So anyone can do what they want on their forum account or say whatever they want on it, it won't affect the in-game account, Also the forum is pretty much made for complaining or announcements...

    I'm being told this NOW?!


    No wait, i'd probably still act and say the same things.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Lixil said:

    The contest is not over, we are going to extend it. I will update the contest thread at more appropriate time.

    This is the best response - so much love. ❤️


    If even after the extension we get another person complaining they didn't get to finish - everyone except them should get Premium.

  4. 22 minutes ago, scian said:

    Isn't the engine upgrade a "path" for them to be able to create more content though.So even if the EU comes up we have to wait even more for the new content to be created.

    This is the answer. Engie Uppie is just the beginning but there could be a 15 minute unskippable video explaining that every time the game starts (but at least we'll get the OG title screen right guys?) and it still won't stop Zombie's prophecy coming true.

    • Like 2

  5. On 11/23/2019 at 1:06 PM, a Pair of Socks said:

    Ya know, first sentence I thought you were just another bronze forum warrior the pristine game we call " APB Reloaded " but now I must apologize for even having that thought.


    On 11/23/2019 at 1:06 PM, a Pair of Socks said:

    Ill get the achievement done eventually so it doesnt really matter all that much lmao, just wanted to vent a little.  I swear there is no testing in achievements sometimes, like the actual amount of time it takes to get this single achievement for how little pay off you even get for wasting that much time doing it is just like... Wow.   Then again, I dont think any of these people at LO or G1 actually ever played the fucking game to begin with.

    Like, how are you gonna change things in a game you dont even fucking understand at all, and judge peoples opinions on topics you dont know jack shit about.   A lot of things look good on paper but in the real workings.... Phew whee buddy boo, does most of this shit actually not work at all whatsoever.  Anywhore, rant done. 

    I get them feels. It's okay to rant, you're sure braver than me to do it on the forums but we've all been there, good luck with the achievement!

    On 11/23/2019 at 1:06 PM, a Pair of Socks said:

      Hope you have a good rest of your weekend man.


  6. 23 hours ago, Solamente said:

    but the vas sw2 is an nssw reskin, i'm confused now 

    It is?! Well my silver is showing and I'm all sorts of confused too. Aww that sucks, oh well, reskin away then. 

    Or tweak the RABID to make it more niche and then make the VAS SW2 a reskin of that. But again that's all about the gun-feel to me - RABID feels Light LMG whereas NSSW feels Heavy LMG if that makes sense but I see the point in reducing the amount of snowflakes out there to make weapon changes more simplistic. 

    23 hours ago, Solamente said:

    a burst fire weapon that plays like an assault rifle is plenty unique imo

    True and hey I'm open for that change but just want to add that I like the current Bullshark style too. 

  7. 53 minutes ago, Solamente said:
    • bullshark repost

    I also feel like the point of JMB weapons is not to make them "good" weapons, but unique ones. None of those legendaries are really supposed to be OP but more standard guns with a little bit of a personally defect that makes them more fun to play than a sweaty-player's wet dream. I honestly think that last change to the red mod was the best change to happen to the bullshark. 


    FFA users on the other hand...

  8. 44 minutes ago, Solamente said:
    • rabid should be an nssw reskin

    I'd rather this as a NSSW reskin.


    Also I like the rabid as it is - as long as you treat it as an AR with extra bullets and not really an LMG. Also if it was to become an NSSW reskin, would it lose its ability to be used out of a car window? I know it's a really small niche, but having a large-mag weapon that can be used out of a car window is rather handy during the whole 3 times a week some car vs car gunplay actually goes down. 


    What I'm saying is that the NSSW and RABID, although to "play like the pros" I've been told to just treat them both like ARs, I feel that they're currently too different for one to be made into a simple reskin. I'd rather see the RABID fill it's niche (or be given one) more effectively than just being a copy-paste of a different weapon. And I know APB isn't exactly true to the IRL weapons it uses but the AUG and the RPD function completely different too, a slower firing, heavier hitting, and weighty RABID just doesn't feel right imo.


    That said I much prefer the NSSW to the RABID because the NSSW is an LMG that can be used as an AR/Carbine, so it is a heap more versatile, while the RABID is just an AR with extra boolets. I honestly don't know how to improve the RABID but I just don't think it needs a personality transplant just yet.


    EDIT: I know jack about guns, but on calibre alone the RABID matches the VAS SW2 (both use 5.56) whereas the NSSW and Degtyranova use 7.62. If reskinning was the only option, make the RABID a VAS reskin - they're both sexy bullpups afterall.


    • Like 2

  9. Wait, so have you already put 10.5 hours in or 10.5 hours to go?

    Am I the only one that doesn't seem like that's too bad? I mean really even if managing 2 hours a week, that's only 5 weeks to get that achievement. Hop on discord, or start up an audiobook or stream a series and it's like you're barely doing anything. 


    You should be glad that you're allowed to take that long to complete the achievement, unlike some dirty event achievements that barely give us working drones a single weekend to pull off a two week's worth of grinding. 




    Edit - Srsly there should be a "I gotta work bs" mode in games, all we have to do to qualify is send in a picture of our tired already-dead-on-the-inside eyes and we get a reprieve from any event timers and premium only counts down when we're logged in. 

    • Like 2

  10. 19 hours ago, ShaiShai said:

    there is kinda a mute button for it atm, but we only have 50 slots for it atm so you would have to mute them during the begingin of the match and unmute them after (aka putting them on ignore)


    its how i mute themes, but also it makes the able to not pm me saying how much i suck and shouldnt be playing in silver , or how much they think im a cheater for playing in bronze, so it works out for me to just place them on ignore

    200IQ play right here. Seriously, that's a good idea to at least for now, prevent unwanted ear (and basically any other) no-no.




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