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About TackoGirl

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  1. I quote from the post SARD Anti-Cheat: FAQ: "Configs / .INIs: These files can be edited to optimize your experience, but they don’t allow for the creation of new functionality. All these settings are supported by the developers, so modifying them is allowed for all players. Localization files (.INT / .GER / etc): These are the language files that control the text appearing in-game. Since APB's localization is outdated, the community is allowed to update these files for personal use. However, streaming or sharing these files with offensive content will result in action from Little Orbit. Use of Crosshair-X / Hudsight: These third-party programs are currently allowed, but there’s a chance they might be banned in the future." Now, I have a couple of questions and suggestions: 1. Why not integrate a crosshair option directly into the game? By adding a simple option for players to choose a point as their crosshair, you would eliminate the need for third-party programs like Crosshair-X or Hudsight. This would also reduce potential conflicts with the Anti-Cheat system. 2. Why not incorporate all configuration options into the in-game settings? By doing this, players wouldn’t need to manually edit .INI or other configuration files, reducing the risk of conflicts with the Anti-Cheat system. This would also level the playing field, as everyone would have access to the same settings directly in the game. By allowing players to edit game files within certain limits, it can lead to an imbalance. While I personally don’t mind, integrating these options directly into the game settings would make things much simpler and fairer for everyone. It would also prevent players from having to navigate the gray area of editing game files. In the long run, if these changes were implemented, APB could become a more streamlined and user-friendly experience—a game that you simply download and play without needing to tweak or modify anything manually. Conclusion: Why don't you just lock all files so that no one can experiment with your product? The game should ultimately be in the hands of the developers. No one should be tampering with game files to gain an advantage. If players argue that their computers are too weak and that they need to manually adjust settings by editing config files, then the solution is simple—do exactly what I mentioned in point 2: incorporate all these options directly into the in-game settings. Otherwise, APB will always be the game where players try to outdo each other by tweaking config files to get the absolute best performance. For the average player who just wants to enjoy the game, this creates an unfair imbalance. You can’t expect a new player to be told, "Hey, you need to disable muzzle flash by editing the config file and tone down grenade smoke so you can see your enemies better." The game should be downloaded as a complete product, with all necessary settings accessible in-game, tailored to meet each player's specific needs. By making these changes, we would not only create a more level playing field but also make APB more accessible and enjoyable for everyone—without the need for manual file edits or third-party tools. That would finally “finish” the game. With all the editing of config files the game will never feel complete. Let's strive to make APB a game where skill and strategy determine success, not who has the best-configured setup.
  2. ty. I don't think anyone cares anyway :'c
  3. It's time to enhance our gaming experience by implementing some much-needed changes. As discussed in another post, many players have expressed the desire for a central point in the crosshair. This feature would greatly benefit those utilizing Hunting Sight 3 and Reflex Sight 3, or even as a standalone modification. The addition of a central point to the crosshair, either through an update for existing sights or through the introduction of a new mod, would be a significant improvement for the game. This simple adjustment would not only enhance gameplay but also bring back a familiar aspect that many of us remember from earlier versions. It doesn't take much effort to implement it either. Let's rally together and urge the developers to consider this suggestion. Together, we can make our gaming experience even better.
  4. EAC is good enough and the Team has to do the rest in the background.
  5. Give me GM title and i ban them all, i stay 24/7 in the game :'D im 24/7 @ home on my Pc just to hold this game alive and hope they get the game Ready i play this game since i was 15 years old ... now i am 26... And i miss the game so damn hard... it was MY GAME during my childhood... *I pay over four thousand euros in this game.. becouse of the JokerBox *gamble* and it was worth it to me!
  6. voice chat in apb was the coolest thing. I remember i run with a high pitch voice through the Asylum fight club and had a lot of fun. many wrote to me and thought it was funny. but at some point the voice chat no longer worked
  7. I'm sure Little Orbit knows that nobody wants to play this game in that state (apart from the 400 people who are online every day). Little Orbit is simply too small, doesn't have enough money, too few employees. I was really confident after the takeover of Apb, but now you can see that Little Orbit is simply too weak... see u 2077 when the upgrade is out and new contacts are playable
  8. LO should really hurry up all my money that I put into Apb is flowing now in Black Desert. and this since 2 year i would hurry up you only have one chance, the game already had too many. TIME IS RUNNING TICK, TACK, TICK, TACK don't even want to know how much money you lose every day.
  9. Hop into the store before they go away! who the hell wants to buy an egg head for real money?
  10. who buys a Jocker box 23 in a dead game?
  11. you need longer ? 6 hours are over *edit* wups my bad for my country it starts on 10 am so i have to wait another 30 min
  12. hmm oke, nothing changes only that unite games can bring out a new Apb reloaded reloaded. as long little orbit finally gets the game moving, everything is fine.
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