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Radar Tower Balance Change - Show all players on radar within range.

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Radar tower is current over powered. It allows the player to see other players on radar, basically a built in wallhack. This mod needs a real downside.

My suggestion is to display all players on both teams radar when within range of the vehicle. This would mean enemy players cannot camp next to their tower unexposed, but still allow the mod to be used strategically.

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im not sure this would really help anything tbh, at most it will make people do something that most already do: stay out of range of their own car - i (and a lot of the opp i face) use radar tower way more as an approach spotter than a camping location

this also would do nothing to stop heavy vehicles with radar tower from driving around a mission area and tagging everyone, arguably the mods best usage

maybe make the boombox consumable jam radar towers (and carspawners) within a certain radius? since no one uses radar jammer outside of fc, perhaps just making it easier to disable radar tower would suffice


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It only gives your position away if you're practically standing right next to it. In which case, why haven't you thrown a Concussion Grenade or Satchel Charge at it?

Also it makes no sense that it would give all player positions away when it's being used by a specific faction. Maybe a frequency scanner or some kind of hacking equipment deployable would reveal all players around enemy radar towers but if this was made a thing maybe the distance would need to be increased to balance it as it's kind of a counter. I mean this won't happen but it's fun to suggest and formulate ideas.

But yeah, I'd still say that the Radar Tower mod is kind of fine how it is and doesn't really need changing. I hardly ever get killed by Radar Tower exposure anyway.

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You know what, REMOVE IT. It's 100% broken. Anything that gives a player a wall hack should be removed from the game. Same goes with the flare gun and firework launcher.

At this point, I support low rank players downloading wall hacks because it's the only way they can fairly fight players with these overpowered R195 mods and weapons. I have multiple R195+ characters, so I'm well aware how to use them.

Edited by MrsHappyPenguin

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well that escalated quickly

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2 hours ago, MrsHappyPenguin said:

You know what, REMOVE IT. It's 100% broken. Anything that gives a player a wall hack should be removed from the game. Same goes with the flare gun and firework launcher.

At this point, I support low rank players downloading wall hacks because it's the only way they can fairly fight players with these overpowered R195 mods and weapons. I have multiple R195+ characters, so I'm well aware how to use them.

Sounds like a post made Right after loseing to someone useing a radar tower.

It already has a downside and with a mod that already has a downside (whether you like it or not) is likely to never be touched again.
However my idea for a consumable "Mobile Radar Beacon" is something to think about. 

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44 minutes ago, Zolerox said:

a mod that already has a downside (whether you like it or not) is likely to never be touched again.

laughs in improved rifling

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10 hours ago, Zolerox said:
Sounds like a post made Right after loseing to someone useing a radar tower.

It already has a downside and with a mod that already has a downside (whether you like it or not) is likely to never be touched again.
However my idea for a consumable "Mobile Radar Beacon" is something to think about. 
It was 50/50. Two matches the opposing team abused it, the next two I did and now it's permanently enabled. It's too good of a mod and really needs to be looked into. Removing the R195 restriction for low rank characters would be a good start, but it won't fix the balance issue. If it displayed all players within range, it would at least limit the areas players can safely use it, but than again it would still be too easy to drive by an area and safely highlight nearby players. There's also tons of spots where you could still place it and not compromise your own position.

The only downside it has is you can't have mobile spawner, but it's not like you're going to die easily when the player is displayed on radar with realtime updates.

Consumables are also a huge disadvantage for new players. They don't receive them because they're linked to random rewards. They should function like a normal character mod. Edited by MrsHappyPenguin

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1 hour ago, MrsHappyPenguin said:

Consumables are also a huge disadvantage for new players. They don't receive them because they're linked to random rewards. They should function like a normal character mod

agreed, seems like a separate suggestion thread tho
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I feel like the fact that you cant use other blue mods (ok just car spawner), and the fact that it shows up on radar is downside enough.
But Im told this is a minority opinion.

On 8/16/2018 at 8:59 PM, MrsHappyPenguin said:

You know what, REMOVE IT. It's 100% broken. Anything that gives a player a wall hack should be removed from the game. Same goes with the flare gun and firework launcher.

At this point, I support low rank players downloading wall hacks because it's the only way they can fairly fight players with these overpowered R195 mods and weapons. I have multiple R195+ characters, so I'm well aware how to use them.

Thats gonna be a no from me dog.

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51 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

I feel like the fact that you cant use other blue mods (ok just car spawner), and the fact that it shows up on radar is downside enough.
But Im told this is a minority opinion.

Thats gonna be a no from me dog.

You don't really need the mobile spawn exploit (it is an exploit, it bypasses the spawn distance rules) when you can already see players through walls. Even then, if half your teammates have radar and the others mobile spawner, you can keep a spot pinned down easily without exposing yourselves.

I think the only R195 mod that is even remotely balanced is fragile, because it reduces the ttk on many weapons used against you, and you can't heal right away due to lack of CA. That's a real downside to gaining a tiny bit of speed.

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here's my take on balancing out the radar tower... (oh and also, buff radar jammer range... right now it pretty much warns your enemy that you're in 50m range of him, make it 80m I'd say)

-reduce radius to 10-15m instead of 20m. make it so radar tower always shows up for the enemy... it'll still be a big enough radius to cover a good chunk of the mission / flanking area but they know where it is and how to avoid it - if possible... you'd either make people NOT go take the path that you've blocked or make themselfes visible, if they choose to ignore it OR to destroy it.. (what some people don't seem to realize is that while you can kill a radar tower vehicle, it still exposes your position even if you've never been in the radius... you know, you gotta lob nades at it or shoot.. which also takes away your nades for further engagements)

-only works while vehicle stands still (prevents the "driving around to spot people")

Edited by Snubnose

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Having it always displayed would work. It should work the same way mobile spawner is displayed.

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