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1 hour ago, MistyRayne said:

I'm 50 years old. I wish my parents had a credit card back in the day but dont think they issued them to people on public assistance. 😞

People in the 50's still make bad decisions..


In my honest opinion, you seem to know the consequences of driving cross *red light* and this time it didn't ended well. 

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Posted (edited)
On 8/26/2024 at 9:34 AM, Heal said:

People in the 50's still make bad decisions..


In my honest opinion, you seem to know the consequences of driving cross *red light* and this time it didn't ended well. 


Edited by MistyRayne

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Just now, MistyRayne said:

Are you high your not making sence?

Not even close, but seems you're in the dead end 😉 

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Posted (edited)
On 8/26/2024 at 9:38 AM, Heal said:

Not even close, but seems you're in the dead end 😉 



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Just now, MistyRayne said:

Yep your high or just plain brain dead lol


If that makes your boat floating, sure. "Mr. man in the 50's"


I suggest you watch few Chuck Norris movies, at least to get rid of the tears 🙂 

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Posted (edited)
On 8/26/2024 at 9:42 AM, Heal said:

If that makes your boat floating, sure. "Mr. man in the 50's"


I suggest you watch few Chuck Norris movies, at least to get rid of the tears 🙂 


Edited by MistyRayne

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1 minute ago, MistyRayne said:

Get a life kid and quit running red lights and stilling your parents credit card for APB. Oh and move out your parents basement before you end up on True Crimes TV



On your way to the support ticket 😄 

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14 hours ago, MistyRayne said:

Sounds like you must know this from experience maybe?

Never committed fraud. Buying pre-paid cards to make purchases seems sus already unless you are 15 and using parents cash. 

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Posted (edited)
On 8/26/2024 at 10:41 PM, Deadliest said:

Never committed fraud. Buying pre-paid cards to make purchases seems sus already unless you are 15 and using parents cash. 



Edited by MistyRayne

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1 hour ago, MistyRayne said:

And you are ignorant as hell if you give every Tom Diick and Harry on the internet your bank account info kid. I guess you live and you learn the hard way.

insane take lol

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4 hours ago, MistyRayne said:

And you are ignorant as hell if you give every Tom Diick and Harry on the internet your bank account info kid. I guess you live and you learn the hard way.


It seems with your topic here, you're the one learning with a lesson ...

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Posted (edited)
On 8/27/2024 at 4:31 AM, Heal said:

It seems with your topic here, you're the one learning with a lesson ...


Edited by MistyRayne

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40 minutes ago, MistyRayne said:

Sure did dont give a shady game developer money 😞

Out of curiosity would you expect with this thread, that the support would consider answering you as the first thing by now?

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Posted (edited)
On 8/27/2024 at 5:39 AM, Heal said:

Out of curiosity would you expect with this thread, that the support would consider answering you as the first thing by now?






Edited by MistyRayne

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On 8/27/2024 at 12:39 PM, MistyRayne said:

Due to all the immature trolls I am done trying to update the community about how their suppost system and staff works so goodbye have fun all you juvenille delinquents that just like to "troll the forums".



See you Mr. Strong Man 🙂 




On 8/27/2024 at 12:35 PM, MistyRayne said:

Out of curiosity why are you posting to this thread, just to try to annoy someone? Heres you a cookie now go watch cartoons kid.



I will have that while playing in San Paro 🙂 See you around 

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Imagine being in your 50's and THIS mad about a fucking video game, APB of all video games to add to that...


Acting like a literal manchild, throwing a massive temper tantrum and overal being extremely toxic towards others, good thing that you can't play anymore.. I can't even comprehend how you would be ingame if you're acting like this on the forums... Wouldn't really wish anyone to get matched up with you or against you either, aside from cheaters (Just to see you having a meltdown like you have on here) obviously.


Anyway, bye bye mister manchild.. Don't forget to close the door on your way out..

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Posted (edited)
On 8/28/2024 at 11:58 AM, randomguy343 said:

Imagine being in your 50's and THIS mad about a fucking video game, APB of all video games to add to that...


Acting like a literal manchild, throwing a massive temper tantrum and overal being extremely toxic towards others, good thing that you can't play anymore.. I can't even comprehend how you would be ingame if you're acting like this on the forums... Wouldn't really wish anyone to get matched up with you or against you either, aside from cheaters (Just to see you having a meltdown like you have on here) obviously.


Anyway, bye bye mister manchild.. Don't forget to close the door on your way out..


Edited by MistyRayne

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19 minutes ago, MistyRayne said:

A $5,000 video game with 11 years of play time invested. And like Im rolling on the floor screaming and kickng throughing a tamtrum, LMAO. And IM only being toxic to idiots like you being exremely toxic to me in this thread. any way bye bye mister I dont wanna grow up I wanna be a troll my whole life.

Don't invest money you can't afford to lose.

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Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, MistyRayne said:

A $5,000 video game with 11 years of play time invested. And like Im rolling on the floor screaming and kickng throughing a tamtrum, LMAO. And IM only being toxic to idiots like you being exremely toxic to me in this thread. any way bye bye mister I dont wanna grow up I wanna be a troll my whole life.

The irony in you saying that others need to grow up when YOU'RE the one here crying over a goddamn video game lmfao... The only actual idiot here is you, take the L already and stop being such a manchild towards everybody on here just because YOU hate what they have to say to you...


You claim to be in your 50's yet you act like you're in your 10's..


Also, stop beating around the bush.. Your story is as legit as those scam emails from people pretending to be African royalties who want to give you 10 billion dollars... You straight up shared your password with someone, got your account compromised or dumped money into it that you dind't had before.. Your entire so called story comes down to nothing more than "Trust me bro, my source is that you must all trust me"... I've heard better stories in the past regarding the never ending "trust me bro" shtick..


Anyway, learn how to behave next time before you open your mouth just to scream against a wall... Bozo..


Edit: It's funny how you claim to be only toxic to those who are toxic yet you LITERALLY were the one being toxic in the first place by saying "To bad you cant comprehend what you are reading" towards cookie... So stop playing the victim already.. It's a wonder how you're not even banned yet or that you haven't been punished by a time-out with the way you behave on here to community moderators..

Edited by randomguy343

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Posted (edited)


23 hours ago, Heal said:

Don't invest money you can't afford to lose.






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Bro's got maybe 10 years of good life left before it goes downhill rapidly and this is where he spends it

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10 hours ago, MistyRayne said:

Keep trolling with your smart patootie comments please. This community is great. It so toxic. I think I just give up and let them have the win. Not worth putting up with this community and staff anymore. 


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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, VanilleKeks said:

Bro's got maybe 10 years of good life left before it goes downhill rapidly and this is where he spends it

Sad isn't it...



Edited by randomguy343

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