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The OCA and OCA-SD variants (Whisper not included) have received the following changes:


The OCA and OCA-SD variants have had their crouch modifier adjusted, going from 0.8 to 0.95. This means that they will no longer gain as much accuracy when crouched.

The effective range has been adjusted. The dropoff now starts at 17.5 meters rather than 30.

The dropoff range has also been adjusted, now dealing its minimum damage after 7.5 meters rather than 20 meters. This means these weapons will now deal their minimum damage of 37 damage per shot at 25 meters rather than 50 meters."



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On 11/23/2020 at 10:28 PM, R3ACT3M said:



The OCA and OCA-SD variants (Whisper not included) have received the following changes:


The OCA and OCA-SD variants have had their crouch modifier adjusted, going from 0.8 to 0.95. This means that they will no longer gain as much accuracy when crouched.

The effective range has been adjusted. The dropoff now starts at 17.5 meters rather than 30.

The dropoff range has also been adjusted, now dealing its minimum damage after 7.5 meters rather than 20 meters. This means these weapons will now deal their minimum damage of 37 damage per shot at 25 meters rather than 50 meters."




I don't get how them nerfing the cqc  30m- role of smgs is something to be happy about.

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3 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

I don't get how them nerfing the cqc  30m- role of smgs is something to be happy about.

Because they are SMGs not rifles. As someone who liked the oca before the buff they made some good decisions.

The oca and PMG can compete and are great counters to each other

The Tommygun can now compete with the Joker Carbine


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18 minutes ago, nikitos5 said:

OCA Whisper still 30m dropoff range pepeLaugh

The oca whisper has a Built in red mod. Meaning its fire rate and range cannot be manipulated so it acts as a counter for the tommy gun and joker carbine. 

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On 11/25/2020 at 11:12 PM, R3ACT3M said:

Because they are SMGs not rifles. As someone who liked the oca before the buff they made some good decisions.

The oca and PMG can compete and are great counters to each other

The Tommygun can now compete with the Joker Carbine


Except rifles get 2x the range already and are so versatile they are easily used in cqc even against pointman weapons? Cool, now CQC gets 1/3 the range as rifles which already dominate the meta. They litterally just nerfed oca from base range 0-30 to worse, despite the fact that rifles are good up to like 0-65m while OCA was only "good" from 0-20m fairly reliably while being pretty unreliable past 20. There was no need to nerf its 30m range because it wasn't that effective at 30m and it took almost a full mag if not more to take someone out at that range. It feels like they have some incompetant weapon balance people who have no clue what they are doing. Half the changes are good, the other half make no sense and are legit trash.

Edited by Noob_Guardian
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19 minutes ago, Noob_Guardian said:

Except rifles get 2x the range already and are so versatile they are easily used in cqc even against pointman weapons? Cool, now CQC gets 1/3 the range as rifles which already dominate the meta. They litterally just nerfed oca from base range 0-30 to worse, despite the fact that rifles are good up to like 0-65m while OCA was only "good" from 0-20m fairly reliably while being pretty unreliable past 20. There was no need to nerf its 30m range because it wasn't that effective at 30m and it took almost a full mag if not more to take someone out at that range. It feels like they have some incompetant weapon balance people who have no clue what they are doing. Half the changes are good, the other half make no sense and are legit trash.

You totally forgot about the fire rate difference. And the fact that you can hip fire the oca. Which is what sets it apart in cqb. Rifles are supposed to dominate mid range while also having the chance to dominate close up. Also if the oca “wasn’t that effective” past that range why was I getting sniped by it? People who main weapons that let you strafe without accuracy loss fail to see that its not the gun itself that makes it broken its the fact that in order to get the accuracy of a rifle you have to go into marksman mode. Which in turn only allows you to move so much much. Vs an oca or joker carbine where you can strafe at running speed. Their nerf makes them still great in close quarters. The oca is a great counter for a lot of close quarters weapons. And now other guns can actually rival it. I for one can actually play the M-1922 again because it can rival the joker carbine. If you want oca range then stop crying and put IR3 on it.

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This nerf gives shotguns a chance. And ATAC to dominate.

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1 hour ago, R3ACT3M said:

You totally forgot about the fire rate difference. And the fact that you can hip fire the oca. Which is what sets it apart in cqb. Rifles are supposed to dominate mid range while also having the chance to dominate close up. Also if the oca “wasn’t that effective” past that range why was I getting sniped by it? People who main weapons that let you strafe without accuracy loss fail to see that its not the gun itself that makes it broken its the fact that in order to get the accuracy of a rifle you have to go into marksman mode. Which in turn only allows you to move so much much. Vs an oca or joker carbine where you can strafe at running speed. Their nerf makes them still great in close quarters. The oca is a great counter for a lot of close quarters weapons. And now other guns can actually rival it. I for one can actually play the M-1922 again because it can rival the joker carbine. If you want oca range then stop crying and put IR3 on it.

So? If the TTK of the OCA is at least double because of of the bloom, an AR should have no issue taking the OCA out at 25m. Even with added mobility it won't do much. The extra mobility only helps in cqc 5-10m fights. After that strafe speed becomes much easier to handle. At 25m a rifle won't have much issue hitting a strafing OCA because the distance to move the mouse to hit becomes less.


At this point it seems like you have no clue how to balance and just wanted the OCA nerfed to oblivion.

Edited by Noob_Guardian

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3 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

So? If the TTK of the OCA is at least double because of of the bloom, an AR should have no issue taking the OCA out at 25m. Even with added mobility it won't do much. The extra mobility only helps in cqc 5-10m fights. After that strafe speed becomes much easier to handle. At 25m a rifle won't have much issue hitting a strafing OCA because the distance to move the mouse to hit becomes less.

The ability to super strafe is going to increase the amount of time it will take to kill with a rifle. Sure any one with a rifle can easily kill an oca strafing out in the middle of no where but that's not usually the case. Plus the oca at 30m could easily beat out every smg, now it fits snug with them all. I still get defeated by it when it's played where it's supposed to. SMG's aren't supposed to be jack of all trades.


3 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

At this point it seems like you have no clue how to balance and just wanted the OCA nerfed to oblivion.

You are implying that I want the oca to be nerfed more but I think it's great now. The oca can be equiped with improved rifling 3 which will put it at 30m again if you rather have range than the faster firerate of cooling jacket.

Edited by R3ACT3M

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24 minutes ago, R3ACT3M said:

The ability to super strafe is going to increase the amount of time it will take to kill with a rifle. Sure any one with a rifle can easily kill an oca strafing out in the middle of no where but that's not usually the case. Plus the oca at 30m could easily beat out every smg, now it fits snug with them all. I still get defeated by it when it's played where it's supposed to. SMG's aren't supposed to be jack of all trades.


You are implying that I want the oca to be nerfed more but I think it's great now. The oca can be equiped with improved rifling 3 which will put it at 30m again if you rather have range than the faster firerate of cooling jacket.

The OCA wouldn't be able to beat the other SMGs so easily at 30m if they reverted the recent buffs and left it at G1 .7ttk and stats which would have left PMG better still at range even after its nerf. But instead of fixing the problem, they nerfed the PMG and buffed the OCA in the same go, which lead to this problem instead of just nerfing PMG (like I said before  LO's reworks in some senses make 0 sense). OCA never needed the initial buff, and i'll stand adamantly with that, because it was never an overpowered or broken weapon until they started to screw with it.


OCA could always be equipped with IR3, the difference was there was no reason to because it was balanced and after 30m it made no sense to because of bloom. All they did was nerf it so you have to use IR if you want to get base range which is honestly dumb af.


I said you wanted it nerfed, not that you wanted it nerfed "more". Big difference. I want it back to its balanced state before it got fucked with unnecessarily, because the PMG was overshadowing it.

Edited by Noob_Guardian

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