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The Amazing APB Reloaded 3D Render Community

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Who will guess exactly, win a royal vegas 3 slot ❤️ 

Some more trace for solution here :




story continues :3 ^video on top.


Edited by Queen of Love
more video
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Before I go down this rabbit hole of learning. Is it possible to covert my character from the game in a STL file to 3d print? 

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On 9/30/2021 at 11:44 AM, Kaos88 said:

Before I go down this rabbit hole of learning. Is it possible to covert my character from the game in a STL file to 3d print? 

Yes. Just Build some 3d base support for arms in your model 

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"Hello Caza"


The test continue, BGE can do something nice with few 😄
Now i got 60 fps if map is really simple and 18 also if is an entire district 😄 



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This is APB related, cause yes.

Who could win in a cat fight between Tina and Kelly?
Could enforcer stuns tecnique overtake  pro wrestling?
The wild strength of Kelly or the high acrobatic moves of Tina?
The kevlar3 + Valzipram Tablets or the powered devastation hits?
Place you bets.

get the extact result for:

winner: 2x
number of round: 3x

order of winning round: 5x


Update :

Bets are closed!
Enjoy the match.
WARNING: Extreme Milk Violence.



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does anyone have any ripped environments from the game with textures they can share? Going through that process sounds like a proper mission if it's even still possible...

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Trench Coat Not available ?
Still waiting it since 2011?
No problem ^-^ ask Kelly !
TrenchCoat_hackV3.rus Available 😄 
❤️ Fully rigged and working in any district.

PS:Need long hair? Ask Now! sale 55.99% !! (only rubles) 😄 


Edited by Queen of Love
Ypa !!

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On 8/12/2021 at 6:43 PM, Queen of Love said:


i think that kid has seen more then god. like she went to the deeps of hell an came back with that stare




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On 6/24/2022 at 4:15 AM, cowhorseman said:


She lives in a Heavy Battlecruiser ,with nuclear warheads, full of special assault unit and officers, is normal that expression is always lively and curious.
In theory she never been on land.

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6 hours ago, Queen of Love said:

She lives in a Heavy Battlecruiser ,with nuclear warheads, full of special assault unit and officers, is normal that expression is always lively and curious.
In theory she never been on land.

fish kid part of a spec ops got it

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how do you guys pull the textures out? 
Generic people's pack doesn't seem to have the textures, and i cannot find them anywhere...

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On 6/27/2022 at 2:17 PM, Viper8K said:

how do you guys pull the textures out? 
Generic people's pack doesn't seem to have the textures, and i cannot find them anywhere...

Search better 😄❤️ or click my signature. 


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Behind the scene! 😄 


Edited by Queen of Love
NEW_1 colors,money , rubles. MORE MONEY, i need rubles and Milk.

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Kelly Hair generator v1 !
😄 it works ! 




yes ^-^ ❤️


Works also for hat dresser 😄 in simple way! 



Melee Weapons in APB, concept art.




Horse could be a nice feature in APB:Reloaded.

  • 1: DoesnT explode.
  • 2: Could reduce the item running issues.
  • 3: Allow rider to reload weapon while moving.
  • 4: DoesnT have annoying music system .
  • 5: Could jump and avoid civilian npc.
  • 6: Every game use it.
  • 7: Could reach the player alone.
  • 8: Cause yes. 


Question = Why APB Doesn'T need any engine update?KeBlondie_sit_002.png

A: Cause is perfect.


!this is a scandal! is quite nudeeee!   ---is more nude on my channel.
!i will tell to my mom what you post! ---ask for a better breakfast too. You need less sugar.
!She is Kellyblonde! but is brunette!-- company doesnT apply  refunds.
!i want that stocking! --- marketplace, plus a good version of Blender.
! She is single?! --- Not. Married too. 



"Don't tell a word ,boy!" Myclientispersecuted_001.png






Edited by Queen of Love
cause yes. <3 hat
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On 1/12/2023 at 3:24 PM, Queen of Love said:




Horse could be a nice feature in APB:Reloaded.

  • 1: DoesnT explode.
  • 2: Could reduce the item running issues.
  • 3: Allow rider to reload weapon while moving.
  • 4: DoesnT have annoying music system .
  • 5: Could jump and avoid civilian npc.
  • 6: Every game use it.
  • 7: Could reach the player alone.
  • 8: Cause yes. 


horse can be used to poop on enimes and  there cars. horses can scale anything as seen in such hit games like skyrim and fallen earth. and that one game people remember but don't

horse can also kick people.


horse is superior to any machine man has


what you want passenger? most of your team steals your car flips you the bird then crashes it and blows up what you need passangers? HORSE IS YOUR PASSANGER


also horse tell you when danger coming listen for the neighs


horse is a 10/10 car is a 1/10

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How the save APB.
(Open the church in Financial district and fix the script entrance 😄 )

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On 4/18/2023 at 11:30 PM, Queen of Love said:

How the save APB.
(Open the church in Financial district and fix the script entrance 😄 )



Wow that kinda reminds me of the Reloaded APB live action trailer 🙂





Imagine if we had those clothes ingame ❤️

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