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Everything posted by TheAceNinja

  1. This guys bent on believing only Chinese players cheat in the whole world and thinks BE is impenetrable. It's gonna be a rude patootie awaking for him lol
  2. Imagine being this ignorant. Holy hell. Lol
  3. Just like any other anti-cheat, there will still be hackers. Hopefully this cuts down on the amount by a good margin though.
  4. Beginning sounds like a bad drug trip. Otherwise not bad. If you aren't jamming to this 24/7, get cultured.
  5. Only if your clothing and symbols are worth selling, which most aren't.
  6. V-spamming (or whatever you have it set to) definitely screws up the hitbox. That's why people use it. Otherwise why would you purposely screw up your aiming and tracking? Hitboxes have always been janky as hell on this game, no one can deny that. Also, some child is downvoting all my posts because I'm speaking facts, gotta love it.
  7. Are you losing every single match you play with only one kill? Average match even if you lose is close to $12/1500 A 1 or 2 slot weapon is less then 20k, and you get it for 7 days. If you're having problems making money, that's entirely on you, not the game. You can easily hit 100k in a week if you're playing a few hours a day and doing missions.
  8. If we want to get real technical, you can easily create aimbots and triggerbots, or even anti-recoil scripts on just about every single gaming mouse with a simple text editor and lua. Just because those are simple text edits doesn't mean more nefarious things couldn't be done. Let's just hope they add the option for sprint and crouch since it's super common in games these days.
  9. First off, if you're gonna try and be sarcastic, at least develope basic reading comprehension. Second, mumble and overwolf were 100% allowed through PB and people still tried to use it as an excuse as to why they got banned. Just because something is allowed doesn't mean people won't lie about excuses. And this goes towards any/all edits and changes someone does to their game and overlay, not just a crosshair. There's a reason Matt said not to edit any files or even really use the advanced launcher until they can fully test it and make sure there is no chance of a false flag.
  10. It's more of a red herring. Using "third party" software like that gives someone an excuse that can't be readily proved/disproved if they were to get flagged for an actual cheat. There's countless posts on forums about people getting banned by anti-cheats and using mumble/overwolf as an excuse. Luckily some companies with their own in-house cheat can disprove the claim since they know what's being flagged. Realistically there's no reason you need an overlay crosshair or to know who's talking in your tiny mumble/teamspeak/discord while playing a game. Though like people have said, just wait. They're gonna be running things against BE and whatever else they may have in-house to see if it works.
  11. Who's not calm? I use Field Supplier, just like everyone else does. I also use Nitro 3 on my car. Yet, AGAIN, I've never lost a mission or fight and went "DAMN, IF ONLY I HAD A LOWER COOLDOWN!" If someone has paid for/used premium since day 1 then it's going to be a little jarring since they're not used to the cool down difference, but it shouldn't affect their play style in anyway. That's the point I'm making. IF someone believes premium is the ONLY reason they're losing a fight or having a much harder time, it's because they're looking for an excuse.
  12. Forgot to quote the "Helps", because that term is completely subjective for players. Like I said, I've paid for 60 days worth of Premium twice in 8 years of playing this game and have never once thought I'd do better or won a mission if I had it. Anyone who honestly thinks it's a P2W aspect of the game or some kind of crutch is just looking for excuses as to why someone else beat them and that's the first thing they notice.
  13. It literally makes zero difference. I've never lost a mission in my 8 years of playing this game and went "Damn, if only they didn't have premium!" Anyone who does is literally grasping for straws at an excuse. Yes, it HELPS (Again, HELPS) with certain things but it's not going to massively swing a battle in your favor.
  14. Wouldn't say any of that is "Crucial" as the grand majority of the player base doesn't use it. However, you'll just have to wait for an "OK" for those since two of them have you technically modifying the game files. Overwolf/Mumble might not work since PUBG/Fortnite/Siege all use BE and they've disabled them completely.
  15. ???? You're blaming your losses on lack of premium? That's just hilarious. I haven't paid for Premium since 2014, have no problems winning matches, nor do I have any problems making money. The ONLY thing that's "NICE" is the cool down on Field Supplier. Which, if you are playing with a friend or someone who has resupply boxes it's literally irrelevant. Premium should stay exactly how it is. That's how it works in many other F2P games with Premium.
  16. Favorite moments? 10vs10 Creme de le Crime when you'd farm each stage for 10 minutes each. Nothing like a hectic shitfest for over an hour with rockets, grenades launchers, dump trucks, and every gun under the sun. At that point it didn't even matter who won. It was fight club before fight club.
  17. In the same boat. Taking a good break until BE comes out. Once it does, I'll probably end up buying G1C again.
  18. While this is still going to happen, BE definitely isn't perfect. As long as the person is "Fortunate" enough to not log on during a detection phase, they can last months. You will still definitely have people continuing to cheat until they get caught.
  19. I mean, if you're main mention is AHK then it's not an issue at all. AHK itself is extremely easy to detect and has always been bannable.
  20. ?? So what's the punishment? I was told to just /ignore in the future, and the person in question is still playing so it obviously can't be that severe. SMH
  21. Might get them a mute, but don't know if it's bannable. Sent in a ticket for the same thing and was told to just use the /ignore function in the future.
  22. Buy a sub from a shady website :^)
  23. Not really. You can easily crouch spam in all of those games. Granted it's not as FAST as APB, but it's still hilarious to play Wack-A-Mole in those games.
  24. As Lust mentioned, I don't think I've ever considered this a real problem and I've been here since 2011. I don't get why people think crouching/uncrouching should have some kind of weird aim penalty when literally any other shooter out there does the same thing. Fortnite, PUBG, ArmA, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Halo. If you're aiming at someone, crouching and uncrouching literally does nothing to your accuracy. Also, the post earlier saying "The only counter to an HVR is another HVR" clearly doesn't understand the game mechanics enough. HVR's get beat out (At range) by Obeyas, Ntecs, even Stars quite often. It's not hard, adapt. Don't try to fight a sniper head on who has cover. That should literally be Rule #1. SMH
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