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Posts posted by GhosT

  1. 2 minutes ago, isaac-the-dad said:

    Excuse me, but you didn't really answer my question - what I was wondering is, will it be customizable?


    Of course it is. It's the same base 4 slot car.


    The only non-customizable armas vehicles are the ones that already come pre-designed.


    Other than that, all joker store cars are uncustomizable, except the 4x4 vegas that isn't the firebomb.

    All time leased cars from contacts are uncustomizable, but permanent ones are.

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  2. 5 hours ago, PingOVER9000 said:


    .... for what I see until now,  seem the matter how it is all managed these balancing....


    I mean, after just spit out a weapon balance for a certain tier, "someone" just jump to another one, assuming the previous balance is well done and complete.


    spct or who make test/ change dont care about feedbacks, complain, or better manage a poll after some time the change, I didnt see nothing of at all


    for what I see after a first try, the change is permanent or 98% of times if there is a next changelog, it will just ruin (or at best incostitent) more the weapon/s itself (shotgun tier, far, rfp, thunder etc docet) , dont  dare to tell your opinion or waste your time, until competent LO team get the time for doing it properly  and shut down people such Frosi and Ghost seem we will see incostitent change for a long time.


    of course honestly not all it is such a waste, the cars change is a cleary exception and a well done balance


    I'm not sure what you're ranting about, you said a lot but never got to a point.



    Regarding your dislike towards Frosi and me, I can tell you that even if one of us manages to get a change into the game, it'll be tested by many people, from all kinds of skill territories. Getting rid of us won't change a single thing since it's still the whole team testing and discussing things, and LO pulling the major string in deciding what goes into the game.

    By the way, both of us were involved in the vehicle rebalance, which you seem to like. :)


    We're at least doing something to help the overall game health. It's way more playable than it was a year ago, but there's still many things to iron out.

    As @KyoukiDotExe mentioned earlier, it's very welcome and appreciated by everyone involved if people would make constructive posts about their ideas on things to change, instead of ranting here and there. That gets you nowhere.



    However speaking about weapon balance, I too am not a fan of basically rebuilding all the guns when there's only been a few problematic ones to fix before the shotgun changes and curve mechanics came in. But that's how it is now, and LO can't just flick a switch and revert to some older stats, especially not when it's older stats before LO got into APB.

  3. 1 minute ago, Hexerin said:

    You've got it reversed. The bug back in G1 days was that ammo was resupplied on respawn for free. Little Orbit made a change to where ammo wasn't automatically purchased at all (because they couldn't figure out the code to just fix the bug and leave the feature alone), but that triggered massive community backlash to the point they had to revert the change and return the system to how it was (bug and all).


    Are we talking about the same thing? I think we're not.



    There's two kinds of auto-purchasing ammo.


    The one I meant is that the game resupplies you with a full loadout upon respawn, even if your locker is empty.

    For the first few G1 years, you respawned without any ammo if you didn't have ammo in your locker. That eventually changed and you spawned with a full loadout.


    The other is starting to resupply with an empty locker, which takes a little longer.

    This has always been a thing and never changed, unless you count the time when the manual T resupply was changed to an automatic proximity resupply. But the mechanic stayed the same.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Aeronaut said:

    jesus christ it's like i stepped outside of a time capsule


    how long has it been like this?


    8 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    Since always. If you have no ammo available, the game will purchase enough ammo to refill your gun when you resupply / respawn after a death. The downside to this is that it causes you to resupply slower, which still gives an incentive to stock up your ammo reserves between missions.


    So yes, it would be very nice if there was a way to just click a single button at the ammo vendor and have all your ammo types filled fully all at once.


    Eh, not always. G1 changed (or bugged?) that at some point, somewhere 2015 maybe?

    You had to purchase ammo for a long time.


    Eventually LO undid that for a short time, players didn't like it for some reason, and reverted it.

  5. 3 hours ago, TheMessiah said:

    We need monthly/weekly threat activities and option for equal threat challenges on mission districts despite the threat district.Golds can only challenge golds to a match,silvers only silvers etc.Something like that may actually calm down the spirits and can make the matches more fair plus there can be rewards JT,money etc


    Will people ever give up trying to fix matchmaking? Gold currently ranges from Silver 6 up to Gold 10. That's 14 threat levels to matchmake with.

    There's simply no playerbase for proper matchmaking right now.

  6. Yeah your picture is not working..



    Sure it's annoying but you can:


    • kill him

    • make him kill you 5 times so he gets kicked

    • request team leadership and kick him

    • wait for the enemies to kill him


    And what is "Why the game mechanics automaticly remove the Teamlider from the side?" supposed to mean?


    //Edit: throw a "concurssion gernade"

    • Thanks 1

  7. 8 minutes ago, RatedX said:

    While the "Lower skill" argument might seem elitist, its a true variable when it comes to Weapon balancing.

    Remember, people higher on the skill curve tend to have a better understanding on how to exploit game mechanics and weapon balance issues.
    For instance, the N-tec jumpshooting, while you rarely if at all saw a low-mid gold use it , it was a very common and blatantly busted mechanic that High-golds were using and abusing to effectively make the n-tec extremely viable in CQC.
    The old HVR QS mechanic is also a very good example.

    If you balance a weapon for the highest level of play, it will be balanced for the lowest levels aswell. However, balancing a weapon to appease the lower end of the skill spectrum will turn the weapon into a monster on the hands of a higher skilled player.

    LO listening to people on the lower end of the skill bracket is quite frankly, scary, in regards to future balancing to say the least.


    True, but there's also high skill players with questionable opinions about balance.

    There's been plenty of those that refused to acknowledge that the N-TEC was overperforming and needed changes.


    Balancing weapons with input from every skill level, data and as many players as possible is the best way to get an even playground.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Flaws said:

    I don't know if I feel like having the exact same discussion as we did a year ago. I disagree with most of what you've written and I think its the view of a player of lesser skill (nothing wrong with that), especially the N-TEC comment. I lack interest in the game nowadays to argue about these things again, especially considering that LO refuse to listen anyway. The population numbers speak for themselves.


    I'm definitely not going to start argueing with you, don't worry. It'll get nowhere anyway, considering your questionable view on game health.

    It's always funny when people think "lower skill level" is an argument, just shows how selfish someone thinks.


    Either way, you can trust me on this - LO does listen and there's a bunch of community players sharing their thoughts and playtests upcoming changes, coming from all skill levels, even including "yours".


    The population numbers go down because there hasn't been a single content update for almost a decade, only a few adjustments and smaller quality-of-life updates here and there like the trading system.

    It has little to nothing to do with rebalancing things, maybe a handful of players who had their overperforming crutches taken away.


    If anything, the fact that the game still has a playable playerbase after all this time just shows how big of a potential APB has.

  9. 5 hours ago, Flaws said:

    Yeah and how did them not listening go for them? We went from having more options that were viable in the meta to like 2-3 and with each weapon change patch the population dropped more and more and we're now here with people quitting left and right for good (in addition to all the other problems with the game and the engine upgrade progress). There is no way to achieve such balance between so many guns where all of them remain viable and used equally as much. Whats more important is to make the meta more diverse similarly to what it was before LO started fiddling with weapons.


    We had a decently stable meta that people liked before LO started toying around with it. In their attempts to diversify it more, they made it tons more stale. JG became broken for years and still is, then PMG got buffed and OCA got nerfed so it was nothing but JG/PMG all day, every day on every tryhard every mission for months and months. Then we got an OCA re-buff but we lost the PMG in the process so now its JG/OCA instead. Meanwhile the shotguns have barely been touched since they completely butchered them originally where JG is an absolute monster and CSG feels like a nerf gun.


    The N-TEC (the one gun that requires most skill in the whole game that is able to compete) got like 300 needless nerfs while other "GGEZ" weapons like OCA/PMG/JG got buffed to the point where you don't need any other weapons at all. The HVR got butchered and is now just broken at range but boring as hell to play. You know, at least it was fun before. OBIR got a huge nerf with the bolt timer on it which only makes the game slower and more boring. RFP got executed mercilessly, head clean off medieval style. That gun is dead in the water.


    The only good things that have come out of LO's weapon balancing are things like the COBR-A and maybe the Misery which got buffed. All in all, their nerfs have been horrible to the point where they kill a gun and their buffs are meh at best with a couple good ones. Before any other changes happen, they should revert 90% of what they've done first and start from there. And most importantly, stop being so stubborn with reverting weapons. The game is on the brink of dying completely and potentially shutting down for good, they don't have the option to be stubborn and not listen to the right people anymore.


    Buffing everything to the level of the N-TEC would be the exact opposite of making the meta more diverse.


    I do agree that the weapon balance was near perfect before LO did all the balance changes.


    Shotguns for example were the most balanced class before the LO shotgunning, with maybe the Shredder needing some love, And only a few weapons like the HVR, N-TEC, PMG and some others that needed changes.

    Now roll back a little and undo all the unnecesary nerfs G1 did at one point with the introduction of curve mechanics that ruined many weapons like the NCR or FFA 'BullShark'.

    That's what should've been done in my opinion, and not slightly touching a few weapons here and there. The AR-97 or R-2 for example received a couple tweaks to "buff" them, but their performance didn't change at all.


    N-TEC is far from requiring much skill, it's literally just learning the tap fire rythm and you can spam it all day long up to marksman range.

    The OCA received yet another unnecessary buff by G1, that I can agree with. However PMG or JG never received any actual buffs. And you do need other guns because they're solely CQC.

    The HVR is problematic and probably won't ever be properly balanced as long as the Scout exists.

    OBIR bolt timer was well needed for the insane damage output when combined with quickswitching. Though I'd rather adjust its damage values.

    RFP is another prime example that received a buff it never needed and made it ridiculously overpowered, especially the Fang, which could've been called pay to win.


    Still gotta say that APB became more enjoyable to play the way it is right now, I'd rather want pre-LO guns with slight adjustments though.

  10. We've had this topic with the N-TEC, where a lot of people asked to buff all the other guns instead of nerfing that one.

    But doing that would sooner or later result in a game where there's a ton of guns, but all play almost the same.


    Not to mention the immense amount of work and testing this would require, instead of just fixing a small amount of problematic weapons.

  11. 11 hours ago, Goldexen said:

    You should wrote it to Zombie, not Preme
    I agree with him, that more customization options with unlocking both cars and kits of opposite sides will make game better
    It doesn't make any sense that cars was made as alternative to each other(Like Mikro and Vaquero) but you anyway don't have alternative, only one car to use while guy with money spits on the rules of game and just go and buy toreador/police variant of Mikro


    Why write it to zombie if I agree with him? Removing all the faction restrictions sucks.

    Preme just said "to be what you want" which has always been a possibility in APB regardless of restrictions.

  12. 1 hour ago, Abduct / Devote said:

    Don't think you know what "broken" means. Looks like even after many years, you still remain the same. I've been a vet on these forums and I recall you a lot here, always had a hate-boner for the N-TEC. Gun wasn't broken, you're just biased and always have been.

    I'm aware of what broken means. I think you don't know what "opinions" are, do you?


    It certainly wasn't on the same broken level of the Troublemaker or some of G1s other pay to win cashgrabs, but it always stood out over all ARs and other guns.

    I agree that the N-TEC is a highly controversial topic, and there'll always be two halves. One thinks it was fine and would prefer a faster overall TTK in this game by buffing every other gun to its level, and the other half thinks it has to be brought down to the level of all other guns. I'm part of the second half.


    The N-TEC is actually one of the guns I spent the most time on so I can properly talk about it, and it's obvious that it was overperforming. In the end it has been nerfed so I wasn't wrong.

    Mind you, I also called out jumpshooting before they nerfed it, or the 5stk FBW, and everyone laughed at me for how dumb I am before they realized months or years later that they were indeed a little to strong, and here we are.



    58 minutes ago, Uhtdred said:

    true. Ghost even thinks CA is overpowered...

    Why look, some guy misread something I said and is now desperately trying to use it against me... neat.

    CA isn't overpowered.

  13. 22 minutes ago, RespectThis said:

    Even if they aren't as grindy and are easier to get doesn't change the fact that the Ntec and the Star are way more accessible to everyone. The Star being the starter weapon and the base ntec being 3k in game money. Also other games having worse grinds isn't a justification.


    The ntec was very much fine where it was before. Just because an assault rifle preformed its role well doesn't mean its broken. Also you know a lot of people were actually bad at the per nerfed ntec so clearly its not op broken. You're also, like many others, taking buffing around the ntec as making every weapon just like the ntec. Which isn't what is meant by that at all. As I stated in my previous post the Far is a great example of that. Or the ATAC for being the reverse of the Ntec being stronger in close to sub mid range engagements. In regards to other weapons it didn't and never has made other weapons useless at all. Back before any of the nerfs there were tons of OCAs, PMGs, Joker Carbines, Scouts, and HVRs.


    Also if you read what I said you'd notice I very much made the clear indication there is a difference between nerfs and adjustments. The ntec has been nerfed to the point that that gutted it. Where as an adjustment would have been lowering the mag size. An already implemented adjustment being when they tweaked the damage of it so heavy barrel 2 would actually be penalized. It very much was gutted as its core function being a accurate tap fire (not burst fire) assault rifle is gone due to the "fun" extra bloom after a few shots. 


    The N-TEC and STAR being the more accessible guns doesn't mean that the N-TEC is now allowed to drastically outperform every other AR.


    It was broken, as it could easily keep up with shotguns, smgs, ars and marksman rifles. If you refuse to see that, I'm sorry.


    It hasn't been gutted, in fact, it's still one of the best guns and basically the same as before, other than being a tiny bit slower, and that it can't jump shoot that well.

  14. Just now, Uhtdred said:


    You and the OP think CA is overpowered, it's ok...



    we're all wrong except you two.


    If you could read, you would know that I don't think CA is overpowered.


    Shoot me a DM on here or Discord if you wanna continue whining, let's not clutter up the thread with you being upset, aight?

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