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Everything posted by Kariiim

  1. Many people requesting these cause they need like per vid 20 G1C would be good
  2. i am so excited to see the new engine so yesterday i dreamt of it like all i cant remember but remember it was awsome really perfect gameplay so can APB make dreams come true ;o?
  3. I am so bored from the events and it rewards i feel like every year is repeating itself please do something as change
  4. I was playing and i found out that Raptor is an OP wep in which have low recoil kill So fast in 0.75 sec also bloom doesnt extend to much this gun should be nerfed
  5. if u intrested here it is https://discord.gg/f6CxTvu Read Rules before u type a letter and there is no Real Money trading or G1c and if so all on ur own Risk Enter my discord for more information
  6. Please add this a long t shirt which long till the pants https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwju3p-d_oDgAhUrAWMBHRe6A9QQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aliexpress.com%2Fitem%2FHigh-quality-black-white-long-style-sleeve-brand-designer-hip-hop-hiphop-swag-mens-top-tee%2F32463146713.html&psig=AOvVaw2pYJlm5BPyFu2DJwHdUhx7&ust=1548232479684257
  7. can you guy just give some them as change the game language add National Skins also have support in arabic
  8. = ) i was asking if there contacts and the new ranks will be made
  9. i was thinking about why dont the game do a Rifle Gun as legendary this year
  10. i was wondering if you guys u gonna do new ranks that was promised to be made which i saw in nekrova only and the new contacts nad district https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiltJGi8v7fAhWKBWMBHb-oB6QQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsteamcommunity.com%2Fsharedfiles%2Ffiledetails%2F%3Fid%3D294161829&psig=AOvVaw1lV8wihXzvQA5tu2BWIEfR&ust=1548160720786269
  11. U last one talk about bronze lmao u can even aim with ur osmaw max rank
  12. So it's somthing that make people rage and sh*t right?
  13. It was really fun to view someone be banned lol Sorry Bring*
  14. Shotgun is really so bad which is hard to play with cause to get a kill is really should put alot of effort. Also Nfas should be nerfed because it's still op i can get ez kill with no recoil nothing i can shoot while my eyes closed
  15. it doesn't do anything i mean to ban immediately not after the mission ends and see him in another mission
  16. no i mean like i was playing and there was hacker for example and i can send to gm and tell him that there a hacker called (XXX) and he can see what he doing and ban him
  17. i want to have something like gm so if something wrong happened or abused can be banned immediately after he can see the chat logs or if someone hack can ban immidiatly just whisper him and he can investigate immidiatly and see what he can do 3 days ban week 24 hours like this but if banned prem u can just ban him 6 hours and investigate that's it this may solve many things
  18. u said it not all of them though and i want to buy Adder
  19. can they do pundle too xd and bring back the 35 % sales
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