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Posts posted by LilyRain

  1. 8 minutes ago, _chain said:

    Fair enough, solid job, what the hell. If I had nothing to do I'd look at instagram, seems like the most possible place. 


    Bout the pixelating images, i'm pretty sure comes from steam, since there you have to lower the image to about 90x90 pixels in order to upload it.

    Steam lowers the size on its own. I'm currently using a 736x736 pic and it did the work for me


    Using the term 'pixelated' was misleading from my side. It is just that Ch4ncer's style is blocky or Minecraftish. It would look blocky even at 4k, but this forum has a very small size-limit on avatars

  2. 7 minutes ago, _chain said:



     Special services? roleplay?


    From my experience there's some oooobvious people catfishing, easily given out by wether or not you can find the image doing some basic research like ''cute gamer girl'' or just plugging it into google images, see what pops up. Can't seem to find yours online which is already pretty strange. First result takes you to a facebook page, but that's because it's already associated to your g1 nickname even if it has nothing to do with it

    That's because I don't want to be found


    7 minutes ago, ch4ncer said:

    If you pixelate your avatar it might become more believable.

    lol, pls no

  3. 42 minutes ago, ch4ncer said:

    You'd fall in love.

    But no seriously, why do so many people go for fake profile pics nowdays.

    That is yet to be proven


    Because they play too much Minecraft they must have a pixelated pic

    56 minutes ago, _chain said:

    😮 Lily ur a catfish?

    I don't do "special services", but people fall for me easily

  4. On 12/17/2018 at 6:36 AM, JStryker47 said:

    Would it be possible for there to be PVE servers; in which you'd face off against bots instead of players?  Not only would this cut down on time spent waiting for enemies, but it would also make good practice for less skilled players.

    It would be nice to see AI-dummies standing at varying distances in a shooting-range, just like the one Planetside 2 has.


    I believe this one is doable unlike AI that actually plays missions. Simply spawn Civilians, have them make their phone-calls and other animations while buffing their health to 1000. Shouldn't be hard to do

  5. 9 minutes ago, TheKeanuReeves said:

    Money doesn't buy skills. even with 50-60 fps you should be able to play. I mean, Your eyes don't work at such high framerates.

    Human eyes are very capable of registering frames higher than 50-60

  6. 3 minutes ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    I haven't seen a single speed hacker since BE was implemented and I've been playing pretty consistently since then.  I've seen people that I THOUGHT were speed hacking, but it turned out to be a GM every time.  Support has been really backed up since they took over.  I agree that it shouldn't take this long to respond, but think of how backed up they are right now with that thing that happened a few months ago where they got spammed with ~60k tickets.  It's not a lack of effort on their part.  They're most likely struggling to keep up.  If you're saying BE is useless then you don't know what useless is.  Do you have ANY idea what APB was like 7 months ago?  A few speed hackers in every district, shaw copters everywhere.  Now Most of the people who I see that seem suspicious I never end up seeing again.

    You are one lucky-Kitten~~

  7. 7 minutes ago, Kewlin said:


    Yeah, but if he's proven to be cheating he should be banned, not just not given a special reward, lol.


    ↑ Take that because I ran out of daily-reactions. It won't add to your reputation but hey, it is colourful and actually moves~! \(^_^)/


    Absolutely. Giving him a timeout would change the atmosphere of "I can do whatever I want because LO is my bish & won't do anything to make me behave". An example should be made out of few kittens.

  8. What about the obvious-Hacker in Jericho who hacked to win? I won't mention his nickname because of forum-rules, but we all Jericho-Players know who he is. He was openly spoken about on the event's global voice-chat between participants, and then we laughed about how his cheats didn't help him in the explosive game-mode cuz of explosive-fuse-delay.


    You adorable-kittens don't plan on rewarding his 'hard work' by giving him something extra to the skin as well as the insanely-ultra-generous mountain of Joker Tickets, are you~~?



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