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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. 33 minutes ago, SquirrelFace said:

    They will some day. They already block some gaming mice brands for hardware macros, despite the fact that all gaming mice brands have these features.

    Yea some day we gonna be restricted to play with trackballs or something...


    Till this happens an advice:

    Take out your FBW and trigger as fast as u can > u will see u can't kill shit >  slowly lower the amount of klicks > it's working better now? > go on and remember how fast u got to klick it for the fastest fire rate!

    And most important... don't stress out and trigger ur mouse to death just calm down an u will be fine.


    U'r welcome guys 🙂

  2. The Problem is the threat segregation 😉


    But yea let them say / think what they want... 


    I turned down my APB time too.


    With threat segregation i simply get one of those:

    A: some ok and many too hard games in silver district

    B: some ok and many too easy games in bronze district


    But yea i still kinda believe in LO, but maybe just cuz i payed them SEVERAL full priced AAA games since they took over.

  3. 7 hours ago, Gro said:

    Well, shit: new players don't know many things, not just tutorial or how to throw nades.

    It's only means they have to learn it, not that we gotta make the game the way they can play it without learning how to.

    It's a tps shooter, not rocket science, you gotta be like 12 or older to get how things work here. If you aren't intelligent enough to learn basics of a game, go back to your homework, might work out in the end.


    If said "gamers" are not willing to put some effort in any game... just go away and do something else.

    Everyone started without anything and had to make his way... 


    When i started in 2011 there also where some guys with hundreds of hours playtime...


    Can someone tell me what's the difference now? 

    Are the new "gamers" just kittens?

    Did we have bigger balls back than?

    I don't know... 🙄

  4. 1 hour ago, Araun said:

    Well, new players can focus on earning JTs to get perm weapons, even ones from armras. So yeah, but considering trading. Well, you probably missed the moment when they removed ability to gift stuff in armras. You know why? 
    Lets say I gifted you a pack with clothes, weapons and etc and then refunded it. They have to return the money, but they cant " take away " a gift from your account. Blame how it was coded back in the day I guess.
    Soo if we could trade guns from armras, people would buy a gun, give it away so it would change few hands and refund. Or simply buy guns, throw it for cheap, it gets bought in minutes or even seconds, refund.

    As far as i know  they don't refund any armas purchase. Try to buy something and not to see the big NO REFUND thingy

  5. 47 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:


    Go ahead I guess. Maybe what APB needs isnt bronzies fighting dethreaters, it needs bronzies fighting the gold 10 crowd.  That should fix things.


    I should add that was sarcasm, because there are people in the thread who wouldn't realize it.

    Yea if u know what APB needs just tell us...


    Everyone knows the matchmaking and threat needs a rework yes.


    I'm just asking myself how did i start, how can i still be here?

    I just always was here...


    I was here when CSG really was p2w (what is good to be gone!) 


    I was here when scout jumpshooting was a thing (no problem bring it back i can take it)...


    I was here when HVR quickswitching was a thing (also no problem i can take that too)...


    I was here when i saw the "Gold 10 big guys" with the golden skull on the map (missing that one tbh)...


    But yea maybe i got to agree...

    Give the free2play gamers the feeling that threat segregation is a good thing, as we can't make new accounts and bash them with STAR. It's okay maybe that is what APB needs.


    Sorry Cookie no offend but if u really think it helps to segregate the low playerbase anymore than i'd call it bullshoot 😉

  6. 14 minutes ago, Acornie said:

    Everyone saying just remove threat districts all together sure has a ton of faith in matchmaking that it won't do this 9 out of 10 times
    You know that's what it would be like, don't deny it

    I'm sure u had this match with segregation... so it wouldn't change anything... 

    May i ask... How did u play this game from 2012 to the point where they added the segregation? 

    I guess u just took it and played the game without crying hard as "gamers" do nowadays? 

  7. 1 hour ago, Queen of Love said:

    remove threat segregations in districts

    Just thanks! 

    Thats what i'm talking about since ages....

    If LO would realise that segregation causes more problems and doesn't do anything good. @Sakebee @MattScott

    It doesn't even "help" new or low skilled players cuz i also can make hundreds of new accounts to be able to play at all and to be able to play in bronce districts... 

    Than i'll face the same players who think it's helping them in any way...

    It just blocks me to play my main account.

    We also had a vote about that and it was 52 vs 16 to remove segregation.


  8. On 7/14/2020 at 12:30 AM, Sakebee said:

    If you see someone who you think is cheating in game, please don’t confront them. Sometimes you might be facing a player who is very skilled, and even if you are certain, an environment where we constantly accuse each other isn’t what we want to foster here at APB.



    Hackusation doesn't help at all.

    • Like 1

  9. 6 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    (p.s. I hate runners in this game ((People who take the objective and run away with it)) can we a get a system implemented where if a player tries to run away with the obj the game forces it to be dropped when a certain distance away from the base? Like a zone system once it enters this zone it cannot exit causing it to be forced dropped.)

    I hate it too and thankfully many ppl just let it there... BUT its a game mechanic on purpose, otherwise it would be a capture point or graffiti.

    So take out ur Osmaw or Alig and take what the game offers to u.

  10. 14 hours ago, Flaws said:


    So what u basically saying is that it's better for the Game that people aren't able to play at all than playing against too easy or too hard enemies? 


    -full districts

    -spamming join

    -waterfront not available for golds



    dunno man...


    EDIT: Just talking about NOW not talking about after EUpgrade

  11. 1 hour ago, Spy said:

    I can understand why the high legits want the threat segregation gone, easy targets here we come...

    I'm legit (mid-high) silver... just going gold cuz bronce district is too easy.

    when i face real golds i get pushed back down to silver.

    most of the "gold" players u see nowadays are ment to be silver 😉

    That's a problem of population.

    1 hour ago, Spy said:

    forcing low legits to play against high rank

    So u wanna play only with low threat players? Than u'll play alone at one point.

    Also dunno what rank has to do with threat?

    43 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Feels a little weird to talk about since all of this is already going to happen.

    Yea but when? Q1 2014? Tomorrow? In 2 Years?

    I just can't level my chars NOW...

    So why don't open the districts and set all threat color codes to white or something NOW? 


    Dunno what u think about it cookie...

    But i know people not playing cuz of the problems made by threat segregation.

    I am also one of them sometimes.

    • Like 1

  12. 4 hours ago, PolarKC said:

    Remove district threat segregation... BUT only after the cross-server matchmaking system is implemented. This of course requires the engine upgrade to 3.5 to be completed.

    Sure we need the engine upgrade as plattform for nearly every changes.

    But at this time when u can't level up waterfront contacts as a gold Player cuz ther is no silver wf district... That was the case on EU server since last patch. 

    I feel we have to get rid of it as soon™ as possible.

    APB at it's state is just for us "addicted" players, ppl who really want to play it and not inviting players at all...

    I mean: "hey do u want to play some APB?... ok cool, u just have to spam join district for 10min or something" 


    So remove segregation... yesterday pls.

  13. I got a clear stance on that.

    We have to remove the threat segregation! From the beginning it was a fail to introduce it.

    As an addition we should remove the visibility of threat to stop ppl crying about it.


    In my opinion, in the medium and long term, it will bring more players to APB.


    Everyone saying we have already tried:

    NO... we didn't cuz EU servers were hosted in NA and many ppl just didn't play because of high ping.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2

  14. 11 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Dragging and flicking are very different. Dragging really is more of a console aim assist technique where PC players should be flicking instead. 


    Dragging will go over and past the target, using aim assist to pretty much do the work for you.


    Flicking needs to land on the target directly, staying there, and requires more precision. 



    nah never played shooter on console but thousends of hours BFBC2, BF3, BF4, mostly sniper on PC and yea u drag past the target but no need to stay there with a sniper just click at the right moment 😉

    so with bullet ballistics it works, click to point should even work better.


    What makes the "drag" better than a "flick" imo > u go with a more smooth mouse movement


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