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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. 1 hour ago, ticcitobygaming1 said:

    and some of us players with really bad fps dont need to be carried like me, i can hold my own just fine.

    Not carried ingame i meant game optimisation wise. 

    1 hour ago, ticcitobygaming1 said:

    my old laptop im on rn from 2016

    Maybe try a clean install of windows 

    that could help to improve performance.


    Also edited old post.

  2. 3 hours ago, imV said:


    Yea i think u missunderstood me.

    Indeed ur suggestion would help if we had a somewhat healthy playerbase now.

    But there are times when only 1 district is up and splitting it into 10 golds and 30 others will not help at this times.

    We just can't magically get that much players in for ur suggestion to work.


    When engine is out and Players maybe come back it would be a waste of time implementing this when they also could use the time to develop phasing what will be much better if it's done right. 


  3. 6 hours ago, Thiagao145 said:

    So you want to create a safe place to golds to rekt bronzes and green? Sounds like this is what is killing and killed the game. Sounds like you cant hold yourself against other golds and need to go to bronze district in order to feel good about your own..

    I want to create a game where everyone (legit) is able to play anytime... thats it...


    And u?


    What killed the game was the lack of development dude.


    If they cared about APB than it would not be a problem at all.

    The community is not  responsible to protect new and low skilled players... if anyone is than G1.

    It's a game and i simply want to play without thinking about whose feelings i could hurt.

    without nerving myself and go low on snowflakes (that also would trick the system and make it worse).


    I can't hold myself against real gold cuz i am not gold just the system is off. I don't care i'd play on silver too.

    What u and some other ignorant ppl don't realise... sometimes there is no silver district up and golds aren't able to play at all.


    Ah and i never see green players if there were some and only if there were green districts up than bronce, green and beginners would be "safe". 

    Or do u wanna tell me that bronce do not get stomped by silvers too huh? 

    Maybe u just don't play this game, i mean... i get stomped by silvers when i am gold cuz I AM NOT GOLD. The difference is i'm not crying all day long i just take it like it is and move on playing. APB is a shooter, about chaos and war. 


    My suggestion is to open green districts and just lock them to green and bronce.

    All other districts without segregation. 

    win / win

    u are welcome.

  4. On 3/16/2021 at 10:16 PM, imV said:


    So u think gold players schould not be able to play when there is no server up to "hit the requirements" ?


    People saying i am egoistic when i want to play the game no matter if there is a district i can join


    I think its way more egoistic if people want to lock any legit players out of the game just to create a safe place for themselfs.


    Only cheaters, excessive griefers and ppl constantly acting against tos should be locked out of APB. 

  5. put everything u LIKE and DISLIKE about apb here



    = unique gameplay. there is not one game like APB

    = customisation

    = san paro

    = joker store changes (LO)

    = trading system (LO)



    = segregation

    = too many effeminate players for my taste

    = bad performance 

    = they removed too much fun aspects (mostly "old G1")

    = Gamersfirst (really... LO should have discarded that name)


    - what you want to see in engine update

    = no more lags, better overall performance

    = threat slightly "reworked" till they rework it (just shifted to more green less gold or something)

    = all the stuff they talk about


    - wacky things you think they should add to apb 

    = population

    = fun (stuntdriving / remove oob)

    = activ GMs

    = content

    = better anticheat

    = jump scout

    = quickswitch


    rate apb 1-10 based on : 

    - performance = 4 (1 with main PC, RTX 2080)

    - gameplay = 9

    - community = 5 (50% nice 15% toxic 30% too sensitive)

    - guns = 7 (9 if they were proper balanced and more fun to play again)

    - items = 4

    - how much u love the GMs = there are GMs? 😉

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  6. 2 hours ago, Reprimand said:

    Tips? Recommendations? Thoughts and prayers?

    I'll stay on Topic.


    Did u already "trail" the FAR in Armas.

    I'd do that first but play some rounds to get into the game before u activate the trail.


    Frog kokoe is the one with 3PointSling 3 right?

    It's a nice Finisher if u use ur secondary just for that. But in other situations it's slightly worse than .45 imo.

  7. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    because bandaid fixes are usually terrible and the one G1 did was just that.


    fair matches are a must for fun game play and that will help attract new and older players back to APB which is why we need phasing and other proposed changes by Little Orbit.



    But everything u are talking about is AFTER 2.1 release... Phasing ya they got to R&D that first.


    And what i want is not a bandaid fix. Segregation IS the bandaid fix... I want them to remove that "fix" what isn't working anymore.


    New Player starting APB on their own won't stick around anyways or how often do u see new players and still see them some weeks later? 

    And what kind of new Players do u see? When i see a real new player they mostly drive around not even realising that they are in a mission.

    That's not a problem of being stomped and segregation does NOT help.


    If we just could get the 100 Players / district back, matchmaking would work slightly better again.

    Back than it was 50/50 chance to get good matches and now it's also 50/50 chance + ppl can't play at specific times....

    How is that better? How does that help?


    At least without segregation i could bring some of my friends back and play together with them.

    If some more ppl would do that, it would bring more players in till 2.1 and all the fancy stuff they promise. 


    And again they never tried to remove it on Citadel. Not those stupid open conflict stuff just remove it at all.

    I'll bet for every player leaving (if anyone leave for that) there will also be a locked out player commin back.


    Maybe Playerbase won't grow but like we know it will not grow till 2.1 and stufff anyways.

    But the existing playerbase could play whenever they want at least.

  8. 46 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    making a smurf is no different than dethreating.

    It is done to bully bronzes in an unfair match up to get easy wins  either way.

    If someone does it to bully ppl than yea u are right...

    If it's done to be able to play APB when there is no silver district up...


    Why should anyone get locked out at specific times just cuz he's maybe a bit more skilled than the online playerbase??? 

  9. 11 hours ago, xiphos said:

    max rank geared out character

    Why do ppl still think rank and gear is that important in APB?


    11 hours ago, xiphos said:

    only thing that stops you rolling bronze district

    Take a look at my scorebord pics and u will see i'm not rolling by any means... (pls join silver district and "enjoy" some bitfenix gold matches and tell me again about getting "rolled")


    They should open green districts to protect snowflakes and new players. 

    Than we would have a 1/2 green district and still 1 full bronce and 1 full silver... at least on EU.


    11 hours ago, xiphos said:

    for every player like you that makes smurfs there's another player who doesn't want to play on anything but their main

    I also don't want to play anything but my main!!!


    Seems like u don't understand the problem.

    Sometimes when i log in ther is only 1 single bronce district up.

    So what i can do is:

    A) make a new account or 

    B) not play APB at all


    So u want me to always go for B?

    Well than gg u fixed small playerbase by vote for -1 playercount...


    But u are totally right! and thats the problem with useless segregation.

    There are ppl willing to play but they just can't

    join any district and don't play at all.


    So u should have said: "for every player making smurfs there is also 1 player not playing APB at all"



    Just to clarify I also get rolled every now and than and yea also on bronce districts.

    Un can be an upset kitten or u can go on and enjoy the game. Ppl can choose for themselves.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bambola said:

    I am fairly certain all those bronze players who go 1-10 against you or similar high silvers/low golds, would agree on this. Nothing is broken either.


    Why are ther no green districts for them?


    u saw the pics where i went negative k/d against silvers when i was gold...

    Switching TL that often and easy...

    Going down to sliver when i am at top of my team...

    and again thats a REGULAR session for me.

    ya not broken 4 sure...


    The whole threat is off from good or evil and it is broken how it is now ! 

    1 hour ago, Bambola said:

    I apologize for the derailing, we should stay on the subject. 

    U are right also sorry..


    On topic now...

    The way to learn APB is like any other game. Simply play it. 

    IMO Map knowledge (spots, obj, shortcuts) is 50% in APB than there is 25% movement and 25% aim.

  11. 1 hour ago, Nagletz said:

    Another smurf got out of closet lol

    Why out of closet? 


    I always said that i would do so and yes i dit it few times in the past!


    If i got time to play and wan't to play than i'll log in with my main (maybe u remember i'm always goin silver, gold, silver and back) and when i am gold and there is no district running I DO NOT DETHREAT!

    I just make a smurf to play a bit...


    So u got problems with that? Pls tell LO that segregation is useless 👌


    If interested... one of my regular game sessions from last friday on bronce Waterfront EU... nothing hidden just look Servertime.

    U also can count urself but im going Gold for 3 times in one single session!

    Now tell me there is nothing really broken...





  12. 2 hours ago, xiphos said:

    just from personal experience i'm going to say that's a bit off, i played apb at 15fps on a cheap dell laptop for years and still spent money on armas


    and then there's the fact that a lot of apb's pop seems to be made up of teens and young adults who might have a couple extra bucks every now and then but can't or won't justify a single large purchase like a new pc, especially if its just for apb


    i think i'd almost argue its the other way around - people who can afford top of the line computers are less likely to spend money on apb because they aren't limited to an old f2p game, they can (and do) play literally anything else

    Why would u spend money if u can't play the Game... ?

    I do just cuz i want to and i can play with laptop and pc (pc not proper cuz RTX) 


    anyway around high end can't play proper at the moment and also toasters can't.

  13. The way to win APB is simple...


    1. spit on segregation 


    2. make a new account

    (u can make as many u want)


    3. join the district of ur choice

    (mostly there is just bronce open cuz if there would be silver u would play ur main)


    4. Stomp ppl with STAR + FBW 


    5. Realize that segregation is useless...

  14. On 3/12/2021 at 8:00 PM, ticcitobygaming1 said:

    i play at 7-15 fps

    Just HOW??? 

    My nearly 7yo PC can run APB with 60 fps...


    Can we please stop carrying 10yo Computers??? 

    Lets be honest... a PC for ~250€ can run APB with 60+ fps

    (and u don't even got to buy a new one cuz "gamers" will be happy if they get SOMETHING for their old GTX 870/1070 PC... also 6yo CPU working well with APB)


    At this point i got no love left for ppl with Toaster PC while HighEnd PC can't run old Engine...


    ppl who won't spend money on a proper PC also won't spend anything on APB... [Edit: Some ppl do] 

  15. Huh... since LO i only "remember" 2 GM's

    Comfeyer and Gindian (both only seen once or twice ingame) 


    But pretty well remember about Revoemag and Jotunblut (basically always online).

    I remember 1 whole Day of "everyone who wanted to getting ported to the GM Roof in Financial to kill a Floating Snipped username.    - Azukii (or something between the hundreds of accounts)"


    For sure we could discuss what old GM's were doing but i'd prefer... just NO...

  16. 5 hours ago, Disrupt said:

    Dont understand me wrong tho like I also have the name Disrupt, GodBlessDisrupt, Bludgeon and something else.
    But its more like Clan names that have been created but no one does something with it.
    And if someone has a nice clan name 9/10 aren't even playing anymore.

    Clan Names... ya okay there i am with u.

    Also many diffrent ways of spelling are blocked by 54736 twinks.

  17. I'd also like to grab one of those unique names...

    like "EpicGoat" or something 🙃


    It's a bit difficult cuz... what do u think how long ppl got to be offline till their name is deleted.

    1 Year? 2? 


    I don't have any problems with names online...

    Seems like the names i use are kinda unique and always free to take.

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