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Posts posted by cowhorseman

  1. 7 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    The final contacts are the most fun to level up

    Free 195 mods
    and the last contacts usually give free cars


    ah yes final contacts 20 missions win or lose for 1 rank on premium only takes 20 weeks of pain to level up a full contact and you have to do that what four times?

  2. clearly you do not know about the power of the SHAWcopter in asylum


    On 11/4/2020 at 5:57 AM, FireHitPanic said:

    I feel LMGs in this game are pretty much useless. All except for maybe the Kraken. I also haven’t used all LMGs so this is based on what I have used.


    My proposed rework is this:

    - Bloom - Have the LMGs reach max bloom after about half of its ammo before reloading.

    - Damage - Make damage dependent on fire rate. But have them on the weaker side. 
    - Movement Speed - Have the speed you move while holding a LMG slow you down more. Slow as in between where it is now and as if your holding a Volcano rocket launcher.


    So my thinking for this changes would change LMGs to be a more aggressive support weapon. The Reduced Bloom and Damage will help you lay covering fire to keep the opposing team away to let teammates go in at a different angle or come from somewhere else. You will do decent damage but would also want to keep your distance if you have a direct engagement with the enemy.



    I enjoy using LMGs in games but I just can’t figure them out in this game. They don’t seem to do good damage to vehicles. They are more inaccurate than assault rifles and some SMGs at a medium to long distance. They also don’t deal good damage due to recoil and needing to crouch at short to long distances. Even crouching can do nothing for some guns as the bloom is worse than a sniper.

    If you think LMGs are fine as is, please let me know which LMGs are worth giving a shot, what mods to slap on it, and strategies on using it effectively. I am willing to adjust if I am using these guns wrong.


    Thanks for reading.



    for context the ingame lmgs SHAW and alig are set on there roles shaw being a anti personal weapon and alig being anti vehecail you can use them for either way but that's the main propose


    the Euryale seems to be a different version of shaw and the kraken seems to work as a in-between of the two and the CASE series is a version of the alig of course i stick to smg and rifles so i could be off here  

    • Like 1

  3. hey look we found one of the few people that understand making rocks and metal do what we want them to by typing in complex words we made up to commutate with each other is hard word becuase the magic rock and metal machine does not care for our advance nature and will do anything in its power to make us angry  

  4. memes memes there good for your soul 


    can anyone explain to me why google chrome has gone to shit in the last 2 months i was gonna post a funny picture but it refuses to open a new tab without crashing 

  5. stuff

    3 hours ago, Theronguard said:

    Thanks....expired though

    well sorry man they give no clue or update on codes so it's a wheel of if it works or not 

  6. stuff

    5 hours ago, Theronguard said:

    Pleasant goodnight, How about more codes for the redeem code in Armas market.... do any work again...besides hazardous, maybe the hazardous weapon code should be able to unlock the skins for other guns. 

    i think uwotm8 or what ever it was still works 

  7. On 6/1/2021 at 5:21 PM, SquirrelFace said:

    With all contacts available for pledging.

    now your cooking with gas. i think we should be allowed to play in any map and pledge to any contact, but to encourge you to play other maps you would only get half xp when your pledge to a contact in a differnt map set I.E pledging to shift while in water front gives only 50 points instead of 100 and so on

  8. i'm to lazy to read and understand all of the text here. but apb isnt made to run on newer hardware i think it has the same issues as fallout 3 and new vegas were there meant for 32 system and parts so 64 bits cuases more lag and stutters then an increase keep that in mind before you balls to the walls and blow up your fancy pc for this game 

  9. 12 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    yea, staring at your enemy in such a complex game as this one isn't going to teach you what you did wrong.


    The update after the engine launches: Tactical Nuke

    i want more maps waterfront is patootie and fin is old and boring i can basically tell were my opp will come from half the time or know which cheese spot there going to run to

    • Like 1

  10. 7 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    well comparing offline single player games to an always online game isn't exactly fair. I know APB didn't used to be all server side, but HEEHOOHAAA CHEATERS HAD TO GO AND RUIN THAT.

    I always notice less cheaters in games where getting kills =/= victory

    If LO can make APB less punishing when you die (kill cams is a start) I imagine less people would cheat.


    A: now people have a killcam they can record to send into support as proof there is something fishy.


    B: A player can see what revealed their position/can see how they played and see what they can do different for next time. This will make loosing feel less like being punished and more like a learning experience.

    I think killcams is something LO really need to add into this game, not only because it's a modern feature in most pvp shooters. But it will also show new players how to play the game from the POV of the person they are getting killed by.


    the sort of kill cam we got doesnt help it wont be much but a little gos along way. going to take more then a kill cam to make me want to play this again 

  11. 4 hours ago, Reprimand said:

    So you can buy legendaries with JTs purchased from the Armas Marketplace, other permanents too but permanents purchased with G1C is somehow a bad idea? 

    alright so you want to encourage people to buy 20 dollar guns in a game that has people more fishy then fish lake on mount fishmore which in turn will allow several things lets name a few


    hackers and reroll accounts can just get there buddys to buy and supply weapons 

    people might try to start hacking accounts and payment method accounts like paypal to buy more guns and sell them ingame

    it takes out contacts fully because why the fuck do i want a 7day ntec when i can just buy 1 from the market place because i'm sure it would be full of them

    younger kids might steal there parents money

    its just fucking stupid 

    the legendaries with jt are fine due to the fact it's a chance and that's ingame cash you can earn over time or buy and still keeps in contacts and armas market

    and it makes it pointless to even play and rank contacts becuase aside from clothes which the better clothes is on the market why would i want to rank up? so i can get 195 mods? nah man not worth it might aswell go play crappy new vegas becuase all i would be doing is waiting for asylum and getting bored 


    • Like 1

  12. 12 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    See, what's bizarre is everyone will say how bad APB combat is, yet beg that LO doesn't change it?...It's very backwards logic.

    Imagine if LO said fuck it, and turned APB into a cover shooter? Allowing for blind fire, vaulting and other doodads

    I guarantee you, the people who think this game's gameplay sucks will argue not to do this cause it's not APB. And they're right. But if APB combat "sucks" it needs reworking right?

    I think in APB strafing needs to be nerfed, how? A delay/inertia transition so if you strafe you're stuck in one place for a brief second. Moving in a circle could still work but it'll have to be wider in order to not get any movement debuffs

    fallout 3 nv and 4 have more constaint hit reg and combat then apb. apbs combat i can unload a full mag into a person at 5 feet miss all shots and do the same at 500 feet and hit all shots i think the main issue is hitscan and on a laggy game like apb that hit reg gos out the door faster then a dad who didnt want a kid we need projectiles and stuff that makes combat feel more open and heavy not this "run into a room with a 10ga shotgun and a pray to god" stun i pull off and get 5 kills with 

  13. 3 hours ago, :^) said:

    I'm honestly surprised more people aren't holding on. Decided to play a couple of days and it seems like most of the people who dedicated their lives to the game have moved on after all this time.


    It ain't happening bro and no matter what they did to improve this game, I think the majority of vets wouldn't give a shit to come back. A new audience is honestly out of the question with the current gaming market. Nobody would like this game.


    Give it up man.

    being fair here game has one good thing and thats customization and everything else falls short i guess you can play this for RP? anyway your right game is fucked it's getting staler as the days pass and we need more to do then pray we get a good match  

    • Like 1

  14. i'm thinking of how at random your car or npcs will just stick inside random items around the map or items and npcs will get stuck inisde your car and it just keeps making the smacking sound while you drive.


    or gates you break then unbreak but are still broken


    i think the funniest one i have since is a guy rage whispering me about how i was going to get banned for aimbot hacks... in beacon. on dev gun event...

  15. 3 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:


    You guys are right how foolish of me. The advantage I would get from making the game more vibrant by 5% would be too much. Especially when you compare it to the very very minor tweaks like removing grenade explosions. 

    your right! if your game look liked a overly modded skyrim you would make all (two) of those people who wear pastel clothes stand out like golden statues in the sunlight!

  16. 3 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    If you don't know what it is...google it

    But since APB is competitive would filters ever be allowed? 

    i mean they let you use auto run and crouch scripts 

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