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Everything posted by Salvick

  1. I'm looking forward to see you guys ingame, though I have a few questions that came to my mind: Will you have decent weapons or will you guys be running in "Trainee" outfit with stock STAR-556? I hope you guys get the chance to test different guns, which is what I think you'd do since @Aphadon and @Androvald will probably take care of tell you everything you need to know and provide an arsenal accordingly pretty sure. Are you guys going to play regular missions only or also will we have some special fun such as a mad hunt of GMs running around with super powers such as Devlar, Air Control, and stuff similar to the Bunny Shield Kevlar maybe? Do you planning to drop some gifts, Lixil JMBox maybe? Hope so, people loves that kind of stuff. Are we going to be able to search for you as we do with normal players so we can find the district you are in? You know we can't interact with any GMs in-game through chat and other functionalities so I wonder if these restrictions will be lifted for the time you guys will be playing with us. That's it, and I'm glad you guys announce this here on forums which is the official channel for communications with the staff. Long time ago, GMs in Patriot/Obeya (EU servers, Citadel) used to join the game often and have fun with the players but wasn't easy to find them and these videos on YouTube where you can see them playing are a rare gem.
  2. "Some people have the will of making others feel great, these put their energy on helping others and doing everything to make people around them feel good and never feel uncomfortable, while some others just feed themselves from trying to make others feel miserable and humiliated."


    What side are you on?


  3. You know, just because you said this is that I'm gonna add this comment someone made to me last night when we were having a conversation about these kind of situations. "Some people have the will of making others feel great, these put their energy on helping others and doing everything to make people around them feel good and never feel uncomfortable, while some others just feed themselves from trying to make others feel miserable and humiliated." I'm just gonna say: What side are you on? Will the force be with you Little Orbit.
  4. Many good tips here, and I must be nothing close to the best besides also there are some guys who are so consistent in their level and their skills are top notch. However, I'd start exactly there: consistency. If you manage to keep your focus without being pulled to rush like crazy, then you'll be able to do everything the guys already said here in your thread. The main error a lot of people always falls in every time is rushing objectives/enemies every time they respawn after getting killed, without waiting for your team to reagroup, which makes it a thing of the most basic math ever, in 4v4 mission where you have your 3 or 4 opponents camping the area of your objective, last thing that will work if they killed you is if you keep coming at them running from the same direction over and over without waiting for your team to coordinate at least. Also, I suggest you to search in the APB Weapons Data Base the stats of every weapon you try, learn their specific effective range then learn to be aware of said ranges when you are ingame. There are many other factors to consider in these stats too same as for mods which always have pros and cons to consider. Another one is try to learn the exact recoil and max fire ratio of each weapon you like, just shoot at the wall or any object you want and pay attention to where your shots land and how your crosshair bloom is affected in each particular situation and with each particular mod you use for your guns. Remember to never, ever engage in combat without making sure you have some coverage, also there's one single hitbox, with no headshots, and it is possible to land your shots even if the actual character is not totally visible, just pay attention whenever your crosshair turns red to check this. And keep an eye on what the objectives are about, in the top-right corner of the screen there's a mission brief that too many people always forget to check, so you can anticipate what kind of combat you might have if you learn what are the mission objectives. There's a lot of mind games once you learn the missions, you'll learn a lot if you have the nerve to get it through the learning curve. Edit: What learning curve? I see you are around since 2015, my bad. Anyways, I'm giving advice when I'm far from getting better at all tbh, lol. But the APB data base have been my best friends in the lonely days where there was no one else to ask.
  5. Sorry if double posting with this, but I'm quoting here my own comment from another thread because it was my intention in first place to post it here on this one. I don't think this really adds something you don't know already, but @Lixil and @RitualLobotomy I just wanted you guys to let you know about that old thread from the past where we were discussing about the need of getting more presence from the staff, I guess you already got the impression about this, but thought might be interesting to drop this around for you. I'm welcoming any actions you guys take in that direction disregarding the difficulties we the players have in the community to accept the wide diversity of opinions about it.
  6. With all the current optimism and almost everyone being positive and nice to each other, someone I had an argue ingame years ago asked me if I remember that issue since we were being nice to each other, then this person said something like "glad to see you changed" But I replied "this is the real me indeed, I think back in these days was when actually this game and its community changed me" regarding how negativity can pull you down sometimes if you are not alert. These three summon up everything pretty well, we guys seems to be sorting this out by ourselves now. I'll add something for the note, these of us here on forums actually are the voice of these who are not around because they only play the game and are not used to jump on forums too often or not at all, either on purpose or as a consequence we are bringing concerns that quite a bunch of other players might also want to know. But also the thing about "toxicity" starts to feel like an overused word and if we want to be honest I think every single person who ever took part of the forums may had what someone else consider a "toxic" behavior towards other player or member of the forum. So I think all this is good for us as a community to happen because I can tell a bunch here are re-evaluating their own attitudes from the past, with exception of these who justify such bad behaviors as something we can't erase from Earth so they rather stick to pessimism and they unconsciously naturalize negativism and toxicism. But besides all this, diversity is what enriches a community and our contributions and contradictions are there for everyone to see so we can all learn how to be better every day.
  7. If Matt and Lixil have been already extremely kind and communicative, this attitude of you coming here to clarify these things for everyone point by point is just gold, thank you. I think some might be putting their expectations a bit too high and getting involved very deep and the anxiety will make some people forget to enjoy the ride. Personally I'm very positive about any changes even if it is not something I wouldn'd expect or feel comfortable with from the first moment. And it is naive to think you guys don't know what are you doing. It was a very good approach from the beginning from every one of you, here in the forums and ingame. Btw, @RitualLobotomy Have you seen these videos of the old GMs doing crazy stuff like the Elf Hunt event and such?
  8. Although I'm also in the side of the skepticism with this idea since how it was this past era of APB, probably it is because of similar reasons like the ones some others pointed out about good and bad experiences in the past that we are like that, but I would like to add here that it has been my most deep concern to understand why this game always had that lack of GMs/Admins/Mods presence ingame. I even made a post back in 2013 to share our experiences about the GMs presence in-game that I'm linking right here, where many participated in the conversation and we had several replies from Tiggs as well. I beg for having an active and visible presence of moderators in-game so I'll be looking forward to see what comes out of this. We even had a very few events like this: ...once in a blue moon and these were like the only times we got used to see a GM. Gotta say stuff like that was awesome and crazy but the lack of moderation in real time on the huge amount of other issues we had to deal with, and I talk specially regarding our own behavior as players in all aspects, was something that made some of us almost forget or almost want to forget even the good times because of how toxic and out of control some particular issues turned out in the long term. Also guys around here and there posting and asking , imo instead of asking for what you want to get I'd invite you to rather ask what is needed out there that you could provide, but is just a kind word I'd like to bring for those of you getting excited about the idea of applying for the task. Ninja edit: Almost forgot, I even had a bad meme about this:
  9. I've been talking with him a few days ago in PM, but then he changed his name profile and name and I don't know how or why he turned into this. Is really odd, lol.
  10. Hats off! The end was totally unexpected so I have to say you are having such a kind gesture with the guys of L.O. in a very original way btw. I've seen the other stuff you have in your YT channel long time ago and I know you put a lot of effort experimenting and developing these, haven't seen many others trying the stuff you do.
  11. What about; There are no cheaters on APB? ...nevermind, that's a very old one.
  12. Wow @MattScottI'm speechless, I swear I got very impressed when noticed your reply here, so thankful for your input! I was getting pulled by some toxicity and still struggling to be polite and objective with my replies but now I just want to put a word for you, same as Cazadora said and many others would want too, count with us to contribute with this if you ever consider it. I would like to offer you to volunteer this task along with a well organized group of people as you can see there already are a bunch here and ensure that we can take this task in the most professional possible way. If you ever consider arranging such a thing like this, as soon as we put our hands in the texts to translate we could just start. (Maybe a private club for translation volunteers or something like that might work) Indeed I have the transcript of the Q&A almost completely translated to Spanish, but I just stopped because some; time + I wasn't sure of were I'd post it here on forums. Again, thank you very much for your clarification and kindness. Regards, Sal. 
  13. Why such a simple concern about what indeed was already there and was removed had to generate so much drama? Specially drama coming from these who are not affected by this at all! Then they wonder why people says APB community is the most toxic gaming community around... ...none of you guys here is part of the staff and, besides opinions are welcome and encouraged ofc, you are not being constructive with the OP at all, instead it all feels so uncomfortable to read not just because of the so few support from our APB friends from all around the world but also so much non-sense arguments and toxicity. Let anyone speak whatever language they want, English is considered an universal language mainly for business/globalization purposes, but is not the most spoken language in terms of native languages, there's Chinese first followed by....Spanish!, yes, and then there comes English, so probably if some of you get out from your bubble would realize that even in the U.S.A. are like 50.000.000 (yeah, fifty millions) of native Spanish persons, along with the rest of the American continent where 18 of the 35 countries of the continent have Spanish as the official language. Now, despite of Spanish in particular, I wonder why you guys might be so concerned about asking for multi-language sub-forums. How would any of these affect your forum and ingame experiences at all? Wouldn't be great to have more and more players from all around the world to play with disregarding if they can't communicate 100% all the time? And said this, I must add: You guys should learn Spanish and maybe some other stuff about the world we live in. /rant off Some statistics: Spanish spoken countries in America: Argentina. Bolivia. Chile. Colombia. Costa Rica. Cuba. Ecuador. El Salvador. Guatemala. Honduras. México. Nicaragua. Panamá. Paraguay. Perú. República Dominicana. Uruguay. Venezuela. Of course Spain is the mother of the language. Other countries where is a common language: Estados Unidos Belice Andorra Gibraltar. More than 560.000.000 around the globe speaks Spanish including almost 50.000.000 of native Spanish people in the U.S. Spanish is the third most learned language after English in first place and French in second place. Top 3 native languages: Rank Language Native speakers in millions 2007 (2010) Fraction of world population (2007) 1 Mandarin (entire branch) 935 (955) 14.1% 2 Spanish 390 (405) 5.85% 3 English 365 (360) 5.52% [ Source: Google much?
  14. This, sounds just good. I was trying to avoid stating an opinion I had just to avoid drama with these who really want to take part in such programs but I personally think that everything related with game design decisions should be done by the game producers/designers, since they are the ones who have all the background information needed regarding what are they aiming to. We as players should be worried only about playing and having fun.
  15. Nice thread, very good question. My hope is that if they are investing in BattleEye and many other things they are willing to improve, hopefully they also do something about server hardware and providers. I think Matt said something about his intentions of study if it is possible to do something to have the ability to play across servers instead of having the EU and the US communities split, with exception of Nekrova since they have different items available there, but if so, then I think this means connectivity and server hardware should also change in these regards. In the meanwhile, wouldn't hurt if they start to try stuff and mess with the servers settings to see what happens, as long as they are there in case everything goes wrong in order to roll back any changes asap.
  16. If there's such a thing like an Open World Test Server then I'm all in for it. Then whoever wants to join can do it and whoever is not interested can just stay back. -Off topic- On topic, if we have players involved in such programs like the SPCM, Forum Mod Volunteers and such, which is totally different from the SPCT (testers) program, those players will always stand out over the other players and if we learned from the past experiences in this game, there have been always some drama and possibly some biased decisions and actions taken because of this. If Lixil and the management want us to get involved with the forum moderation and ingame moderation in some way, I'm pretty sure they would provide equal chances for everyone to join within the parameters of the profile they are looking for to take such positions while also giving the whole rest of the community the chance to constantly provide feedback about these players behaviors to monitor and adjust any possible deviation they might fall in. As same as keep listening to the rest of the players who are out of these programs about any suggested game improvements and implementations that would affect everyone of us. Just my humble opinion.
  17. Well, although CS:GO have their competitive match making mechanics too, I'd say then we could have a more comprehensive servers list to look at when we pick a district to join? Like, idk, a tab where you can see the full list of players, maybe not their names, but their threat rating, so you can decide if you join that particular instance or a different one? I for sure would love to have this information of a district before I join, I always use /pop and /who to see what's going on around there. Anyways, my suggestion is not about the match making process but it is about a rewarding system with prizes to stimulate the community to put an effort for playing a bit more competitive and specially to find a solution to the de-threating issue.
  18. What does the SPCMentors has to do with weapon balancing anyways? Maybe you meant SPCTesters instead? In that regards, I think such decisions should be made based on pure game design concepts and collected stats, along with our opinions as players as well ofc, but otherwise, we'd have mini-guns and laser pistols and any SMG or Secondary Guns would beat all the HVRs around...oh and racing districts, bikes and helicopters too! A player will almost always be biased by his personal individual experience which might not be related with the game design concepts, although if they break a gun when attempting to balance it, then it is okay to bring our concerns and let them know it needs a fix as same as if they invite us to test new upcoming releases to provide some feedback, but I don't see where this is related with helping with forums and ingame moderation and mentoring new players. Regards!
  19. Always been gathering images from other people's stunning character customization. Gonna drop these here: Here I'm posting the outfits I made for my favorite character, she is Simonna (Crim @Jeri) : Bonus Track: (Enfos) And the music band: (I'm the one with the rabbit mask )
  20. Hey there, sorry for the delay, it was too late yesterday when I read your comment. I appreciate your input again since this time I might be wrong with some of my points of view regarding my previous comments, I'd like to sort this out first: in my opinion there are at least two different kind of elitism we could point out so far, one of these is the natural elitism of a competitive environment, as you said and I add to that, the typical: "you silver noob get gud" or "I'm gold, you have no clue about the game if you are not gold" which is not that bad imo, ofc it has some toxic aspects on how some players manifest their proud about their threat and skills, but is still something inherent to any PvP game and I'm not against this at all. Then there's another kind of elitism which is a more sensible matter of discussion and may be really subjective since we don't know all the background story of every one of the other players and even the game staff members, but although I would like to keep this specific topic out of discussion on this thread I'll try to bring an answer from my personal perception of this issue. I think there was a very well-intentioned attempt of fraternization from the old staff (RTW staff carried over to G1, aka Jobs, Jericho, Revoemag, Quinzel, etc.) with the players in the past and at some point the professionalism required for such relation between different hierarchies decayed and was abused by a small portion of players, maybe indirectly influencing some changes that could be for good or not but however, when I talk about this I always remember of these clans that got involved in drama because there were GMs playing with them, so then the community said they where getting protection, indeed we had examples such as some players I don't want to name here but whom were caught cheating after long time being in the front scene of the game at the same time that all this also gave the impression of having whitelisted clans and such. There's another example in the different events and programs where G1 rewarded us by putting our ingame created content in the game, official sites and media along with the special name tags for players involved in some volunteer programs where it was vox-populi that they handled many of these events in favor of these players who managed to get closer to the staff (I insist, this is very subjective), like they said regarding the Joker Distribution center player-made content when they picked the winners where many people complained about these choices saying that some of the winners had some links with the staff behind the contest arrangement. Anyways, I could contradict this too since I got content I submitted in a few opportunities that is now featured in the official APB page (mainly screenshots) and got rewarded for this same as in one of the last car designing contests, but this was after too many complains regarding past events that then G1/Tiggs decided to make public the specific criteria they would apply to qualify these submissions. Even when Tiggs took over the Community Management role this changed a little bit but not for too long, and it was worst then, because there were specific players who were really close to her who ended up abusing this relation and they been even violating the ToS in many aspects, including cheating, with impunity. Again, I wouldn't like to bring this subject into this discussion but I already did, lol, but I think we could either open a new thread to discuss about this or if I've been clear enough to sort this out then we can move along and keep focusing in the threat rating topic. Just for the note, I don't consider myself part of the most informed and experienced players regarding this matters but as long as it is constructive I'll always try to bring my opinion. Sorry for walls of text, looking forward to continue the conversations in place. Regards.
  21. @Knite I do agree that my statement would need more solid evidence of what we all are saying here, not just me, but it seems that the overall perception is that, despite if these are the top gold players, the core veteran members of the community or the casual forumers most of us around here seems to have been struggling to make hear our voices. I don't like to go further into the discussion of what the "elitism" on APB is, because we could be mistaking some points regarding what's the relation of other players with the game and its staff, I mean, as long as there is professionally, fraternization between the game staff and the players is something good and healthy for the game itself, which was not the case with G1 and I think they carried such toxic relations from RTW as many of the oldest players around might remember with some specific issues we had when some clans and players seemed to have some sort of "protection" from the game staff. My point with people in the learning curve of the game not getting too involved on forums might be just my perception, because every time I tried to help newcomers, when it comes to redirect them here to the forums many of them expressed themselves feeling lazy or finding hard to understand how to use the forums properly, that along with the lack of response or in the best case the huge delay to get any feedback from the game staff, several factors that discouraged participation on forums from people without the nerve to deal with the aggressive players ingame and on forums while they might be looking just for some assistance. But I insist, is just my opinion. There are two kinds of elitism imo, one is the competitive elitism which is natural and not bad, indeed it gives APB that flavor of standing out of the crowd and being part of the most remarkable "characters" of San Paro, either by your skills or popularity or by your creativity with the customization features of the game, and then there's the toxic elitism that leads to some sort of bullying and favoritism between players and maybe some members of the game staff as we've seen in the past. But I would like to keep this matter out of discussion on this thread and focus on how the threat system and possible solutions/improvements might help.
  22. For the non-spanish friends around here, pretty much this^ Translation: "This people complains for the lack of players, but at the same time they come to piss off the Spanish spoken players that are just looking for help or solutions, and then they complain for the lack of players, I don't understand them (smiley face with a tear made with punctuation symbols and brackets here)"
  23. I'm sure there are very valuable assets within the former volunteers, yet my hopes are that nothing from what was being done before would be repeated now if this is a true fresh start. Looking forward to see what's this new volunteer program is about. There have been some issues between the community regarding players getting too close to the staff in a non-formal way I think. Hope this will be a thing from the past now and we get to discuss absolutely everything in a democratic way without falling into sectary practices in regards of any community contributions we could bring in.
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