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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 4 minutes ago, EnragedLlamaTV said:

    Part of the issue is Garbage trucks/dump trucks in general. Remove those and some of the problem solves its self.

    then again, you have the d**kheads griefing with their pioneers as well.... not so much but i can imagine them driving pioneers instead of the trucks if it ever gets removed. 
    Let's say they DO remove the trucks, what can counter the pioneer for griefing? 🤔

    1 minute ago, Spudinskes said:

    I would have to disagree. Collision is what enables people to grief, in fact it's really one of the only few ways for people to grief people in missions. There are annoying themes and attention grabbing outfits but those won't likely impede your chances of winning the mission.

    I do agree, but not everyone is a d**k head. Some respect others on the road regardless if they are in a mission or not, well i respect others so i dont grief.


  2. 11 minutes ago, ╬ PzKpfw VI Tiger said:

    Got my support on this one fam. Haven't played in ages, when I watched Q&A the first weapon that came to mind was NHVR. Nothing to counter it unlike say OSMAW or Vulcano that can be countered by Flak Jacket, Kevlar does not work against NHVR. Currently the only counter is another NHVR. Reducing it's damage to ~70% would make it so you don't die from being tickled by pretty much anything after being hit by NHVR.


     When I played today after a really  long break I got reminded by the balanced Yukon about it's existence. Fire rate is bugged since forever (just compare it to non jmb version). It's as p2w as old nano except that one has been fixed in ~8 months. I would love to say APB is not p2w but sadly it's not the case while this weapon remains untouched.


    Scout could use a slight buff too, like 55%>60% dmg buf so it would be more reliable against CA3 users (aka everybody). Right now no reason to use it over "normal" NHVR...

    I do hope matt fixed it.. i thought G1 left it like that to milk the jokerbox as much as posible

  3. 10 hours ago, Celesto said:

    Hi Matt:

    I watched the Q&A and I was so glad just go see that this title is off in a promising direction. I listened to your response regarding joker boxes, trading, scam prevention, netherlands policy, etc. This is my thought on it as well:

    Hypothetically speaking, let's say the talks of banning trade on ledgendaries was progressing. Maybe there is a solution(s) on how to protect players from scams, yet make it fair for everyone. What if there was a program written for trading ledgendaries?

    1. Player enters marketplace to place a trade or sell.

    2. The program asks the player: " Do you wish to sell or trade", etc.

    3. The player in this instance selects "trade".

    4. The program then prompts the player to select which weapon to trade from their inventory.

    5. Then, the program prompts the player to select the secondary weapon to be traded in exchange for the first weapon from a list of all possible ledgendary weapons. (In this case, the player will select the weapon agreed upon by another player, or just the desired weapon)


    6. The player can then set a time period allowed for the trade, as well as specify who the trade is intended for.(may it be another player, or a general trade)

    7. If conditions are met, with the exact weapons in place, the trade will complete.  However, if condtions are not met, being the desired weapon of the first player was not placed by the second player, or the second player has no ledendary weapons at all, the trade will not complete and will notify the second player that the conditions were not satisfied. 

    Hopefully a system of the sort could help eliminate the need for a "middleman" to be present, as well as scams.



    Ledendary weapons are not tradeable, but probability of unlocking weapons are higher, or more bundles are created with multiple ledgenary weapons present.

    what if the market can stay how it is, putting your gun for sale/trade
    And someone who wants to make a trade can make an offer(putting his item(s) and send the offer. And you can also accept if you agree, combined with 2step authentication to make sure its not someone else on your account(hopefully doesnt have your cellphone either) to complete the trade.

  4. 2 minutes ago, AgentWatson said:

    I mean when there were common sales on Armas, it was actually pretty good. One of the very few things I guess you could appreciate about G1 was that at least once a week it was almost guaranteed there was a sale of some description. It's sort of weird that Little Orbit hasn't addressed when a new sale will happen if ever.

    I don't think we need sales(yet) if they are planning on reducing marketsales. But that is IF they will adjust the price. If they won't adjust the price then they better bring up something regarding sales... my wallet is ready to support them... I just need to make sure i am supporting for a reason lol

    • Like 1

  5. 9 minutes ago, Tobii said:


    That was painfull to watch. Sadly i didnt experience that lag yet. I only experienced FPS Drops and glitches(like doors open close, or soundless cars)
    But ye everygame can have a bad connection. This guy prob had a 3minut lagspike in that 1 server and played normally without any issues the next game, or maybe had ISP issues.
    When it comes to APB, its every 10seconds in any district. I am not saying pubg is better because even if i play it more, i can still call it a pile of trash for being hella unoptimized.
    BUT maybe in a month i can teleport 3times in a pubg server, while on apb its every 5 to 10seconds in any district.

    So again, multiplayer can have this issue. It is normal. But APB's connection issue is a bit TOO MUCH

  6. 8 minutes ago, i1Ly said:

    Im like prices what were in APB on Innova.

    The price on innova was extremely cheap tbh... i dont mind paying 20dollars for a permanent gun but 40? 45? Dear lord no.. 45dollars should be a price for a whole pack(like key to city) but no 1 gun...

    But then again i have purchased so many things regardless if they were cheap or not....................................

  7. 1 hour ago, LilyV3 said:

    the point was more on the typical, hey I am behind cov... ohh dead, well this again -.-


    1 hour ago, Tobii said:

    Not my clip.

    And we're talking desync here.


    The guy is way behind cover, and this is a normal occurrence.


    I can show you more if you really want me to.

    Ye but remember... its multiplayer, lets say that player has 20ms while the one shooting him has 100ms... while you ran to cover, you were still in sight for him(the enemy). Thats just how latency works.

    in every multiplayer you have this, even APB. But APB has something extra. Instead of dying from someone who has a higher MS, everyone in the district lose connection from the server for 2seconds and teleport back to where they were 2seconds ago, aka "Mitigation"

  8. 31 minutes ago, Obvious Lesbian said:

    So you go from one unoptimized mess to another.


    Whatever interests you I guess.

    PUBG has bugs but  i do NOT lag every 5seconds and desync and teleport....
    APB doesnt have much bugs as PUBG but lagging and teleporting, desyncing every 5 to 10seconds is much MUCH more annoying in my opinion. But depends how everyone see things u know

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