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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 19 hours ago, Lixil said:

    It's not a live client. It's used only for testing. OTW = open testing world. ALL players can download this client and help us test!

    well back then there were SPCT's ... would that mean that ANYONE can get OTW now?

  2. 1 minute ago, BingoBookBG said:

    i patch the game and acept all battleye stuff but now gives me error : 2 file download failed Binaries/dbghelp.dll status unzip and Binaries/xmlite.dll status unzip (this / is in other direction i cant do it)

    so i must download the game again or what?

    i had a feeling we might have to reinstall the game once the new anticheat comes out

  3. On 6/6/2018 at 11:48 AM, Sergsininia said:

    I'm not to experienced with web hosting, and domains, but sites.google.com is free afaik.

    i have my own host at home for private stuffs...but to host it somewhere else you need to pay for a host...get me? same as the APB servers being on a cloud servers right now instead of servers in GamersFirst's office in a server room


    But its easy to re-create.... i just got very little time to even enjoy games to make it...maybe i can remake it on a full sunday if i am free 🤔

  4. 4 hours ago, Zolerox said:

    They are the ones that will not even click on this topic.

    Just beggars complaining they don't have enough money.


    The correct prices (the prices i sell my items at) are Mathamatic.


    Equip lvl 4 costs 20k Market takes 20% so the best price is sell at 60k.


    0 slot cars cost 40k (jericho vegas etc.) market takes 20% so sell at 80k 


    Get where im going with this? Without tax there is no reason why you wont just sell cars at 100k to make it better People are greedy and the whole "without market tax it will only make legendarys cheaper" yeah no. Everything is effected by market tax Don't be so short sighted I don't like losing money but it's better to lose 20k then have that 20k be worth 30k less. 

    if the taxes wernt so high from the beginning then the overpriced shits would of never started. think about that
    So now its kinda way too late to remove tax...but still not late to adjust it.

  5. 54 minutes ago, Glubbable said:

    Rank requirements wouldn't be much of a problem if leveling up didn't take centuries to do. Ontop of that, a lot of role requirements are also extreme. Role 16 for weapon roles requires 10,000 kills, 10 thousand, which is extremely grindy for access to a skin and a different ntec model with 3 slots on it (which is 10 day lease).

    or, you can buy the 3slot ntec in armas for 2799 g1c... the game is F2P but if u dont wanna grind that rank 16 u gotta buy it. i think its fine as it is. either you buy it or you grind it

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