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Posts posted by Darkzero3802

  1. On 8/24/2020 at 10:07 PM, CookiePuss said:

    No, that's his point... blatant cheaters get caught and banned. Closets get away with it.

    Exactly the point of most here. Closets continue to get away with it and nothing is being stepped up to stop them and or ban them. There are a good number of closets out there and ppl are sick and tired of them and the fact they get away with it while the same anti cheat formula is used that doesnt catch these people. The community wants more done and LO isnt listening to that plain and simple.

    • Thanks 1

  2. 22 hours ago, 404 said:

    we have BE right now, what are you talking about?



    we've had 3 different client side file monitoring anticheats and 1 server side statistical analysis anticheat, what other kind of anticheat is even available at this point?

    Weve had BE once before in the past is what im talking about. How bout a client side, server side anticheat file monitoring and more active GMs in game?

  3. The biggest issue when it comes to hacking isnt blatents its the closet cheaters that do it and get away with it. There have been many that have closted for years and still get away with it. When BE was around there were less of them but now ive seen an increase in the number of closets. There are also still plenty of trigger bots around ive seen quite afew in Jericho FC, more then I used to. @Sakebee G1/LO has been using the same method of anti cheat for years with less then ideal results and instead of changing things to try something more effective the same thing is done, with the same results. Its part of the reason the pop is so low and new engine or not if this continues the pop wont come back.


    Most people also dont bother using the in game report system as its effectiveness is non existent. You send in a report on someone and all it says is your report is submitted. Theres no indication someone is actually looking into your report and weeks and months later the person reported is still playing, which just deters use of the system. The system needs tweaking so this way people can actually know the report is worth doing. Something as simple as a message from staff in your mailbox stating your report is being looked into would make ppl feel like the system is functioning and they would use it more.

    • Thanks 1

  4. 12 hours ago, Amayii said:

    As the population falls and rises with the schedules of those who play it can happen that there are times when it's not possible to get a lot of matches in the instance of your preference.



    Even then Waterfront doesnt get populated cause people dont like the district. Still impossible to progress contacts if people dont populate it on a regular basis, its the same thing in Jericho NA as well. People dont populate Waterfront cause people dont like its design.

  5. 16 hours ago, Todesklinge said:

    Increase the NHVR Damage to 1000 to compensate. Ntec have much higher TTK then Sniper weapons.

    Uh NO. HVR is already OP as is. There have been many problems over the yrs with it in its current state and compared to other snipers it dominates the field. All snipers except the HVR have fall off so at 100 m your doing the same damage as you are at 10 m. At long range the NTEC has fall off so it will do much less damage then the HVR.

  6. 11 hours ago, ReaperTheButcher said:

    Did someone sane here noticed that most of the recent threads here are only complaints ?
    We should all be grateful for the progress Little Orbit™ did in 2 years that the old G1 couldn't do in 8 years
    Take a look at the latest update, the ''mission impossible'', it has changed core game mechanics which were never touched before for some reason and personally made me wanna play missions again
    We actually had progress on the notoriously mythical ''Engine Upgrade'' and we had 2 open betas already which helped them stress test even if you wasn't able to login
    Oh and lets not forget the free premium during the COVID-19 era which we are still in (not for long hopefully).

    So calm down your bosoms and respect the progress.
    (now balance the goddamn PMG)

    This is new how?

  7. 11 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    that would not change the steep learning curve and how new players do not know anything.

    dethreaters are only part of a big equation

    Actually it would. Imagine new players playing new players and being able to take any curve at a slower pace. With the addition of so many weapons in the JT store thats already knocked down the curve quite abit, adding the Pio to the JT store would also make it easier for new players to obtain. Regardless of this or what they are doing the pio is in the game and eventually these new players will come across it.

  8. On 8/4/2020 at 5:12 PM, Fortune Runner said:

    most new players cant cope with how defensively strong those two cars are compared to the players who either unlocked those or bought them , who by then have  weapons unlocked that can kill those vehicles while  new players cant.

    its a balance issue so they are adjusting to see if this works out or not.

    Wouldnt that balance issue be resolved if they kept golds and dethreaters out of the lower districts? Maby its just me here but id think that would resolve alot more issues then differences between cars, not to mention you still have car surfer available which newbies dont.

  9. On 7/31/2020 at 7:09 PM, Sakebee said:

    Car Changes

    • Modified the HP values for cars in the following way:
      • Bishada: 900 -> 1,150 (HBF 977)
      • Jericho: 1,100 -> 1,150 (HBF 977)
      • Vegas 4x4: 1,350 -> 1,150 (HBF 977)
      • Vegas: 1,350 -> 1300 (HBF 1,105)
      • Pioneer: 1,600 -> 1,350 (HBF 1,147)
      • Espacio: 1,600 -> 1,350 (HBF 1,147)
      • Growl: 950 -> 1150 (HBF 977)
      • Mikro 900 -> 950 (HBF 807)
      • Varzuga variants 900 -> 950 (HBF 807)

    I really dont agree with the HP drop on the pio and espacio. These are the only 2 cars that can actually take team fire with any chance of survival. Lets not start with OSMAW shots. I see the volcano nerf but I dont see an OSMAW nerf here and that would be ideal for survival not only in cars but on foot. ALIG will still tear a car up like paper as well and if you have more then one of any of these no car will survive even with the increased hp on most of them.

    • Like 1

  10. 23 hours ago, Acornie said:

    Not trying to be negative but would be nice if one of these weeks the server maintenance would fix these damn server spikes that have been happening for weeks now, making the servers feel much less stable (from my experience they seem to be consistently happening on both EU and NA)

    Servers historically are unreliable with many problems dating back a very long time. The current rendition of servers are as low end (and low budget) as you can get and unless the pop increases and the cash flow warrants it dont expect this to change.

    • Like 2

  11. On 7/25/2020 at 7:03 AM, PingOVER9000 said:

    you have posted more of 10 times of mine post and double (ok x1.5 times...) than of Hexerin.


    Without counting you are a furry furriness and... there isnt nothing glorious about this  🤨

    Im being sarcastic when I say that however to shed some light a forum warrior is someone who stopped actively logging in and playing yet they remain active on the forums

  12. On 7/23/2020 at 8:33 PM, Hexerin said:

    I told you people that the rayscaling revert would cause these issues, but ya'll just downvoted me to oblivion.


    You get what you deserve, and I have no sympathy to spare for your tears now.

    Oh glorious forum warriors

    • Like 1

  13. Heres the thing about shotties, they can tweak and balance them till the cows come home its not going to mean jack when hitreg is so garbage hits become RNG and you have to prey to the RNG gods that your shots hit as they should. Untill hitreg and server perf is addressed these cant accurately be balanced.

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