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Posts posted by Acornie

  1. 5 hours ago, Gamma64c said:

    This bug is preventing me from playing the game -snip-

    Funnily enough this issue went away for one of my friends later in the week after the patch, I wouldn't want you to waste your time re-downloading if it hasn't been fixed fully yet but maybe it's worth a shot?

    • Thanks 1

  2. Hi, does anyone know a free video editing program like Windows Movie Maker, all the free ones I've run across are either a complicated mess or have an annoying watermark. I wanna make dumb YooTube vids out of gameplay and stuff, features I'm looking for is easily cropping clips, adding audio tracks and such,

    Thanks you for your time and all that jazz

  3. On 9/21/2018 at 1:32 PM, iTzBlackout said:

    As I understood the Unreal 3.5 Update don't change the optic of the game

    I wonder however if lighting, shadows, antialiasing, etc will be improved. That's all I want, consoles can keep their ""improved"" graphics! Ha

    Edit: after this update can we have rain!!!? I want rain, I need rain! ;O

  4. I'm curious, what is your ms? in Citadel my ms is 125ms and I cant seem to land shots ever, but in Jericho where I have ~20ms I have no problem... well depends on the opp; I can still have trouble in Jericho but rarely

  5. 21 minutes ago, iReilok said:

    Well i think it's complicated to do that because if this is Added, that will mean that some people from other district will have to be teleported to the other district with the mission running. This will mean that if the district is full, it's gonna add even more players to it, if i'm not wrong ?

    Along the lines of what bxnnxd said, what would be logical is if the phasing tried to keep the pop from being full, that it would start intentionally phasing people into another dist to keep it the main one from being completely full, so there'd be room to move people around... it's going to be interesting to see how they implement it

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