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Posts posted by Acornie

  1. 34 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    - This only happens when creating a character

    Are you sure? I've been kicked while sitting in character select for eh, maybe 20 seconds (also happened to a twitch streamer, so it's not just happening to me)

    I assume these two things are related, not complaining since it's not a big dealio, just trying to give info to help out 👍

    • Thanks 1

  2. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    Huh... thats weird cuz some of the best NA players are australian and play with 300 ping or so. 

    Also I'd like to add, I am very bad and I have better ping than almost all of you, thankyouverymuch


    Edit: I actually am not that bad, just mediocre yet I still fall in the low goldisphere, can we derail this into a thread about how bad the threat system is?

  3. 11 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi there,


    We aren't planning any sales. Instead, we're focusing on new content and permanently fixing ARMAS which is still in progress.


    Can we get an ETA on Armas changes pwetty pls, and what section(s) is planned to be tweaked next? 

    (I really want to buy a certain clothing pack that feels very overpriced atm, hoping for either a acc wide option on more packs or a more reasonable pricetag)

    • Like 1

  4. Biggest pet peeve I don't see mentioned much; the awful animations. I'm not talking about how they look, they're entirely desynced garbage; most of them are way too long, someone pulls out a gun and can start firing it while the character's head is down and the gun is pointed away, and the hand switch animation, it is 100% pointless!! You can fire your gun instantly when switching hands, why on Gods green earth are they animated as if they are equipping the gun out again? Intentionally to bamboozle everyone? Gosh

  5. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    its picking up a barrel to go capture its pretty self explanatory...

    I think I might know waht the glitch is, I have a theory at least; I've destroyed enemy barrels at where they spawn in a captured region and when I do another glitched barrel sometimes comes back instantly, cant shoot it, and can walk through it. Maybe you are picking up this glitched one

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