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Posts posted by Acornie

  1. 23 hours ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    I believe ARMAS bundles have now been sorted out. None of them should be more than they were.




    While I'm happy y'all fixed many of the pricing issues, there is a few not even hard to find:

    Both bought separate cost 2,258
    With the pack you pay 785 more. That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg


    EDIT: 2/18



    • Like 1

  2. 2f4fdc395f.png

                             One question; why

     That's more than a 2x increase in price, just for some dumb kits


    Edit: Would be unfair to leave this how it is and not update to show that LO rather quickly remedied this:


    • Like 8

  3. Reading the replies the naysayers do have valid points; if it was JT then it would feel like another grind, however they did say the way JT would be utilized would get a revamp. I don't agree however that it would be bad to add something like this because it might take players away from missions; some players leave because there is so little to do in the game, I myself don't always feel trying to face sweaty bois in silver district so having something to do other than waste time in social or get off doesn't sound like such a bad thing

  4. There is lots of fun ideas for, let's call them 'Non-PvP missions'. Maybe once Unreal 3.5 and the new gamemode are completed and there isn't a timecrunch then little things like this could be added.

    • Like 5

  5. 1 minute ago, Kewlin said:

    Real talk though Matt: you need to fire whoever made that character of you.


    I don't care if you made it, whoever made it needs to be fired. It looks like a dragon. Like, really, it looks more like Smaug from the Hobbit movies than it looks like you.

    inb4 he made it himself, spent an hour on it and and you go and hurt his feelings, heh

    • Like 5

  6. 1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:

    yes about eight minutes too late christ we can't rely on you for anything can we

    Sorry, I was busy reading that joke of a discord they call the 'Apb Reloaded Community'


  7. Just now, BXNNXD said:

    no you havent answered the question at all you muppet

    ... but. Oh, I messed up, " Possible additions may include raspberries, strawberries, cherries, red grapefruit, grapes, cranberries, grenadine" I didn't copy as much as I intended to. Now is it answered? .-.

  8. "A popular variation of cloudy lemonade, pink lemonade, which – true to its name – has a distinctive pink color, is created by adding additional fruit juices, flavors, or food coloring to the recipe" Source: Wikipedia


    Yes, I really did answer the joke question

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