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Posts posted by Acornie

  1. 3 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    3.5 is gonna look pretty much the same. Matt even said some people wont be able to notice the  visual difference.

    I hope people arent getting their hopes up, as 3.5 isnt about visuals. 

    I thought it was gonna look like the consoles on 3.5 tho.... isn't that what the consoles ports are running? O.o
    2 hours ago, CookiePuss said:
    Jericho is mostly traps, trannies, catfish, and furries.
    Its a wonderful place.
    It is indeed a speshul place

  2. On 9/1/2018 at 2:13 AM, Hexerin said:
    On 8/31/2018 at 10:32 PM, Aeronaut said:

    ...rank 15? wait so what "rank" do accounts start on OTW? or are we referring to rating?

    Yes, they're referring to rating. Only us old hats refer to it as rating, because so many people over so many years have spread the misinformation that it's called rank that it's always going to be called that going forward. It's unfixable, although it's a great way to tell the difference between people who've been around for a long time or not.
    But it's called Rank ingame

  3. 4 hours ago, a Pair of Socks said:
    And since youre a " oh Look at NuMebReSsSS " kinda guy, 375 doesnt mean shit when theres 100 people in social, 20 people trolling, 10 people afk, and most of the other 245 are in bronze. lol. Oh and lets not include just staurday pop as an example. 
    So much hyperbole in this entire thread. There's only that percentage of the population in social when the edgy bois are on on the weekend, and I wasn't using Saturday as my example, I meant in general the pop max is 350-375. If you want a better argument for this whole post it's 'Jericho's population can't handle all this rampant rampant dethreating; is causing silver districts to not be populated' not, 'omg, Jericho is dead, abandon ship'

    I'm on Jericho all the time, I only use numbers for evidence of a point. But if you want numbers I'll give ya numbers: last Wednesday at 8am CT: 69. That is pretty low, I agree. Last Wednesday at 1pm CT; 162, that's not great. Last Thursday at 2am CT; 129 (I'm not trying to say anything by adding these numbers, I just wanted to add some real exaggerated numbers into this post.)
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