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  1. I think that it would be much better to have intelligent servers, that is now the servers Financial and Waterfront have a max of slot to 120 (60 crim and 60 enf) but if the servers Missions-Financial-1 and Missions-Financial-2 are full and the another one Missions-Financial-3 is with 2 crim and 3 enf, this is a problem, i think is a better the full servers transfer the some players. Example!!!, The server: Missions-Financial-3 have 3 crim and 2 enf, the server Missions-Financial-2 have 55 crim and 60 enf, the server Missions-Financial-2 transfer 12 crim and 13 enf on the server Missions-Financial-3, so now the server have 15 crim and 15 enf, it is easier to start missions, but this without the game disconnecting from the server for connect to the other one, but this with a sync without loading screens, something you don't even notice. All this to avoid being alone and getting bored on almost empty servers. Sorry for my english, I'm italian @MattScott
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