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Everything posted by Deftonez

  1. did you steal my account? you seem really upset over something that has nothing to do with you. i think you need to take it down a notch and just relax. i dont think thats selfish at all. i dont think im forcing/demanding them to help me, i'm just asking for them to help me as soon as they can. and i dont think you're stating any facts, just assumptions. you've been coming off so passive aggressive and i dont understand why.
  2. dude theres no freakin way i got RAT'd or keylogged. i have no idea how something like this could happen
  3. this forum account isnt linked to my compromised account so. i doubt someone is smart enough to try that
  4. im talking...trash...? yikes forgive me lol and i tried contacting lixil directly, still no answer
  5. did you wake up today and decide to be negative to everything? if you dont like what im doing then dont say anything lmao, i dont think we need your input at all (its not helping)
  6. i don't, unless someone drugged me and my account info slipped out ik dude ik im not sucking tiggs off
  7. PM them. if it's urgent they WILL help might as well give that a shot, thank you
  8. well, that is pretty urgent, I hope LO has priorities set for the category tickets come in for... good luck for a quick solution to your problem then! much appreciated friend dogfish had special treatment and i know, i'm just at a cross roads right now considering what happened
  9. NO HAHAHA i don't trade or buy legendaries lmao uhh i dont think so, lets just say i sent my ticket with the "stolen or compromised account" option
  10. well i already hit support, i just need help like really soon is all
  11. ok i know everyone complains about tickets not being answered but like i have something going on i need an immediate response on, so is there anyway i can directly contact Lixil or MattScott for this? i need help as soon as possible
  12. you start out at rank 9 like in the actual game as far as i know, but isn't rating the same as rank? im confus
  13. does anyone know if there's a way to access the old forums? idk if LO kept them up or just completely shut it down
  14. a 2014 player claiming someone doesn't get the bigger picture yikes
  15. yeah honestly, game is just not worth playing at this point. i keep looking at like "oh i didn't waste 12,000 hours playing this game" when in reality i did just waste 12,000 hours playing this game.
  16. oh no you've revealed my not-so-secret identity damn chas was right lmao, you fell off
  17. well what else does it look like pointdexter?
  18. i mean you tried to float the "other guys did it worse" excuse, idk if it gets cringier than that interesting to see that from someone without any "konfidence"
  19. i did what i did 4 whole years ago for only 4 months, i think you need to look at the people who kept doing it and doing it over and over and over again. you think what i did was bad? man. you're in for a rude awakening i play on lovely lovely (not toxic at all) jericho. i haven't encountered anyone cheating here. cant say the same for you EU people.
  20. i haven't encountered a single instance of someone being illegitimate or possibly using something to get an advantage over me i don't know about you but, but i know when someone is better than me, and i know when someone is cheating. it's pretty easy to determine, and i haven't faced anyone who was cheating not a single person. none. zero. great way to start an argument "check some of your perception related senses" - yikes. it's like you actually tried to say something meaningful. have a nice day
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