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Everything posted by Ulexos

  1. Seems like they purchased what they thought would be a working RAID controller, but it turned out to be faulty or something (this screencap is from the Nekrova Discord server)
  2. Please, PLEASE just use UTC for everything! It's the Coordinated Universal Timecode for a reason .w.
  3. Hey, necro-bumping I know, but the original post of this thread is a bit inaccurate albeit still neat since it got me to try CRU again in the first place, so I'm gonna share my CRU settings and a step-by-step guide for those of you who want to increase the fps limit up to 145 fps in APB, instead of the 121 fps that @MrsHappyPenguin suggested: ⚠WARNING⚠ MAKE SURE YOU KNOW HOW TO SAFE BOOT YOUR PC BEFORE DOING THIS so you can reset your setup in case you accidentally switch your monitor to the 144hz+ resolution inside other software or your operating system's/Windows' settings! It is important to know that you DO NOT NEED TO SWITCH TO THE 144hz+ RESOLUTION! In order to increase the fps cap of APB, all you need to do is 1. create a new detailed resolution that is identical to your topmost detailed resolution via the "add..." button inside CRU 2. in the "Frequency" section of the new detailed resolution's settings, set the refresh rate to 144 or above 3. click the "OK" button 4. move the 144hz+ detailed resolution you just created to the second line, underneath the topmost detailed resolution, via the up-arrow-button 5. click the "OK" once again (this closes CRU, nothing to worry about) 6. open the directory/folder where you ran CRU from again if you closed it and, depending on your operating system, run "restart64program" if it's in 64-bit, or "restart32program" if it's in 32-bit Side note: If you want to run the game at a custom resolution (e.g. like me at 1024x819 which is 5:4/8:5 or basically any other resolution that your monitor is capable of displaying), but your monitor is ancient and doesn't scale unusual resolutions properly (like mine oof, playing the game in 4:3 squished to 5:4 felt so bad lol): If your GPU has a resolution scaling feature you're in luck! All you need to do is 1. enable GPU scaling inside your GPU's settings 1.2 check if enabling GPU scaling limits your refresh rate via your operating system's display settings; if it does, you'll need to go into CRU, select the topmost detailed resolution, click on "edit", change the refresh rate to the one your monitor was running at before enabling GPU scaling, click the "ok" button, click the other "ok" button and finally run restart64program inside CRU's directory again 2. create a new detailed resolution in CRU and set that one to your desired resolution and refresh rate (again, your monitor must be capable of displaying it of course, make sure to test if via your operating system's settings) Enjoy!
  4. Leo / Leotek made the original ones, here you go: Extended cut version:
  5. An answer by a staff member or a link to one that has already been made in regards of this thread's main question would be nice to clear things up
  6. ...what?! Where on the forum announcement post does it say anything about winning JMBs if one wins multiple times? Someone in-game told me that winning just once would grant oneself 10 JMBs Should I really have just played the egoist and won another time or more instead of being done with going for wins and transitioning over to helping out others get their one win round because I got the skin from that one win I went for? Edit: words
  7. One time winner of the event here, I don't mind if the skin is given to everyone who logged in during the weeks the event was running. I actually helped to organize somewhat of a random, during the event rounds slowly growing group of people that designated itself to getting those who asked for help to get the skin to top score one round. Said people desperately tried to win just once at the very end of the event, and because of how seemingly greedy some good players/veterans/tryhards and/or closet cheaters behaved and since some were already trying to help out others, I did as well. Helping out others was actually the most fun I had during the event rounds, which in itself is quite a sad statement. Also, there was some talk in-game about winners of the event receiving 10 JMBs, were the people saying that just trolling, or...?
  8. Here's a handy time/timezone converter for everyone to see when the event is hopefully going to be live in their timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20181030T070000&p1=tz_pt Keep in mind that the time will be turned back by one hour on the 28th for some countries! (A Google search doesn't show that in the conversion when one types in the timezone)
  9. Huh, would like to know as well, even though I currently don't have anything on sale on the marketplace
  10. They recently organized an event where the main goal was to kill the real MattScott (on a district server with presumably fake MattScotts running around) to get some rewards, but yeah it was probably difficult to take part in it since the server they appeared on was most likely full in no time, one would've had to already be on it before it started filling up most likely... Longer events where everyone on all district servers could take part in would be hella neat indeed
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