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Everything posted by LilWonka

  1. if you have read cookys post you would not its not a flex, just correcting cooky.
  2. Thats the best you can do ? You forgot percs.
  3. were here all the time cookie come k up, you know what will happen, change to your oca and still get rekt.
  4. not my fault you can't tell the difference between trash talk, trolling and being toxic.
  5. you also ez, get rekt every time and yo uknow it. Cry more. nah we always said ez, arches clan uses the #spanked ez or e/e they say. Also thanks for showing what a poor sport you are cookie as usual.
  6. Person should be beat first. Nuke would be merciful and instant, also kill to many innocent .
  7. Weapons, a core mechanic that affects the game greatly, shouldn't be an exclusive item to the armas store, cosmetics and other services should be. All armas weapons should be able to be obtained by all players. If they want to make it so you can buy it perm on the armas store that is fine, but all players should be able to get any weap that is on the armas store some way in game.
  8. well you stated, the holocaust thread was locked, but this abomination of a post is allowed? maybe I just dont get it.
  9. Why wouldnt they allow this post ? its social district section of the forums and its not breaking any rules, are player no longer able to express themselves with humor and interact with the community ?
  10. Same but internet id is needed with all the hacking going on. I'm talking about real world hacking not the cheaters in game paying for hacks, there not hackers.
  11. It's been 5 long years but after all this time you guys finally get it. It brings tears of joy to my eyes, I can rest now.
  12. Remember we're talking about blatants in this post.
  13. https://psmag-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/psmag.com/.amp/news/the-government-internet-id-proposals-pros-and-cons-30448?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQA#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fpsmag.com%2Fnews%2Fthe-government-internet-id-proposals-pros-and-cons-30448 Just Google it, theres tons more on it.
  14. A big problem is people caint tell the difference between trash talk and being toxic.
  15. No cheating? Not sure if your serious or trolling. There working on this already, Bills have already been presented to congress.
  16. Back up what you say or stop talking out of your patootie.
  17. What is toxicity to you? Anything that hurts your snowflake feelings? Evidence has been provided but theres no naming and shamming anymore so it caint be provided here. Also where is the slander?
  18. Yeah that's totally what that means 100%
  19. LOL, the broadcast were nice, all they had to do on ffbans was disable comments to weed out the toxicity.
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