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Helix Reloaded

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Posts posted by Helix Reloaded

  1. 1 minute ago, Yood said:

    maybe let's build a purely paid world ?  if I'm not mistaken according to the weekly survey : 50% of players play for a fee , 40% of players play for free .



    im asking what part of the event is for free and what isn't.


    y u gotta be like this yood

  2. 29 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    I'm actually more in your camp right now, but Little Orbit lives in G1's shadow.
    We are applying a lot of caution in what we choose to put in ARMAS until we can get more free content into the game.

    Anything we release specifically to ARMAS needs to have a nice well designed, feel to it.


    Having said that, I also have no problem giving players a chance to earn items for free during a time limited period, then putting those things on ARMAS later, as long as we don't do it right away. For me, going straight to ARMAS cheapens the effort of some players who spent time to earn the rewards. Additionally there are a *small* amount of things that I do want to keep exclusive, but most of those shouldn't be desirable outside of the players who participated.

    What if instead of bringing the same items into the ARMAS store after the riot season ends, you add a different variant of the same item?


    EX: When you play RIOT and earn a helmet, it'll come with a really cool, season specific default texture on it to show that you earned it when it was available before. 

    Then later, when it's available in ARMAS, the same helmet is available, but without the special texture.

    Both versions should be customizable too, though.


    Also, I can't seem to understand whether the items in the RIOT pass are earnable for free or not? What does buying the pass get you that playing for free doesn't?

    • Like 1

  3. First off, @MattScott, thank you for addressing the issue and being generous enough as to give us the power to decide on this issue. It's a really nice gesture and it shows that you care about your community enough to take time out of your day to address issues we have (though to some people it would seem that's not the case with other issues they have.)

    I wanted the skin, but after seeing all the negative threads on the event and weighing my chances of winning, I ended up not even playing during the event. I'd love to get the skin, but if you'd be giving it out based on participation, I'd imagine you'd be missing a lot of people that were in the same boat as me. That said, it's just a cosmetic and you could even make it a seasonal release so people can get it next year if they really want it. Idk, do what the people say, i guess.

  4.  asdsd

    6 hours ago, Keshi said:
    Uhm... am i the only one that see's this? 
    EDIT: My premium expired last month and if you are NOT signed into armas marketplace you wont see the 50%
     I'm logged in (as you can see) but I can't see that offer.. 🤔
    Take advantage of the opportunity I guess.. 


  5. 10 hours ago, Lixil said:

    Moved to the suggestions section. Also will see with the team if we can do anything regarding this.

    Oh Lixil, you're a godsend. Thank you.

  6. buddy...
    if you're getting offended by people in the chat, you know you can like, not respond or look at the chat, right or ignore whoever the person is?
    from reading your post, you sound like the kind of player that joins districts just for chatting, then just gets into arguments in the chat. 
    i've read a lot of district chat and yeah, there's a lot of banter that goes on about, but it's nothing to get suspended over. a punishment like that should only be reserved for actual threats, not demeaning remarks.
    i talk in chat a fair bit and have never had "verbal abuse" or "sexual messages" slung my way. perhaps you should take a look at the way you conduct yourself in chat or how you treat the people you talk to? anger doesn't come out of nowhere in most people.

    inb4 "blaming the victim"

  7. Seriously, I'm losing my god-damned fucking mind over this gun. 60% of the time I'm getting assists instead of kills with this thing. Give it a higher marksman modifier or something, the low damage and inaccuracy are a terrible combo.

  8. 11 hours ago, V2050 said:

    It's not as accurate as the N-TEC and I don't believe it even has the same effective range (could be wrong).
    Up close, it doesn't have the smaller reticle of SMGs,

    The effective range is the same, but it's the massive reticle that bothers me. Hitting 8 shots with accuracy like that at anything over short-mid range seems pointless, especially when people that run CA regen the damage I just did in the time of couple of shots that miss because of the inaccuracy. I often find myself switching to my RFP to deal with enemies that far away. 
    11 hours ago, Kominis said:

    you can just legit spray them at any distance.

    Again, the bad accuracy even with HS3 makes this even less of an option on the Watchman. 

    ATAC Watchman just seems like an AR that gives up mid-long range effectiveness for some close range effectiveness but still fails to SMG's and shotguns, leaving it sub-par at whatever range I try use it on.
    Oh and as for the suppressor, I think it'd be nice if all suppressors were made into removable mods that could only be used on the weapon it came with. Would give you an empty slot if you decided to remove it. 

  9. Specifically the Watchman.
    Rant part:
    Why does this gun feel so fucking useless at any range I use it? 8 shots to kill? really?
    It feels outclassed by NTEC in pretty much every range I try to use it other than standing next to the enemy (If you think I'm using it wrong, please tell me what I should be doing with it).  I regret ever getting this thing..
    And why is the suppressor so useless? Gives no perks unlike every other suppressor in the game.
    Suggestion part:
    Could we see some kind of buff to this gun? I feel like so many of the kill assists I get should be actual kills. I dunno if the damage should be adjusted or if the marksman modifier needs to be better, just give me a reason to use this gun instead of the n-tec
    And yeah, I'm expecting hate cuz "atac op"
    Edit: Sidenote, what happened to "/report *name*" ? Do we not need it since lord and savior battleye is here?

    • Like 1

  10. LO had announced they'd release a new vehicle.
    Just wondering if there's any ETA on it as I was interested in buying a new car, but don't want to spend my cash before finding out if I like the new one more or not.


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