Hello there I will make it simple as it is with one example.
So I was farming money with the Criminal tonight and when I reached one amount of money I wanted to transfer it to my main char (SAME ACCOUNT), so as I remember from the last time I did that I could sell an item in the marketplace with my main char and log back to criminal and buy it for 200k I would lost around the 30 from the taxes so we get to 170k but guess what I did that and when I tried to buy the item there was an error "You can't bid in your own auction" and I was like WTH? What is going on? So I had to sell from another ACCOUNT an item in the marketplace go back to the Criminal char I had the $, buy the item and then return to the main char I wanted the money to have sell an item from there go back to secondary account and buy it, this is pain not only because I have to do all those steps but because the taxes in the marketplace is high asf 20% taxes, so I lost in sort 60 to 70k from 200k to 160 and then to 130-120k
So the suggestion is, Make the ingame $ tradable via the mail npc