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  1. I've had experimented with Nvidia Surround few years ago (2013). Felt pretty smooth, but recording dropped fps significantly. Can't remember if i had GTX460's or GTX680's. Also, this game does not like 4k at all. Framerate is all over the place. Hit a patch of dirt, say goodbye to your frames.
  2. That is because I haven't commented on client side predictions, but on the general "make car driving client side". But now we're talking about it, predictions have a chance of being incorrect. How the cars are now, when you give input (i.e. press W for acceleration), you ask the server for permission to move the car. Server answers with permission granted, and your the car moves forward. Server tells everyone where the car is. When the cars are client side, the client has to tell the server were the car is and the server forwards that data to other clients. When the client is going to lose packets, it can't tell the server where the car is. As long as the client isn't giving different inputs during packet loss, client side prediction would work fine. Now, if the car is going straight, starts to lose packets and starts making a turn, the server wouldn't know what. Client side prediction would still show the car moving straight forward, even if it collided with the wall. Packet loss is over and then suddenly receives a different location of where the car is. If you were attacking that car at that moment it would disappear and appear somewhere else. Compare it to a weather forecast, they can show you what the weather might be next week. The next day they might show a completely different or slightly altered forecast for that day. They have a week to predict and correct the forecast, and there will still be a chance for it to be wrong. Now compare that to a online game, where it only has milliseconds to correct itself with inconsistent latency. Results will be all over the place. I don't know what the test environment was during development at RTW, but most likely local network. If that already showed issues, it would be worse over the internet.
  3. With the issues that the game has, we should not add another one. The more things are client-side the more it can be abused. Think of lag-switches. Also:
  4. You might want to disable auto-update for APB on steam. AFAIK steam has a much older version of APB. Every time you sync the game through the launcher, after exiting the game steam wants to sync with the files they have. This is how I have it.
  5. Oscar, I'm apparently good with that weapon with the right mods. Vegas 4x4, it gives me the best driving experience while dealing with high and inconsistent latency. I'm from The Netherlands who plays on an American server.
  6. No, it is America that has weirdly placed traffic lights. Also, the game studio was located in the UK, at least be happy that the they designed the traffic on the right side of the road.
  7. Excluding a country from purchasing a loot box shouldn't be a big problem, just add a filter to Armas to exclude some IP ranges that they use. The Netherlands is a bit more relaxed on loot box gambling. They still allow it as long as it can't be traded. But since Joker Box rewards can be traded, even when it's limited to Marketplace, it's violating the Dutch law. There are websites where the rewards can advertised and sold for real money. In my opinion, all Joker Box rewards should be locked and account wide. It could have a positive or negative effect. I would be more likely to buy Joker Boxes because I have a lot of characters and like exclusive stuff. At this point, everyone is at risk of getting their accounts compromised because of the trading. They're even selling ingame "space bucks" for a good amount. I am not completely against trading legendary weapons. But when someone is stealing all your stuff, it has to go through marketplace. They can set any price they want and complete the deal. However, if they set it at 1 "space buck" someone else is going to find it and buy it instantly without thinking and are likely to get their account banned. They need to be fast, either have 2 computers (or VM) or 2 persons. If they look at the market price, i would say set a minimum price for each legendary weapon that it can be sold for. I guess it would eliminate the scamming somewhat, but would still violate the Dutch law. It is entirely up to you whether you want to spend money or not on this game, but you're not willing to spend from your own hard earned cash, but you're fine with spending someone else hard earned cash?
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