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About TheCorruptedVoid

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  1. Purchased: Aug 14 @ 9:10pm 1,100 G1C - $12.00 Subtotal $12.00 Tax $0.87 Total $12.87 Purchased: Jul 2 @ 5:42pm 4,560 G1C - $40.00 Subtotal $40.00 Tax $2.90 Total $42.90
  2. So it did change, It's $12USD for 1,100 G1C now. Looked at past order history on Steam. 1.1 Cent per 1 G1C
  3. PC specs? Also a lot of errors in the past were fixed with dx9 install from microsoft website.
  4. Should try to run repair and see if it happens again that way it can install BattleEye again, maybe it just was a bad install. If it happens again it's best to tell support about it in a ticket and get a clear answer from them.
  5. I would say "yes" It's getting better but it's going to take time. Give it a try and see if it's doing better for you. My game hasn't crashed AT ALL from x64 update. There are hitches and server lag still but no where near the amount it was before. It goes without saying there are problems also, BUT most of them are fixable by just updating DX9 drivers from Microsoft website. This is many for GPUs that came out the past 6 years to now.
  6. I'm glad that you've taken the time to read the forums. It shows that you've been following the players and what we think/feel about the update. As for 2.x, I still think it could have worked. The way you guys were going about it was time/resource consuming. I guess I'll take you up on the offer and message you after a month or 2 when people stop blowing up your inbox. I'll help anyway I can and we'll go from there.
  7. Had this issue in the past, not saying it'll solve it but worth a try. -get the latest DX9 from Microsoft website. DX9 install below Make a folder called DX9. Run the DX9 you got from Microsoft website. It'll ask for you to set a location to extract to. Use the folder you made. Go to folder, in folder you extracted to. Right click DXSETUP and run as admin.
  8. -Makes sure windows is up to date. -GPU driver update/ remove Gforce now as it has been known to break the game. -get the latest DX9 from Microsoft website. DX9 install below Make a folder called DX9. Run the DX9 you got from Microsoft website. It'll ask for you to set a location to extract to. Use the folder you made. Go to folder, in folder you extracted to. Right click DXSETUP and run as admin.
  9. I agree, there's a lot to be done 1st. On a side note they could set a district that does all of the game modes but have it randomly select the game mode for a hour or so.
  10. Well that's a new one, What pc specs?
  11. -May need to uninstall the game and delete the folders for it and install again. Run the game once and close it, then run a repair. I had this happen in early 2010's. On a big update back then and this helped. If it still happens try other most fix issues below. -Makes sure windows is up to date. -GPU driver update/ remove Gforce now as it has been known to break the game. -get the latest DX9 from Microsoft website. DX9 install below Make a folder called DX9. Run the DX9 you got from Microsoft website. It'll ask for you to set a location to extract to. Use the folder you made. Go to folder, in folder you extracted to. Right click DXSETUP and run as admin. YAY done.
  12. We as the players need a road map, I know road maps are not set it stone for what will come but at least we would have some type of incite on what they want to work on and things that can come. -VPC like Vivox voice chat use to Have now that x64 is out. -Need to bring back ALL old content that was removed like the old fight club that was removed, the mayhem district, mutant district. They could set a district that does all of the game modes but have it randomly select the game mode for a hour or so. -A 50v50 district for missions like how fight club is but bigger for the amount of people. ore cap points for capping, when it's a raid mission could have 10 places all over the map to raid. -Adding things that are in game already into content like the Christmas snowball into a dodge ball server would be fun. -New missions for fight clubs like a VIP RPG only mission, everyone spawns with a RPG. -LONG waited race track. Doesn't need to be pretty on release, make it bare-bones for now and like a few months down the road when they do maintenance they can just add something here and there over time. -Group number increased to the cap of a mission allowed, Not everyone plays the game alone. -A rework of report, typing /report and then there name while in mission can be slow if in fight club because the ranking list changing every sec. I think it should be in the score menu (tab) then have a button/box for report like the ignore. -Player content like models for guns, cars, clothing, even maps. This player base has many great artist ranging from 3D models to 2D art used as tattoos/decals. I myself have a masters in computer graphics and design. This could be a hard one to do because of rights or usage and stuff. I think I have ideas that can make this easy to show POF (proof of work) because of copy right but that'll be a new post if it gets that far. -A engine update with graphics update. - THERE ARE SO MANY people who offered free help to make maps and stuff but have always got turned down. The game and it's player base would be more healthy if they sought out help before it got to this point. I know a handful of people who offered to help with the 2.0 update that got scrapped, I was one who offered help with 2.0. 2.0 could have worked if they just worked with the players and got help from people who had the skills to help.
  13. Joined Feb 2 2023, It shows on your account.
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