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Posts posted by vsb

  1. 28 minutes ago, BlatMan said:

    I think the solution is for people to host their own private servers. Unlike retail stores, the server admins can remove problematic people from the servers without legal repercussions. If games like Rust and CS:GO can do it successfully, I don't see how a game similar to APB can't.

    imagining private apb servers gave me ptsd flashbacks to ffbans 

  2. 14 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Roles need to be completely reworked anyways. Others have also brought this up, but it bears repeating every time the topic is brought up.

    • Roles should have linear growth per rank, so the player knows what to expect and can easily calculate their progress.
      • Start with 50 kills for rank 0 to rank 1, and add 50 more for each rank beyond.
        • 50 kills for rank 1
        • 100 kills for rank 2
        • 150 kills for rank 3, etc
          • This results in 6,800 total kills for the current rank 16 cap. It is also makes it easy to increase the ranks with new content.
    • Slotted weapons should be granted every 3rd rank.
      • Rank 3 grants 1 slot (300 total kills)
      • Rank 6 grants 2 slot (1,050 total kills)
      • Rank 9 grants 3 slot (2,250 total kills)
    • Weapon mods should be granted as a batch, and also every 3rd rank. So Rifleman would grant its Hunting Sight 1 and Magazine Pull 1 both at rank 3.
      • This fixes the current situation where you unlock your first weapon mod (or in the case of roles like Rifleman, your first two weapon mods), but literally can't use them as you haven't been granted any open slotted weapon unlocks.
    • These two changes make it so that a player doesn't need to have played the game for literal years before they can access 3 slot weapons.
      • It also fixes the issue of market scarcity of weapon mods, which helps balance the playing field for newer players.
    • "Alternative" weapons (for example, N-TEC 5 Stock) are unlocked slotless at rank 1 as they already are.
      • Slotted versions are unlocked at the same time as other slotted weapons (ranks 3, 6, and 9).
    • As for all the other ranks, the rewards should be purely cosmetic stuff like how Cop role already grants. Titles, clothing (both customizable and preset), weapon skins, etc.
      • Every rank should have at least one reward. In the case of clothing, customizable can be granted a piece at a time but presets should be granted as sets.

    I could go on with more details and extra specifics, but I'll leave it there.

    an actual sane suggestion from hexerin the world is ending


    i'll add on that weapon roles (and their requirements) should continue to infinity instead of having a max level, even if there's no rewards (yet) for role 17-999

    • Like 1

  3. 56 minutes ago, Rade said:

    I think my idea of perfect is your idea of the dream matchmaking system where the moment you press K you are in a mission with opposition.


    But lets run with your idea because when you think about it you just made the point that /abandonmission would be a redundant feature and therefore not needed, and can be removed.

    it doesn’t have to be instant opp, that’s most likely never going to happen


    i’m suggesting a system with perfect bare minimum matchmaking  functionality doesn’t start a mission until it has two teams queued, so yes ideally the /abandonmission command would be rendered useless


    as a solo player unopposed missions aren’t just mind-numbingly boring, imo they’re actively harmful to matchmaking - what is the purpose of locking down 3 players that the system has already failed to correctly matchmake as a team? why not continue to have those 3 players available individually for more flexibility in terms of matchmaking combinations? 

    • Like 1

  4. 1 hour ago, BlatMan said:

    I remember it being due to the high server tickrate, but I can't search the old forums to find that post. The servers were set to 25 tps for a long time. I forget if it was G1 or LO who increased it.

    very early g1 had high server fps for like a week, ambulances were doing backflips and moirais were wheelieing uncontrollably 



  5. 32 minutes ago, Y2Venom said:

    None of these changes are for the casual players ....

    lower ttk was introduced to reduce the impact of tracking in gun fights so casuals have to aim less

    damage drop off was introduced to push the game further into a rock paper scissors balance for casuals to rely on

    threat calculation has been changed to make it easier to get gold threat so casuals could feel better

    visual threat icons were reduced to 4 colors to make the game less competitive so casuals could feel better

    threat segregation was introduced to separate the mix of different skill levels so casuals only face casuals

    anti-dethreating measures were implemented (demerits, demerit kicks, score requirements) to protect casual players from other casual players

    sprint shooting was nerfed because casuals had trouble aiming

    several new mods like car surfer, high burn fuel, spotter, etc, all dumb the game down for the lowest common denominator 

    new guns, legendaries in particular, have often been released overpowered to tempt casuals who feel they need a crutch to compete

    nerfs generally happen to any gun the perceived top players are using


    again not all these changes are bad, but they all help out the casuals

    if the gold 10 illuminati exists then why isn't apb a hyper-competitive game with great rewards for the best players?

    • Like 2

  6. 23 minutes ago, Y2Venom said:

    all big changes that have been made were to suit a small powerful demographic in the game



    lower ttk, damage drop off, threat calculation changes, visual threat changes, threat segregation, anti-dethreating measures, sprint shooting changes, new (broken) mods, new (broken) guns, nerfs on top of nerfs on top of nerfs


    i won't say all of it was bad but all of it was definitely intended for the large majority of casuals who couldn't keep up with the top players


    if the gold 10 illuminati exists then why has the ntec been changed more than any other gun?

  7. On 3/17/2023 at 6:46 PM, Bound2Fail said:
    • Satchel charges:
    1. Now an orange mod.
    2. Satchels become Breaching Charges: sticky throwables statistically similar to concussion grenades in terms of hard damage, 500 in stamina damage and throwing weight slightly heavier than frags. Can open doors remotely and are activated 0.6 seconds after they have been planted.
    3. Breaching charges, once activated, are held, and then thrown with a single M1 click by default. Detonating the charges would optimally be done with a separate bind.

    hp damage?


    these also need to keep a fuse timer, even if they can still be manually detonated, to prevent them being used as improvised claymores




    On 3/17/2023 at 6:46 PM, Bound2Fail said:
    • Mobile Cover
    1. Mobile cover becomes large enough to fit at least one people and a half and gets slightly raised to prevent pixel peeking.
    2. Cooldown: 120s ->190s

    Shields in their current state only serve to block objectives and ladders. Let them serve an actual defensive use instead of being an easily broken nuisance.


    shields are already a disgustingly useful panic button, absolutely no buffs for them




    On 3/17/2023 at 6:46 PM, Bound2Fail said:
    • Radar Jammer:
    1. Raise effects to 60m. Keep negatives.

    Currently, there are very few reasons to use thanks to the small range of it. The mod would benefit from having users just barely visible on everybody’s radar before they get jammed. Speedy and loud playstyles got enough toys now, why not give some love to stealth, eh?

    radar jammer would be more useful if it negated spotter, flaregun, tagger, and carspawns for its duration




    On 3/17/2023 at 6:46 PM, Bound2Fail said:
    • Car Surfer becomes an orange car mod.
    1. Allows everybody to car surf onto a car equipped with it. -70% damage resistance. Just say that the chassis used to allow it requires thinner car plating or something, I dunno.

    I must admit to bias here: I love car surfing, and while removing this from the game would be a good step, it would also remove something fun from the game. Detractors of it often say that CS completely ruined car chases by allowing cars AV turrets, and I completely agree, which is why I redesigned this mod into forcing a glass-canon approach to car surf to all vehicles, including the bigger ones like Pioneers (which, if my math is correct, wouldn’t be able to withstand a direct OSMAW rocket). Attempting to make cars tankier by adding Steel Plating would successfully reduce the penalty against ambushing AV outside of OSMAWs, at the cost of top speed, something you don’t want to lose in a car chase or during objective transitions. I like to think that this version of car surfing would make for a good “for fun” mod with niche tactical uses.

    what is damage resistance? is this just -70% HP for vehicles? if so, that's far too much, especially considering nearly everyone who can mains high burn with an additional -15% vehicle HP




    On 3/17/2023 at 6:46 PM, Bound2Fail said:
    • Improved Rifling:
    1.  Range improvement hinges on small percentages instead of raw values.
    2. Replace the max bloom penalty with a ROF penalty.
    3. Leave preset versions of the mod untouched.

    Although it was rough around the edges back when LO did a similar thing, this change did show a good understanding of how gun mods should work in APB: as fundamental alterations to how guns behave, not direct upgrades. The slower ROF didn’t just make previously unusable guns usable; it made some viable: high RoF meme guns like the M1922 and the SHAW for example, became very fun to play with again thanks to them shooting fast enough for the server to catch up- it created so many cool things and combos that, for many, it became fun to toy around with gun mods again, and made discoveries some would have otherwise ignored.

    Unfortunately, the excessive whining of NTEC mains getting outperformed by CR762s legitimate complaints over some preset weapons breaking had them revert it back to its prior state, which turned it back into a straight upgrade for almost every gun.

    the tommy and the shaw are both perfectly viable guns, they see less use because there are even better alternatives


    the fundamental issue with percentage based improved rifling is that its unable to boost short range weapons enough to be useful without being overtuned on long range weapons - a similar problem happens with high rof/low ttk guns (like the m1922 or the shaw) being able to eat the downside with minimal effect while low rof/high ttk guns are disproportionately affected


    presets cannot be left untouched, too messy


    anyone who uses improved rifling on an lmg is weird




    On 3/17/2023 at 6:46 PM, Bound2Fail said:
    • 3-Point-Sling:
    1. 3-5-7% less character speed as the weapon equips itself.

    I don’t understand why this mod in particular has no downsides whatsoever despite the insane bonus it holds. If anybody knows the reason why, do enlighten me.

    This change also incentivizes the usage of lower levels of it. Currently, lower levels of 3PS may as well not exist.

    unnecessary nerf to weapons that already suffer from long equip times like LMGs and sniper rifles




    On 3/17/2023 at 6:46 PM, Bound2Fail said:
    • High Magnification Scope:


    Raise accuracy benefits to Hunting Sight 2’s (might be too low in comparison the downsides HMS holds, HS3 levels sounded more reasonable in my mind)

    One of the reasons why this mod sucks is because guns fitted with this that would benefit from it can’t due to the piss-poor benefits the gun receives in exchange of tunnel vision and no crosshair. It’s a shame, because it’d otherwise be a serviceable, yet niche mod.

    HMS already applies the accuracy bonuses of HS3


    push it further and have HMS make every gun pixel accurate at full accuracy, HS4 if you will

    also change the crosshair back to normal, its currently just annoying, and even unusable in certain conditions




    On 3/17/2023 at 6:46 PM, Bound2Fail said:
    • Firework Launcher
    1. Now a yellow mod. Remove the spotting effect.

    Same logic as Radar Tower. Nobody likes wallhacks. Let Spotter actually fill a role instead of giving players a tool that instantly does the job across a radius the size of the Atlantic Ocean.

    have firework launcher ping affected enemies on radar instead of real time HUD trackers

    whatever happens to firework launcher happens to spotter, there's no reason for any real time wallhacks in apb, its simply too strong of an advantage




    On 3/17/2023 at 6:46 PM, Bound2Fail said:
    • N-HVR:
    1. Damage: 770 -> 720

    any further damage nerfs to the hvr will require the scout also be reverted back to 550 damage, otherwise it will further overshadow the hvr





    • Thanks 1

  8. 8 minutes ago, proxie said:

    years and yet here we are with nothing to show for it. You say you're grateful for our support, but what have you done to show us that? We've been waiting and waiting, and all we get is empty promises. It's time to put up or shut up. We want to see real progress, not just more empty words!" What about all the other issues that have been plaguing APB: Reloaded for years? What about the lack of content updates, the broken matchmaking system, and the lack of communication from the developers? It's been nearly a decade since we've had any meaningful content updates and yet you're talking about adding a new car and contacts? That's not going to cut it. We need real solutions to the problems that have been plaguing the game for years. We need more than just hosting upgrades and new cars. We need meaningful content updates, better matchmaking, and more communication from the developers. I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of progress on anti-griefing options and streamer mode. It's been a long-standing issue that has yet to be addressed, and it's really hurting the game. Streamers are a great way to bring in new players, but they're being harassed and embarrassed in front of their viewers. It's unacceptable. The events and holidays we've had in the past have been lackluster, and it's a shame that we haven't been able to iterate on them. We need to do better if we want to keep players engaged. The tutorial and FTUE are also in desperate need of an upgrade. Players are overwhelmed with information and don't know what to do. We need something interactive that teaches them the basics of the game. Integrating FairFight as a server-sided solution alongside EAC is a great idea, but I'm not sure why we're not publishing any individual public ban lists. Cheaters should be held accountable for their actions, and not glorified. Finally, I'm disappointed that we haven't been able to reintegrate Vivox yet. We need to backport the work from APB Reloaded 2.x to 1.30 so we can use the new hosting platform. This should have been done a long time ago. Thank you for the update on the roadmap. I'm glad to see that DirectX12 Rendering System, Xbox and Playstation Ports of 1.30, and Premium Revamp are all being considered as priorities. However, I would like to suggest that Player vs Environment (PVE) Missions and Physically Based Rendering Pipeline be given higher priority, as I think these features would add a lot of value to the game. Additionally, I would love to see horses or a cool motorbike featured in the game! I appreciate all the hard work that Matt Scott has put into APB: Reloaded and his travels in Europe. Thank you! Thank you for the update on the roadmap. I'm glad to see that DirectX12 Rendering System, Xbox and Playstation Ports of 1.30, and Premium Revamp are all being considered as priorities. However, I would like to suggest that Player vs Environment (PVE) Missions and Physically Based Rendering Pipeline be given higher priority, as I think these features would add a lot of value to the game. Additionally, I'd love to see horses or a cool motorbike featured in the game! I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of progress on anti-griefing options and streamer mode. It's been a long-standing issue that has yet to be addressed, and it's really hurting the game. Streamers are a great way to bring in new players, but they're being harassed and embarrassed in front of their viewers. We need more than just hosting upgrades and new cars. We need meaningful content updates, better matchmaking, and more communication from the developers. The tutorial and FTUE are also in desperate need of an upgrade. Integrating FairFight as a server-sided solution alongside EAC is a great idea, but I'm not sure why we're not publishing any individual public ban lists. Finally, I'm disappointed that we haven't been able to reintegrate Vivox yet. I appreciate all the hard work that Matt Scott has put into APB: Reloaded and his travels in Europe. We've been waiting and waiting, and all we get is empty promises. It's time to put up or shut up. We want to see real progress, not just more empty words!


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  9. 3 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Who said anything about increased magazine sizes?

    common sense?


    if you’re going to decrease damage and increase rof, then ammo count needs to be adjusted equivalently otherwise you’re just dumping a massive nerf on top of fundamentally altering gameplay


    for example, at half damage/double rof almost every secondary requires ~90% accuracy or higher without increased magazine size


    at quarter damage/triple rof all secondaries are too weak to kill in a single magazine

    • Like 2

  10. 23 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    What really needs to happen though, is that all guns have their damage cut to half (or even a quarter), and fire rates jacked up by double or triple across the board. Same amount of damage in a given time frame, but spread across significantly more bullets. This would resolve a current issue the game has, where slow firing weapons will miss shots simply because of the left/right movement that normal gunplay encourages (which makes faster firing weapons automatically superior for consistency).

    that sounds awful, literally and figuratively


    also running around with 90 round assault rifle mags and 50 round pistol mags is too goofy even for apb



    • Like 2

  11. 2 hours ago, LilyRain said:

    Shotguns are unusable, eh? CQC weapons unusuable, okay...


    I decided to give shotguns a spin. I did it with Thumper so there would be no further bullshitting and here is the result:




    this is...an image of you going negative in fight club, where everything works, as evidenced by your other image of ltl doing well in fight club


    the thumper is in a rough spot because rayscaling is gone, and without the guarantee of a min ttk all day every day it's much harder to justify a shotgun that's primarily designed around min ttking


    its not limited to the thumper, the nfas and the showstopper both suffer from the same issue


    edit: i don't want rayscaling back either, just to be clear, that was a terrible mechanic



  12. 29 minutes ago, Clumsyhunt3R said:

    50 v 50? Just play fightclub and you'll either get your fix or realise why it will not work. 

    i'm convinced it can work, but not as a 50v50 TDM - that has already been tried and failed


    instead, like fight club, there needs to be objectives spread throughout the district to split the 50v50 population into smaller chunks and allow players to move between different hot spots as they wish

  13. 19 hours ago, N66 said:

    I think a vehicle being difficult to destroy using bullets, for 1 or 2 people, giving it a chance to run is a good balance in APB, that also is complimented by the fact that you can't shoot the driver through the window.

    the inability to damage players inside vehicles is exactly why vehicles should have lower hp, something has to balance out the ability to get kevlar 10 just by pressing F



    19 hours ago, N66 said:

    The old balance allowed cars like Vegas to take an osmaw hit and possibly give the driver time to exit if he's faster than his enemy, now with HB most vehicles (not even Pioneer? correct me if I'm wrong) won't take an osmaw anyway, that's also my beef and why I said Vegas is kinda meh because it's still a good choice, but it's plastic like a Bishada.

    the old balance wasn't really balanced at all, it was 3 vehicles with high hp and high speed (and high price tags, a total coincidence i'm sure) being able to use a mod that removed the largest drawback of vehicles


    high burn should be a risk consideration, not a mandatory upgrade - even now after the nerf its arguably still the most popular vehicle mod, that's how strong it is


    that the vegas is now "plastic like a bishada" means people actually choose to use some of the 25 other cars in apb now, which is only a positive imo



    20 hours ago, N66 said:

    Not to mention AV guns, especially ALIG, now eat through vehicles like butter, the concept is great, but this is too much

    i think AV weapons are in a fine spot atm, except perhaps the dmr-av that's a straight upgrade over the dmr-sd


    what needs a rework are missions and mission objectives that are vulnerable to AV with no other option - vehicle delivery missions with subpar vehicles and objective tags for the defending team would be a good place to start there



    20 hours ago, N66 said:

    Lastly, yes, Mikro and possibly Vaquero need a reasonable buff, maybe HP buff, I think that's the difference between our views, I'd like to see a buff to them, not a nerf to bring the other vehicles closer to their level

    i'm pretty sure the idea is that nerfs have gotten us about halfway to decent vehicle balance and now buffs can push us the rest of the way, there's a reason the roadmap focuses on changes to underutilized vehicles

  14. -increase customization limits again (100 layers for vehicles/clothing, 200 layers for symbols)

    -increase inventory limits

    -increase mission rewards, including JT, by x amount (x2 seems acceptable)

    -increase/remove item purchasing limits for guns, vehicles, and modifications

    -unlock “exclusive” premium weapon skin

    -armas discount (probably keep the same 20%)

    -account wide roles

    -remove refurbishing


    a lot of these are popular requests, but if orbit wants to monetize them i’d be fine with that



    • Thanks 1

  15. 4 hours ago, Daarin said:

    Thirdly, why would anyone be actively in a district and whats even the purpose of them if players are gonna be moved all the time? There isn't a single reason besides just driving around, doing events, or robbing - which puts people even at higher risk.

    is that any different from how it is now?


    the “open world” aspect of apb outside of missions has been relegated to essentially a matchmaking lobby for almost a decade, even longer if like many people you consider ramraiding useless

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