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Posts posted by Kewlin

  1. 25 minutes ago, SkittyM said:

    Kinda my point with that.  Everyone wants them but once you get them you rather quickly realize how "meh" they are and just never use them ever again.    I think it's just cause of what the item is, could get more mileage out of the tin foil hat than the glasses me thinks.


    I like the 3D glasses on my EU character, but I don't think I'd ever use them for anything else.

  2. On 7/3/2019 at 11:06 AM, Glaciers said:

    have a repost, maybe repetition will finally make it through to the staff


    I think this event was kinda' blown out of proportion, 'cause literally who cares about the rewards, but I definitely agree in general.


    Also, one day events, especially on holidays, should always just be login rewards.



    On 7/3/2019 at 2:58 PM, SkittyM said:

    Though it would be nice if instead they used the ARMAS event tracking system for stuff like this.


    I love that the event tracker system was shown to be extraordinarily successful in getting players to log on, and then just was dropped entirely.

    • Like 1

  3. 23 hours ago, Frosi said:

    I'll do my part, here's my personal favorite out of the screenshots I took, as I've mentioned in my last post in regards to 3.5, I really like the more vibrant look of the game, this is just one of many examples.




    EU looking good.


    Seriously though, can we finally get a statement on if LO is considering reverting or redoing the texture changes that RP did to APB for the console? Some of them are alright-ish, but so many of them just fucking suck and are way too vibrant, not to mention entirely changing the color scheme of San Paro.

    • Like 2

  4. 18 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Why are you people acting surprised? They didn't listen to the SPCT's feedback, what makes you think they'd listen to the general populace's feedback either?


    I think they figured they'd listen to the masses instead of the few, but I kinda' agree with you here strangely enough.

    • Like 1

  5. Lol, why even have a cost for your primary weapon if it's a 1 time $2,000 cost? TBH, either give us our loadout 100% of the time, or not at all.


    Also, as VSB said, the FBW is already basically the best secondary if you get good at it, so the increased cost is silly. As it is it's not even worth it at $500.




    To be clear though, are you not considering changing the standing requirements so that you don't need to play 50+ games to get max level with the contact? Because that's absurd, at the very least for a beta.



    *EDIT* Also, I predict that remove respawns in just the endstage will cause several issues.


    1. It encourages even more footsies and all around slow and annoying gameplay, especially hiding.

    2. It makes the currency game far more worthless once you get to the final stage (realistically you only use a couple thousand in bribes ever from what I can tell.) Basically this means that there's no reason not to die before the last stage.

  6. 17 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    I can't believe this is even a conversation still, yet alone one that should be receiving any kind of light/focus.


    It does not matter if weapon drops are mechanically fun or interesting or not. The bottom line is that it has been shown to lag the district/server and should not even be thought of to be introduced in that current state. Such a huge gameplay performance issue overrides any additional minor gameplay mechanic. This shouldn't have been a thread, there shouldn't have been a poll, and you should not be listening to any feedback within this thread.


    This is a simple issue with a clear and objective solution that should have never been given a second thought. 


    But mah weapon trying.

  7. I'm still waiting to see if LO is going to find a way to make it at all possible for players who didn't play during the first few days to get the skin, especially players who have to like, do other things like work and have a life outside of work and APB.




    On 6/20/2019 at 9:12 AM, Seedy said:

    this is brilliant.

    I too have been here for said time and while I am not heavily in to the lore I appreciate that allot of people are and RIOT just shits all over it. LO do not know enough about APB to write the story. 


    And This:


    (P.S. You use both "San Paroan" and "San Parian" in the same bio, I personally prefer the latter, but just don't use both in the same bio please, lol.)


    Maybe a spelling mistake i dont know.


    LO please listen to us and turn back the clock on this mess. We dont want RIOT.


    Sorry I didn't get around to replying sooner, but yeah, I just don't get it man.

    • Like 1

  8. I'm going to skip everything that's been said a thousand times (no, I didn't read the whole fucking thread) like that the mode needs to be aborted, and that it has a thousand issues, even though all of that's true. (Sidenote, it could be made into something not awful, but I doubt that will happen.) I will say though that you need to reduce the standing required to get to rank 5 with the contact or increase the standing gained, as the current requirement is absolutely ridiculous, especially when I can wait over half an hour during "prime" hours and not get a match: and there's no way I'm doing that on top of working a full-time job. Hell, let me buy it for $10 instead, 'cause I don't have time for that.


    My number one complaint with RIOT is that the lore is fucking smart, and not only has nothing to do with APB but is entirely against it. It makes everything in the lore thus far a mockery. Here's a list of a few talking points:

    1. Red Hill is a place, not a company, what the fuck is with you just naming the company "RedHill." That's like if there was a company just named Bronx County in Bronx County: that would never happen.  No, the company is not really named the RedHill Institute of Technology, because AFAIK RIOT is just a subsidiary of the company, (I could be wrong on this part,) and the site itself repeatedly just refers to it as RedHill. Also, it should be RHIOT, not RIOT TBH, just as a quick aside. If you replaced all references to RedHill with RIOT, I'd give up on this point.
    2. Uhmm. . . How is RedHill supposed to be getting away with this? Like, it's a fucking speshul plan. Here's how it plays out: RedHill takes over San Paro, then RedHill gets taken out by outside forces (if the police don't do something to begin with, because BTW, there are still cops in San Paro, and they're not even really that corrupt from what I can tell from reading the lore.) It's that simple, there's no other way to look at it, this isn't a superhero movie, the plot of RIOT mode is far stupider than anything else in APB lore.
    3. "It's been almost a decade since the City Security Act came into force in San Paro. . ." Uhmm. . . what? How about no, nothing has advanced in San Paro, as far as I'm concerned current APB can't possibly be more than a few years after 2010 when the start of the game takes place, given that A] technology and society has not advanced at all and B] a decade of civil war would have entirely destroyed San Paro, financially if nothing else.
    4. Both the Praetorians and Blood Roses care about money, but let's not forget that they both rich and are based on money in San Paro. Either the Torians or the Roses being basically bought out by RedHill is like if I threw you a twenty to burn down your house and you did it.
    5. On that note, most of the player characters in APB are millionaires at this point AFAIK, why are they fighting over a few thousand dollars? That's not even to mention that San Paro is generally espoused as being more about standing out and being a rockstar than becoming rich, and being hired as a pawn to destroy San Paro really isn't a very good way to be a celebrity.
    6. For all their faults, the Praetorians are still a largely moral organization. Remember Aletta Cadagan? Remember that her whole point, and what made her cool, is that her plan is so over the top that they have to hide it from even Teng himself? Aletta's plan makes sense to an extent, and yet Shadowstrike had to keep it hushed so that it didn't get shut down. . . and yet you think the Praetorians are going to throw in with RedHill? Teng, or better yet Shadowstrike, would personally make sure each and every Praetorian who worked for RedHill was killed as far as I'm concerned.
    7. Jane Derren was tricked into handing out the vaccine, and I don't think anyone thinks that she would support RedHill's plan. . . so. . . how did she not shut down RedHill after the G-Kings revealed their plan? Despite how insane her plan to save San Paro was, Jane Derren is without a doubt supposed to be purely good, and even the fact that she's implied to have given Holland a lucrative deal simply because he was her friend seems out of character.
    8. All of the in-game lore you made entirely skips the part where there are gigantic chemical diffusers everywhere? In fact, not even the A.R.G. lore covers how RedHill did a complete makeover to San Paro. . . I feel like there would have been some. . . uhh. . . resistance? You know, from the police, Tigers, Gs, Praetorians, citizens, and heck, the National Guard? The bios mention vaccines, not gas, in fact they just jump straight from saying the flu vaccine was revealed to be bad to "the common citizens fled."
    9. Which brings me to. . . who are we spreading this gas for in the game mode? Because literally everyone else has left. Really, who the fuck are we spreading this gas for beside ourselves? This reeks of TF2 lore, except it's supposed to be serious: we're literally just anti-aggressing opposing mercenaries for no reason.
    10. What happened to the G-Kings and Tigers? It's mentioned that they resisted, but that's it, like, how the fuck did all of this happen with them resisting? Especially when the Praetorians should have been resisting alongside them TBH.
    11. On that note, why can't you actually resist RedHill in the game mode? I personally have sworn never to activate a diffuser or whatever they're called, so there's that, but when the entire theme of the APB is supposed to be the complex play between good and evil as well as law and crime, how come you're basically forced to be evil in this game mode?
    12. Perhaps most importantly: where's Luke Waskawi in all of this? Waskawi's entire point is that he has unlimited money and nearly unlimited power, and all of this certainly seems to go against everything Waskawi has been doing all of this time. . . and yet. . . he just let all of this happen? This may well be the biggest shit on all of APB's lore, as it entirely destroys the mystique and buildup of APB's lore TBH.


    . . . and that's basically just what I thought of off of the top of my head.


    I get that you probably think people don't really care all that much about APB's lore, but APB is basically our home for many of us vets, and has been for about a decade. APB's lore is important for many reasons, but not least of which for creating the setting of the San Paro we all love. What you've essentially done though with RIOT is bought our home, come in, laid a steaming pile of shit on the rug, and then proceeded to spread said shit all over the walls while pretending your redecorating.


    You're not expanding the lore, you're kinda' destroying something you either don't care about or don't understand.



    TL;DR: I don't mind all that much if you keep the game mode, even if I think the whole season pass thing and blatant incentivizing of RIOT is bullshoot, but please strip the "lore" you made off of it, or at entirely rewrite it to actually fit if you're feeling ambitious (something more akin to the Anarchy districts wouldn't be bad.)



    @NotZombieBiscuit Do you have anything to add?


    (P.S. You use both "San Paroan" and "San Parian" in the same bio, I personally prefer the latter, but just don't use both in the same bio please, lol.)

    • Like 3
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  9. 14 hours ago, toodamnmuch said:

    so put them in joker boxes only and make the chance even worse than normal, solved.

    or you want us to waste our time give them as riot rewards, that would be more fair anyway to be honest as everyone would get their turn eventually, would be nice to have legendary mods though.

    i could start whaling again for that.


    I'm impressed that you managed to entirely miss my point, which is that putting unique/locked mods as normal mods is an awful idea.

  10. Just now, Glaciers said:

    micro rockets specifies that it only changes projectiles, but 40mm concussion grenades doesnt


    im already at the top, now is the time to play it safe


    Also, I just realized that the 40mm concussion grenades being red means you can mix it with the hoenir special mod.


    IDK if a norseman or AMG would be a host for the 40mm grenade mod TBH ('cause of mobility.)

  11. 1 hour ago, toodamnmuch said:

    to be entirely honest, if LO wants me to ever pay any money to this game ever again one of the main things will be taking all of the unique (read: locked into a slot) modifications and making them available in some way on armas separate from their now worthless preset weapons that they were included with.


    Curb your stupidity please.


    Fact aside that many of these mods would be absurdly overpowered, what do you think that even means in approximately half of the cases of unique locked mods?


    Sorry, forgive me, go ahead and put ACES Extended Barrel on your O-PGL if that's what you really want.

  12. 16 hours ago, Revoluzzer said:

    Fight Club is, as far as I am concerned, nothing but a place to farm kills and try out new weapons, loadouts or mechanics. Getting access to weapons you don't own by scavenging them off other players seems to fit this concept well.

    Just have them disappear after a few seconds, so picking them up becomes sort of a definitive choice.


    Yeah, having them disappear quickly would be nice.

    • Like 1

  13. 6 minutes ago, Tenginima said:

    Random? Not quite. A simple fix to that would be to simply make the UI display what weapon the OPP is holding, no matter what it is.


    You could do that, but it would require you to look at the scoreboard more. Still, it would be better at least.



    6 minutes ago, Tenginima said:

    . . . it will most likely be your teams weaponry. Thus not making it as random as it seems.


    No, I already knew that: it's exactly as random as it seems to me, which is just more random (not totally random, just more than it is.)



    6 minutes ago, Tenginima said:

    Secondly, it can also be used as a form to turn the aggressors weapons against themselves, they use OSMAWS? Well kill they guy and pick it up (ofc it can't be R required).


    Yes, thus largely reducing the need to have a properly made loadout, as I said.


    6 minutes ago, Tenginima said:

    Not only that but it also funnily enough mitigates a little bit of a problem with APB and that is it's balance. We both know that APB is not a fully balanced game when it comes to guns, however, a side effect of this system, would allow some guns to not be as "unbalanced".


    No, APB is pretty dang close to balanced IMO, with the exception of a few OP guns and what LO did to the JG and CSG.



    6 minutes ago, Tenginima said:

    Ofc they would have to implement it in such a way that the guns do not take priority over missions pick-ups, ladder climbing, fence jumping etc.


    The task/item priorities need a major overhaul anyhoo TBH.



    6 minutes ago, Tenginima said:

    You'll have to excuse my english, i'm very tired.


    Ehh, your English was fine.   :3

    • Thanks 1

  14. 1 minute ago, Tenginima said:

    I support weapon drops as simply, due to how they're currently implemented, it works just fine. I can't think of a good counter argument to why weapon drops are bad, other then "hurr durr my gunz are mine!"


    It simply changes the tactics of APB in a way that I personally don't like. It's terrible in missions IMO, as it makes it so that you have no idea what weapons your opp is using, and thus makes the game feel more random, (which is why I also don't like weapon boxes,) and makes choosing your loadout less important. In FC there's less of an argument against it, but I still personally just prefer not to have it.

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