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Posts posted by Kewlin

  1. 4 minutes ago, Nanometic said:

    Revert the recoil, rework the manic, yeah. I'd be down. No clue how to fix the manic though.


    I've thought about the manic a lot, and honestly I have no clue how to fix it while keeping it the same gun. Maybe up its reload time? IDK.


    Part of the issue with having so many SMGs really: the lines between them start to blur if you change even a single stat regarding how they shoot much.

  2. 1 hour ago, Nanometic said:

    The m-1992 needs a rework in general. Even with the recoil reverted. It's still almost a straight downgrade from the manic.


    I wouldn't balance around the manic, as the manic is straight-up OP: IMO it's without a doubt the best SMG in the game.

  3. 1 hour ago, Talla said:

    Biggest news since the addition of EasyAntiCheat.
    GG Matt & Team, you just made me log into the game.


    Still held back by the 125 slots in the weapon locker though.

    For ARMAS purchases, would it be possible to get unlocks (to purchase from contacts with APB$) instead of the item? That would bypass the locker limitation.


    Please, PLEASE give us unlocks for ARMAS guns.


    It's a no brainer TBH.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Algoz said:

    Why care about the name of the guns? lol 

    It is fine the way they changed no big deal at all


    Huh? I mean, I get why you think it's no big deal, but if you think it's no big deal then you really don't have an opinion on the matter, so it's irrelevant.


    I personally just like naming mostly the way it is, except the couple places G1 fucked up, and I've never heard anyone really complain about the way things are named, so at best it's a waste of LO's time.

  5. 3 hours ago, Tigrix said:

    I'll copy my post here:

    I think they've made a step in the right direction.

    Profitability should not come from weaponry imo, but from clothing packs, services, premium, decals and other non-weaponry related merchandise/services.
    Because even if veterans understand that most armas weapons are just duplicates of existing f2p guns, the general public and a new player or anyone looking into APB, won't understand that fact and will just see a game that sells P2W weaponry on it's website for $$.

    I'd much rather that guns in general was all earned in-game. It gives incentives to play and it gives the game a better outlook.

    No-one can be apphauled that they're selling clothes/design packs etc etc for $$, that's what every F2P game does (and should do in fairness).

    Besides, I think in the long run, LO is planning to focus on premium, rather than filling armas with new content every few months to "earn".
    I think they wanna find ways to make premium more useful and one way could definitely be the ability to earn more JT's and therefore access more guns sooner, than non-prem accounts. Indirectly, it's same as putting guns on armas for $$, but it's an organic way of doing it, that won't make the game look bad or give the taste of P2W for new players checking APB out.


    Why can't we just have both please? I like buying guns off of ARMAS for a lot of reasons.


    Also, as an aside, I really don't think locking aesthetics behind a paywall is any better than locking gameplay items, given that the gameplay items are not necessary to play the game well. I know not many people agree with me on this, but still, I hold this opinion rather strongly, and find APB's paymodel to be one of the better ones out there.



    (Also, can the "most guns are just duplicates" thing die? That's not actually true I don't believe; there are a LOT of guns that were only on ARMAS. They aren't better than F2P guns, but they aren't duplicates either.)



    2 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    We are going to be soliciting feedback from players to rework the overall naming conventions across ARMAS, the Joker Store, and regular guns.


    But why?

    • Like 1

  6. 3 hours ago, Revoluzzer said:

    One the one hand I commend you for using a naming system that makes sense.

    On the other hand I would've preferred if you had kept it in line with the original naming system (i.e. manufacturer specific labels for upgraded versions). But then again, Gamersfirst already wrecked havock within this system, so you'd have to rename lots of weapons to get them back in line.




    These names are absolutely awful, lol. Especially, for example, the N-HVR 762-SD DVAH JT2 PR1: the 'SD' already says that it's silenced, and the 'DVAH' already denotes a total of 3 mods/mod slots, allowing you to deduce that the gun has a silencer and two open slots.


    And don't tell me this is to make it easier for newbies, because "N-HVR 762-SD DVAH JT2 PR1" will just confuse the fuck out of a new player.


    Please just use normal naming for open slots, and replace 'PR' with 'JT' for presets.




    Also, can we please, for the love of fucking God, get a non-gold N-HVR 762-SD DVAH on ARMAS already?


    . . . Oh, and I haven't logged in yet, but please tell me you aren't increasing pricing for the "preset mods" on the ACES guns, which are just a way to not allow people to put HB on them.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Lign said:

    You don’t need range when you don’t see a shotgun user because he’s hiding behind the corner. Increasing jg and csg range will make them even more immortal, because there will no way to get to their corner before dying. The current forgiving pellet mechanic makes you able to miss half of the shot and still able to two shot because first pellets that hits an enemy do 50% damage of the whole shot. Basically every silver now can two shot. And good player outplay in the way that you can’t hit him once or tag him up to half hp at the corners because you’re forced to shoot to the pixel that you see when he picks the corner 


    No wonder why top tier players banned any shotgun on arranged matches.


    how can you even say that smg  is easier when if you miss your tracking against jg user you will die in the current reality when at the same time jg doesn’t require tracking skill, you just wait for the enemy running into your crosshair. It's just too rewarded for a gun with forgiving mechanic


    I feel like you're not aware of the fact that the pellets required to 2-shot within optimal range with the JG only went down by one per shot, which is still 7/12 pellets. . . Given that the JG has under half the range such that it does minimum damage at a range where the old JG did full damage per pellet, the gun's simply not as good anymore.


    Oh, and it only does 85 damage the first pellet.



    The JG hasn't been meta for ages, the PMG and OCA are better. I don't get how you think the JG takes zero skill to hit with and SMGs require some magical god level aim to beat the JG, as neither of these are true. If you do truly simply wait for the enemy to run into your crosshair you'll get out TTKed virtually every time by a PMG or OCA, and I do mean.


    Oh, and the CSG is simply so bad now it's not even part of the discussion TBH.



    If you want more information on the current status of shotgun stats, please check the thread about shotguns in my sig.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Lign said:

    So you want to make it go to choice for cqc. It's already immortal at the corners. The firerate on paper is slower than oca, but practically because of oca being rng ppl always land a 2nd shot before oca player kills them and it's a lethal in 90% situations.


    I'm glad that they want to make it more skill celling and less forgiving as it is now. Maybe I'll even get my faith in LO back and my friends will come back when they see that jg+rfp meta is gone


    As it is, shotguns are meh at best, IDK what your issue is. SMGs have more range, are more reliable, and are far easier than the JG and CSG, so why would I use a JG or CSG?


    I really wouldn't call either the JG or CSG forgiving in any way ATM.


    As for whether or not there's a JG meta right now, I'll admit I haven't played in a little bit, but given that the JG is objectively worse than before LO touched it, and nobody used it before that. . . I don't see how that would make any sense.

  9. 7 hours ago, Nitronik said:

    Some thoughts from ya boy to keep this thread going :


    Strife :

    There's two types of "fair"  : fair on paper and feeling fair.
    The SG-21 being able to oneshot Fragile users is not really fair on paper, but due to the cumbersome nature of the weapon it still feels fair to face.
    I don't understand why we're nerfing a weapon based on Fragile, which has been underperforming since its release. I'd rather see Fragile buffed.



    JG , CSG :

    Not sure why they need completely redesigned from scratch AGAIN.
    I'd like to see the current LIVE versions get tighter pellet spread to start off with. Althought that might make Improved Rifling too good, would still be a boon to their consistency problems


    NFAS-12 :

    Making such a sweeping change doesn't bode well. It is true that you can very easily 3shot someone even by grazing them with a few pellets while landing one/two accurate shots, so I'd like to see the pellet scaling gutted in order to make graze shots far less rewarding instead of seeing the weapon be gutted


    ACT, RSA :

    Doesn't matter how hard you wreck the RFP - these guns have a variety of issues that keep them from being a worthy pick


    The RSA has extremely pitiful damage for its long TTK and non pinpoint accuracy, which makes it nigh impossible to use against Clotting Agent 3 & Kevlar 1 users.

    The ACT *feels* fairly inaccurate at longer ranges, and with its TTK being not competitive in CQC or even mid range, people find it's just not worth picking most of the time.


    RFP-9 :

    Opinion : the RFP-9 should not be looked at as a long range secondary.


    It was designed to be an extremely high power close range weapon.
    For that purpose, it works fairly well - the 8 stk makes it rather easy to get consistent kills in CQC, perhaps a slight damage nerf to reduce overdamage is still in order?

    While this weapon in particular has ALWAYS been an issue in regards to balancing, the current series of events has been kickstarted by its 10m drop off range buff. I suggest reverting its range to 30m, possibly coupling it with a slight damage nerf, and see what happens from there.

    EDIT : For the 'Fang' specifically, I suggest swapping out Improved Rifling 3 for a lower level of the mod, possiblly 1

    Your planned changes would make every RFP that isn't the "Fang" useless.


    God damn it, Nitronik's at it again being right!


    I will say that a spread reduction to the JG and CSG is not what they need, as it's actually the range itself that fucks these two guns over. Note that the CSG has less spread than before LO touched it but it still cannot reach out to even close to as far ranges as before.

  10. On 7/24/2019 at 4:30 PM, BrandonBranderson said:

    Wheelies add a lot to the "wow factor" for a new player too.  "Holy Shit!" is the reaction I always get from new players when I show them the Vegas doing a wheelie for the first time.  One time, years ago as soon as one friend saw their first wheelie they immediately went and bought the G20 Thornicator on Armas.  Wheelies need to remain in the game, not only because they're fun but they also help a little with drawing in new players if they see some crazy shit happening right from the get go.  Barely any other games have vehicle physics like APB's (and for good reason) but that's one of the little things that adds a bit of charm to the game.  What other game can you be witnessing a gun fight in the middle of a street between decked out SWAT guys and cat girls, then out of nowhere a muscle car uses an ambulance as a ramp to jump over the gunfight while performing a backflip, taking out 10+ pedestrians upon landing and exploding on impact with a phone kiosk?  That's pretty much an APB exclusive situation.

    [sarcasm]No, we need to make APB boring and uninspired.[/sarcasm]

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  11. 12 hours ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    3 STK JG and CSG? Rly??

    EMP in APB? (for me its someting that does not belong. Id rather see some satchel charge buff so it has more uses)


    Also I ve never came across a gamebreaking nade spam gameplay,

    ...becouse there was none.

    Refilling nades is important to smoke off hard campers to break thro their unbreakable defence.


    Agreed, I've personally rarely, if ever had grenade spam be a serious problem.



    3 hours ago, Pedroxin said:

    On the topic of long-range secondaries, why isn't the "R-2 Harbinger" mentioned? 

    By far it's the most good looking, yet overlooked, revolver in the whole game.

    Edit* if you search Harbinger in the forums only 3 results will show up.


    IDK, the R-2 is my favorite long range secondary gameplay-wise. . . but boy oh boy does it suck.


    Still, I find it in some ways really good for getting assists (I know this sounds strange, but it can put 500 damage down range faster than any other secondary *EDIT* specifically reliably, because the ACT 44 has no accuracy. . . but also. . . it certainly needs overdamage if nothing else.)




    Oh, and I want to voice a concern that the EMP grenade will almost certainly make heavy item stages even more of a pain than they already were.

  12. Just now, SkittyM said:

    Every time i see the SG-21 mentioned in balance changes i die inside a bit.  Balancing something around a mod that isn't particularly good to begin with is just asking for a bad time, and this is coming from someone who lives in the Fragile Zone.


    And even then it's SO RARE that an SG-21 can 1-shot someone with Fragile.



    1 minute ago, speee said:

    I don't care to discuss specifics about each gun change. But in general, every gun should reward good aim. What is the alternative philosophy? Shotguns are wildly inconsistent and NFAS is a gun that kills way too fast with little requirement from the player, for example. Guns do need to be changed and reworked. Most people tend to use the guns that are most effective. Therefore, adding new guns to the mix will just create more problems.


    I disagree on every point you made, lol.



    1 minute ago, Hexerin said:

    Please, don't kill my Strife! The insanely high TTK and excessively extreme damage per shot is exactly what makes the gun so incredibly fun. It requires a completely different playstyle, and rewards skill the highest of any gun in the game. Most people may not like the gun's design, and that's perfectly okay, but don't kill one of the only unique guns in the game just to homogenize it for the masses that just want everything to be point and spam...


    Agreed. The Strife is actually pretty good ATM too, IDK why it needs a "buff" (i.e. a rework claiming to be a buff.)

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