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  1. Next unban wave? date if possible please...is everyone getting unbanned? or are you going to single accounts out for more in depth look...details if possible plz
  2. YAYYY!!! Thank you so much <33333333333333333333333333333333
  3. Aww how cute, everyone has an opinion to share
  4. I would like an actual response from a Little Orbit Staff Member please...if they are at a certain percentage like u guys say they are with the battleye patch/engine upgrade then they should be able to give us an approxicate date. Also, i hope they are focusing on one thing at a time and not trying to take on everything at the same time. Im sure i speak for every player when i say Battleye/Unbanning peoples accounts should be the number 1 priority right now. Once again, we really appreciate your hard work..would love to see this game flourish for once.
  5. Yeah im kinda new to this whole forums thing...i felt i needed to address that n i didnt realize i had posted it in the wrong section...thanks lol
  6. Thank you very much for the constant updates, we know the LO staff is working diligently to improve our gaming experience and we appreciate it very much. I understand there are a lot of issues to address and maintain, but it would be greatly appreciated if by any chance you have an approximate date for the battleye patch/unbanning so we just have an idea...doesnt have to be an exact date..approximate would be great. Thank you!
  7. what kinda stupid question is that?... tf
  8. Thank you very much for the constant updates, we know the LO staff is working diligently to improve our gaming experience and we appreciate it very much. I understand there are a lot of issues to address and maintain, but it would be greatly appreciated if by any chance you have an approximate date for the battleye patch/unbanning so we just have an idea...doesnt have to be an exact date..approximate would be great. Thank you!
  9. lol toxicity ingame and on the forums....smh
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