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Everything posted by ForgottenSniper

  1. eol hammer is literally less effective than every pistol in the game
  2. Nah I use the N-TEC. Kinda have to to get anything done, don't I? I frequently obliterate ntec users with the following guns: literally any smg under 30m Oscar and ir3 carbine at 30-50m obeya cj3 at every other range far if I shoot first and don't miss assuming they don't have cj3 (I never use cj3 in far) the user makes the ntec good, never seen a shitty scrub silver slam me with it, but they easily can do that with an hvr or pmg
  3. I haven't had any high ms, even spikes, this past few days.
  4. damn how many butt hurt threads begging to nerf a balanced weapon are you gonna make? I bet you use the pmg and atac rofl
  5. but seriously any mechanic possible added that makes gameplay slower in anyway is inherently shit will always be shit and is detrimental to the game. if you want slow sluggish boring shit gameplay go to gta
  6. this is the stupidest idea ive read in months
  7. if you die to an ntec in cqc when you have an oca that's just you being garbage lmao. if theyre camping a corner they could have been using any gun, that's a huge advantage. if they weren't, you need to probably switch to the nfas Kevlar 3 and percs.
  8. lets keep the rating of gun viability to the golds, please. Manic, OCA, Whisper, PMG, PMG-SD, OCA-SD, Cap40 so the curse is kinda tied for last with the tommy and aces
  9. a well done macro does actually provide a colossal advantage. If you disagree with this, then you should also agree that semi-auto guns should not exist. You can always tap-fire to not full auto, so why would there be a point to semi auto guns? just because there are stupid ways to use a shit macro that hinders you doesn't mean its not making life easier because there's one less variable to think about. none of you are going to have 100% uptime muscle memory for every fire rate in the game.
  10. if you remove fight club you're actually managing to go backwards and be stupider than G1 LMAO nobody wants to give up something they like for something you claim we will like. all the people who don't care if its gone don't play it so don't listen to anything they say.
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