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Everything posted by T0asty

  1. Hoppin back in tonight! Happy to see the game actually being updated a few times a month, rather than maybe once a year. Good on ya Matt!
  2. You guys at Little Orbit are too awesome. I hope this all goes smoothly!
  3. First things first, get a new anti cheat in, and fix the lag. THEN they can tackle things like the marketplace, content, etc. Easy way to solve it right now, don't buy anything on Armas and wait for them to fix it. I just want a playable game at the moment.
  4. Oh no, everything was fine til the server shut off. It happened for a half hour/hour earlier, I also saw some others post about it, and some in-game said the same. I just hope this server restart gets rid of that lag.
  5. I saw that too, I hope this reset, or whatever it is, is to fix the lag.
  6. What the title says. I can't play for more than 5 minutes at the moment on Jericho without it disconnecting me. The game was fine(sort of) for the past few days, minus DDoS and major lag.
  7. There were also LOADS of people banned for no reason by devs/the game itself. That's why SOME(not all, as stated in a dev post), will be unbanned. Though with battleye, I'm sure they'll be quickly dealt with.
  8. T0asty

    xbox down

    Massive DDoS attack is happening/just happened. PC went down as well.
  9. Jericho Financial just got shut down as well, started with immense lag. Probably DDoS.
  10. I love the transparency of the new leadership. You guys rock! Can't wait for the future of APB and a fix for this lag/server outtages.
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