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Posts posted by ShadowXS

  1. Questions don't correlate with the answers provided, in your poll.

    "Do you think you're smart, or are you really just stupid?"

                           Yes #                            No #

    Also, all these posts wanting changes are ResidentSleeper af, how about let's focus on things that are actually broken such as the network infrastructure issues, the terrible balance changes, improve optimisation of the game on modern hardware without needing to use external programs to achieve below-average framerate for a below-average looking game, etc. Furthermore, the last time this community voted on their preferences for changes to be made to this game, it threw the game even deeper into the shitter, and is borderline killing off the remaining population of the game right now. 

    So whatever your question is, add an optional response to be "stop making useless suggestions, and let LO focus on making changes that are actually gamebreaking".

    • Like 2

  2. Mood.

    (This is satirical. While i think the current shotgun meta is boring and requires no skill whatsoever, as well as the issues surrounding server stability to still be present in the game to be irritating, i just find the overall context of the video, in correlation to the changes made recently by LO to the game, to be fitting of this clip, and overall funny. I love you really LO. Thanks for picking up the game and doing your best to keep it alive, truly appreciate the effort and hard work <3)
    • Like 6

  3. 37 minutes ago, Boba said:
    39 minutes ago, Lato said:

    poor baby, can't use anything other than the ntec

    Here we see a shotgun spammer in their natural habitat!
    That's the same type of person to call anyone they die against, a hacker. Why do they all have the same toxic personality traits?

    Willing to bet my life Lato has either already created a "BATTLEYE IS USELESS, LO DO NOTHING ABOUT HACKER EPIDEMIC!", is planning to, or will create one in the near future. The cycle is never wrong.
    • Like 1

  4. 23 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    41 minutes ago, ShadowXS said:


    Wonder what your dislike count is at... 🤣
    idk maybe you should spam me a few more xDDDDDD
    Say no more, i got you fam 👊

    When my cooldown resets

  5. 4 minutes ago, Westford said:

    Not sure what's going on....

    Login Servers on Jericho have been down for about an hour.
    Is this maintenance ??

    ..and we didn't get the memo ?

    There's no such thing as a login server for jericho. There's a login server, and then there's jericho on a different server.

    Everyone is having issues logging in, since the login server is down. Not just jericho.

  6. 17 minutes ago, wibsey said:

    Can't believe that is still a bug... I swear i reported that in 2013.

    Are you really surprised nothing has been fixed since 2013?

    I started playing in 2011, stopped playing in 2013. I come back 5+ years later AND;

    1. Jericho V20 + Bishada Rapier still have a vehicle-model bug where the wheels are springs. Your Jericho/Bishada wheels get touched by ANYTHING, such as another car, enemy, griefer, a wall even... and bam, flippity flop you go.

    2. Scoreboard bug. Been back for about 2 weeks now and on about 20% total of all the games I have played, my scoreboard has been bugged. The mission doesn't clear the enemies/team-mates from the previous mission, so now - in my new mission - I have the enemies/team-mates from the previous mission AND the enemies/team-mates from the current mission all on one scoreboard at one time, unable to keep track of anything, whilst names are teleporting up and down as score/kills/deaths/stats change. Huge inconvenience to keep track of the weapons enemies are using.

    These are 2 huge bugs, in my opinion, that I specifically remember reporting on in 2012 and yet now, 6+ years AFTER reporting them, they still exist. Honestly, i'm sure I could make this list way longer, but at this moment in time those are the 2 bugs that came to mind right now, that are important, and 2 of which i know for a fact have existed since 2012 as i reported them myself, and have yet to be fixed.

    G1/Reloaded Productions should be absolute embarrassed by their work ethic, or lack thereof. Bugs from over 6 years ago and they've made no attempt to fix them. But hey, Joker Box 147 is out. Get it while the weapon is still OP. The nerf comes next month when they need to release Joker Box 148, and in order to make it sell they need to nerf the old one and make this one OP.
    • Like 1

  7. 3 hours ago, Sayori said:
    10 hours ago, Signarly said:

    Had to bail on the discord cuz the kiss assery and favortism was getting to an unbearable cringe level. Majority of the "vets" on there have no idea what they're talking about.

    LO's actually needs to make an official discord so they can be independent. It's literally a circlejerk at this point. 
    Official everything. They can't ride coat-tails or ride passenger on anyone's horse without projecting selectivity and favouritism. It also allows and generates the possibility of fabricating relationships with people in order to utilise their platforms. 

    For example, being friendly with the the owner of X discord server in order to publicise events on there, or being buddies with the owner of Y Twitch channel to host Q&A sessions. Friendships with players leads to favouritism of the players-base, selectivity, elitism, "circlejerking" as you put it, and overall a bias. LO must remain unbiased at all times, regardless of the issue/person in discussion. They must always have independent thoughts and opinions. And only taking on suggestions, feedback, reports, and so forth, via the correct channels such as these forums and tickets (unlike their predecessors at G1).

    They need their own official everything. No more piggy-backing.. Just my opinion anyway.
    • Like 1

  8. Oh and also; EVERY OPINION COUNTS.

    Just because YOU, as a singular individual, disagree with someones opinion, doesn't mean they're the minority. It's very easy to generalise and tell people there's some imaginary silent majority out there who TOTALLY agrees with you, but they're silent and they don't express their opinions on the forums, that's why they seem non-existent. 

    Yeah.. ok then, let's try that out;

    You're ugly. The silent majority agree with me. You won't know they agree with me because they're silent unlike the evil vocal minority who think you're NOT ugly. But trust me, this silent majority agree with me, therefore you're ugly.


    • Like 1

  9. How can you listen to someone who is silent? 

    They're silent for a reason... hence the term "vocal minority". They might be a minority but they're actually vocal. Don't complain that there's a vocal minority, if as the majority you're happy not saying anything or giving your opinion.

    Also, i see too many people defining "vocal minority" incorrectly. Have you gone to analyse and tally-up every person in FAVOR and AGAINST every issue/suggestion that has arisen on these forums?

    Until you do that, and bring some facts to support that on X issue, there were Y in FAVOR and Z AGAINST, and prove that those who were in favor/against are a minority, then you ought to stop assuming. This last recent issue regarding @Lixil and her stream for example, in the discussion initiated by MattScott, I saw countless posts telling Matt to ignore the "vocal minority". Yet i also saw countless posts in FAVOR of the discussion at hand actually being an issue. So until someone goes through every single post on that issue and can provide statistical evidence to prove that those who thought it was an issue are the "minority", people need to stop flogging around the term "vocal minority", without backing.

    I think too many people are defining the "majority" as people with a reputation and status on these forums/game. They see someone with a reputation post an opinion on here, and assume that's the majority consensus, at least that's how it seems from what I have seen.
    • Like 1

  10. I wrote this in another thread related to this topic, but i thought i'd post it here as it's the official discussion on this. Here's my two-cents;

    Regarding the whole "pro" scene crap; this is 100% typical of old-G1, to be best friends with certain players, showing blatant favouritism, taking those "pro-players" suggestions and reports as accurate and fact without investigation, never questioning their online "friends" because of how agreeable the staff had become to these arse-lickers, and giving them all the attention and praise.

    I understand the staff want to maintain an open and healthy line of contact with their players and their player-base overall, to get first-hand suggestions, feedback, make the players feel heard and what-not. But there's a reason why bigger gaming companies/corporations aren't allowed to be formal with their players, they are forced to maintain a professional front by disallowing their player-base to indirectly affect their judgement as an authoritative figure, by maintaining an unbiased perspective at all times.

    And by becoming "friends" with certain players, you create a bias whether they like it or not. That's fact. It just happens, you'll always have a preferential opinion of someone who you know and like, over someone you don't. This can NOT be allowed to happen, again, as it did with old-G1.

    There were so many false bans from old-G1 based on player-reports by these "pro" players whose ego couldn't take a loss in-game, and then being manually banned by that "pro" players GM friend. Or GM's nerfing/buffing weapons based on these "pro-players" suggestions, merely based on their friendship with said player, whereas what they're meant to have is an open and unbiased view, and ignoring all suggestions made outside of the official channels such as the Forums. Also when i say GM I'm referring to actual staff, not these community-GM's who you know only applied to be community-GM's to quench their thirst for power on here.

    At the end of the day LO can NOT be friends with the player-base. They can NOT build relationships or a rapport with the player-base. As good as their intentions may be, it can't happen, because it creates a bias and it ends up in a conflict of interest. And those players who do suck up to LO staff in a non-professional environment such as Discord, and lick their arses in the hope of getting preferential treatment, are slimy cockroaches.

    Same with streamers. I find it great that they're promoting the game to about 30-40 players (who i'm sure 39 of those people are already players of the game), but you can NOT show any preferential treatment towards these people. You can not become their friends. You can not allow them to have any say, their words can NOT carry any more weight than a Rank 30 Bronze player, and by becoming "friendly" with them you allow room for bias to manifest.

    Keep it professional.

    Again, just my two-cents.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 2

  11. 1 minute ago, Obvious Lesbian said:


    i dont mind the staff being in a discord they made, but being in a fan made discord where people try to suck up to the staff and pretend theyre decent human garbage is pretty hilarious.

    its like seeing a kid trying to be nice while asking for sweets after he just beat someone for bugging him

    For once i agree with you. It's cringe as fuck seeing those man-children who are in their mid-20's behaving like 15 year olds, trying to kiss-arse for preferential treatment. Bunch of cockroaches.
    • Like 1

  12. 5 hours ago, Rebelliousness said:

    And not be in any discord channel, not associate with any "known" or "pro" or even "gold" players... In fact, should join the game entirely ANONYMOUSLY.  That way they can see first hand why "new" "nobody" players get hardcore wrecked by those same players they think are their friends... and have a more intimate understanding of why this game is so filled with hatred towards some of the truly abusive prks who kill off the game's playerbase.  Play the game as a new person would play it... only then could LO staff have ANY CLUE what's going on, and what desperately needs to be fixed.

    And if you streamed it would be even funnier... cos you'd be receiving sooooo many toxic, rude, and insulting msgs just for being... "not a good player." It would be a real eye opener into the actual population that needs special "protection" and is hoping to get it from people with the connections, such as actual LO staff... You should be the champions of the weakest players... and that means playing like one and getting that full experience.  The worst people, and I mean that sincerely have long had a habit of "kissing up" to the game's staff in hopes of getting a "get out of jail free" card.  We need LO staff who are brave enough to play as the unwanted, detested, tk's and kicked nobodies to save them so we have new players in game.  We need you.  The game desperately needs you.  But we need you to know what the problems really are so you can help and not become, as the previous staff, subverted into being an enabler and denier of the problems.


    I didn't even think of this.. and i couldn't agree more. You are completely right regarding the whole "pro" scene crap. This is 100% typical of old-G1, to be best friends with certain players, showing blatant favouritism, taking those "pro-players" suggestions and reports as accurate and fact without investigation, never questioning their online "friends" because of how agreeable the staff had become to these arse-lickers.

    I understand the staff want to maintain an open and healthy line of contact with their players and their player-base overall, to get first-hand suggestions, feedback, make the players feel heard and what-not. But there's a reason why bigger gaming companies/corporations aren't allowed to be formal with their players, they are forced to maintain a professional front by disallowing their player-base to indirectly affect their judgement as an authoritative figure, by maintaining an unbiased perspective at all times.

    And by becoming "friends" with certain players, you create a bias whether they like it or not. That's fact. It just happens, you'll always have a preferential opinion of someone who you know and like, over someone you don't. This can NOT be allowed to happen, again, as it did with old-G1.

    There were so many false bans from old-G1 based on player-reports by these "pro" players whose ego couldn't take a loss in-game, and then being manually banned by that "pro" players GM friend. Also when i say GM I'm referring to actual staff, not these community-GM's who you know only applied to be community-GM's to quench their thirst for power on here.

    At the end of the day LO can NOT be friends with the player-base. They can NOT build relationships or a rapport with the player-base. As good as their intentions may be, it can't happen, because it creates a bias and it ends up in a conflict of interest. Sorry but no. And those players who do suck up to LO staff in a non-professional environment such as Discord, and lick their arses in the hope of getting preferential treatment, are slimy disgusting cockroaches.

    Same with streamers. I find it great that they're promoting the game to about 30-40 players (who i'm sure 39 of those people are already players of the game), but you can NOT show any preferential treatment towards these people. You can not become their friends. You can not allow them to have any say, their words can NOT carry any more weight than a Rank 30 Bronze player, and by becoming "friendly" with them you allow room for bias to manifest.

    Keep it professional. No TL;DR. Go to an off-topic thread if you wanna read 10 words per post.

  13. I mean i'm not too fussed. I won't bother flooding support by creating a ticket for this - I'll just take the loss and be more attentive next time. Plus, as discussed, by the time I do get a response from support (30+ days apparently), I may not even care about this anymore. I was so convinced I was buying the right item though... ah well. You live and you learn.


    Thanks for the responses. I won't bother ringing this one up though.

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