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  1. Performance tends to be shithouse on waterfront. Don't know about anyone else but i can go from a pretty smooth experience on financial or fightclub to constant packet loss & high pings as soon as i load up waterfront.
  2. You could use them to see people through smoke so no it's not gonna happen, end of discussion, carry on with your lives people.
  3. Name: Chrysalis From: Australia Preferred faction: Enforcer Likes : ATAC's, Fast cars, The Color Green Hates: High pings, High pings!, High pings!!!, Traps Phrase : Bow Down To Your Queen!
  4. Are we playing the same game? In all my time playing APB I've encountered 10x more toxic behavior than any other game. Whether it's abusing any & all glitches to win missions (i.e glitching item holds in impossible to reach places etc), trolling other players, being toxic asshats to new players in chat etc. You are deluding yourself if you don't think a sizeable portion of high rank players in APB could use a serious attitude adjustment going into the Little Orbit era of APB.
  5. Good idea in theory but lets be honest here in APB's case all it would realistically do is increase toxicity, breed more edgy "win at any cost" tryhards & just generally make the playing experience for normal players pretty bad. I remember the old 10 level threat system & i also remember how toxic some players were to any player not max threat. APB players in general (especially on jericho) need to stop being edgelord twats to newer players if this game has any hope of coming back from the brink of death.
  6. No custom crosshairs please. It starts off with people bitching about custom crosshairs & then sooner or later those same people are trying to find loopholes to use their custom shaders to see players through smoke & other silly shit. We dealt with this once, please don't let it become a issue again.
  7. This! Seriously if APB wants to make a comeback alot of players & clans seriously need to tone down on the edginess. People arn't gonna want to hang around if chat is just constantly full of Tryhards insulting other tryhards or memes & injokes. I'm especially talking about new players asking for help & instead getting spammed with memes & insults...
  8. I know it's probably been asked before but any plans for Oceanic players? I so seriously want to get back into the game but constantly fighting 230+ pings is not fun. Even putting the US servers back on the west coast could be a suitable fix for most Aussie/New Zealand players. I don't expect to get a reply but it was worth asking regardless.
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