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  1. We usually announce issues such as this on our Discord. We are aware that many of the accounts unbanned on Wednesday have a permanent trade-lock on them. For the time being I suggest you submit a Ticket to our Customer Support team while we are investigating the issue.
  2. Hello, we are aware of Matchmaking issues and have made a bunch of temporary changes to help with the longer wait times that players have been experiencing since Wednesday. This includes disabling Escalation as well as re-enabling Unopposed and Lopsided missions. 1vs1 Missions are likely due to unopposed missions being re-enabled which allows players to use the /abandonmission command again. We are aware that this temporary solution has its issues but we deem it better than having to wait upwards to 10 to 30 minutes for a mission. We are working on a fix to what is causing these extended wait times and will return to normal Matchmaking rules once the fix is deployed. The team has made this decision for the following reasons: Escalation is only an option if both teams are within roughly the same average MMR which means that the mission itself should be balanced in terms of player quality on both teams meaning that neither team should need backup. Expanding mission size heavily favors defenders as they can cycle through respawns and almost always have a player alive to cover the attacking teams objective.
  3. Hello APB: Reloaded community, Little Orbit believes in second chances so we have taken the bold step to unban almost every single account found to be violating our terms of service in the past. We hope that all of you who have been unbanned take this chance and don't waste it by violating our rules again. Check out the exact details on why we are taking this step in our most recent Blogpost. Additionally we have prepared an FAQ for those players who have been unbanned. We urge you to read through it as it contains vital information on how to stay unbanned moving forward. APB Reloaded Unban FAQ: Why am I still banned even though the ban is being lifted? If you are still banned, provide us with your email address, date of registration, recent purchases, and character names so that we can assist further. If I break a terms of service rule, will I be banned? Yes, your account will be banned accordingly, as we retain account ban history. How do I know if my account has been unbanned? Accounts are already unbanned, however, you can try logging in to verify the status of your account. What should I do if I can't remember my account details? If you have forgotten your account details, please contact our support team with any information you do remember, such as Email address or character names, and we will investigate further. Will my progress and items be there after my account is unbanned? Yes, all your progress and items will be as they were before your account was banned. Can I appeal if my account remains banned after the unbanning process? Yes, you can appeal by providing detailed information about your account and the reason for the appeal. Our support team will review your case and get back to you. What if I encounter issues after my account is unbanned? If you experience any issues after your account has been unbanned, please contact our support team with your Email address and a detailed description of the problem. How long will it take for my account to be unbanned? The unbanning process has already been completed. If your account is still banned after this period, please reach out to our support team. Is there anything I need to do to ensure my account gets unbanned? No additional action is required from your side. Will there be any changes to my account or game experience after being unbanned? There will be no changes to your account or game experience. You will be able to continue playing from where you left off. What do I do if I cannot trade on my account? Look at the notification in chat, when you enter a district, if this is a 3-day ban period, you’ll have to wait it out, customer support cannot assist with shortening or removing the trade ban in this case. However, if it is a permanent trade lock, please contact us so that we can investigate further. What do I do if I cannot trade on my account? Look at the notification in chat, when you enter a district, if this is a 3-day ban period, you’ll have to wait it out, customer support cannot assist with shortening or removing the trade ban in this case. However, if it is a permanent trade lock, please contact us so that we can investigate further. Who can I contact if I have further questions or need additional support? For any further questions or additional support, please contact our customer support team.
  4. There seems to have been an issue with EAC, this has been fixed a couple of moments ago and players should be able to log in again.
  5. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (06/19) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 10 to 14 hours. PC CHANGES/FIXES Fixed an issue related to Open-World Crime missions. Multiple backend changes and fixes. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  6. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (06/19) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 10 to 14 hours. PC CHANGES/FIXES Fixed an issue related to Open-World Crime missions. Multiple backend changes and fixes. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  7. Hello everyone, Escalation has been out for some time now and we would like to hear your feedback on the System. Here are some things that we are specifically looking for feedback on: How common are Escalation missions and do you think their frequency is going to decrease over time? Are Escalation missions common enough to warrant an in-game option that lets you opt out of being called into Escalation missions via their Escalation calls? What could we do to help the attacking side as they seem to be at quite a disadvantage in those larger missions? Do you think 10vs10 is a good spot for Escalation or should we lower/increase the cap? Please provide us with all of your feedback, even if it is about things that are not listed above, we want to hear from you so we can start improving the system based on your feedback. Please compile all of your feedback into one structured post and avoid cluttering the thread with messages that aren't feedback posts and most importantly please stay respectful to other users who may not see things the way you do.
  8. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (06/12) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 6 to 10 hours. PC CHANGES/FIXES Fixed two rare district crashes. Fixed a rare issue that allowed the Matchmaker to pull grouped players into a mission without their group. Fixed an issue with Backup calls that could create lopsided missions. Fixed an issue related to Team Deathmatch markers for players that joined the mission via a backup/escalation call. Fixed an issue that allowed Escalation calls to exceed the limit of 10vs10. (This change was hotfixed earlier this week) Thank you for your patience during this period.
  9. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (06/12) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 6 to 10 hours. PC CHANGES/FIXES Fixed two rare district crashes. Fixed a rare issue that allowed the Matchmaker to pull grouped players into a mission without their group. Fixed an issue with Backup calls that could create lopsided missions. Fixed an issue related to Team Deathmatch markers for players that joined the mission via a backup/escalation call. Fixed an issue that allowed Escalation calls to exceed the limit of 10vs10. (This change was hotfixed earlier this week) Thank you for your patience during this period.
  10. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance has been postponed and will instead be held this Thursday (06/06) starting at 9 AM UTC. We expect this Maintenance period to last up to 10 hours. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  11. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance has been postponed and will instead be held this Thursday (06/06) starting at 9 AM UTC. We expect this Maintenance period to last up to 10 hours. PC CHANGES/FIXES This Patch introduces major changes to the Matchmaking system. To get the full picture of what has changed and why please read our Blogpost about it here. Matchmaking: Moved all Matchmaking services from the World server to its own dedicated server. Reintroduced Backup calls for overmatched teams. Added a new form of Backup call called “Escalation” which allows missions to expand up to 10 players on each side. Fixed multiple bugs with the Matchmaker. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  12. Hello everyone, I want to clarify that we have no plans to shut down APB: Reloaded.
  13. Hello everyone! Get ready to join us on OTW this Saturday, 06/01/2024, 6PM UTC for an hour-long matchmaking test. We need your help to put our new matchmaking code through its paces and iron out any kinks. The more of you who join, the better we can fine-tune our system. Your input is invaluable, so please log in and lend us a hand during this crucial phase. Remember to create a character on the "NA Test" World of OTW for this test! Your involvement truly counts! Let's work together to make this test a resounding success! Check out the notes for Matchmaking Improvement below: With this build, we have deployed new code based on the existing matchmaking functionality on Live. Matchmaking has been moved from the World server to operate on its own dedicated Matchmaking server. Matchmaking will only function in the same district for now. Backup is once again offered in cases in which the Matchmaker has to create an uneven Match and will add one player to each team trying to increase the overall Match quality to make it more even. In evenly matched missions both Team Leaders are now offered the option to “Escalate” the mission. If both Team leaders put in a request to escalate players will be added to both teams up to a maximum of 10 players per side. Team leaders will need to agree to Escalate the mission further each time new players are added to the mission. Fixed an issue related to Backup/Escalation calls that caused the matchmaker to be bottlenecked during the playtest on Sun. May 19. Fixed the crash issue seen during the playtest that happened on Thur. May 23. Added a new setting that lets us tweak the maximum amount of players that can be added via escalation on the fly. This value is set to 10 players per team for now. If you haven't yet! Make sure to grab the OTW client and download it ahead of time so that you can participate.
  14. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (05/29) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 4 to 6 hours. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  15. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (05/29) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 4 to 6 hours. Thank you for your patience during this period.
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