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  1. APB:Reloaded is now back online! We are aware of a handful of issues that are actively being worked on and have prepared some potential workarounds: Steam Login functionality is not working We're actively looking into this and it is a high priority. Unable to connect to Login Server (Error Code 8 ) If you are experiencing this issue please try and do the following: Navigate to your APB Install directory and look for \APBGame\Config In there delete the following two files and then run the APB Launcher to get the most up to date versions of the files: APBGame.ini DefaultGame.ini Unable to connect due to wrong login credentials: (Error Code 10010) If you are experiencing an issue in which you are unable to log into the the game due to wrong login credentials but logging into the Gamersfirst website works just fine please try the following: Repair your Game by opening the Launcher and selecting Options > Repair and try to launch the game without any config files applied. If this does not help please try and disable Two-Factor Authentication for the time being.
  2. OTW Testing is finished and we've been working on bringing back the Live Servers for the past day. We're going to be sharing more information soon.
  3. Hello again, for those that haven't had a chance to download the prepackaged OTW Download you can now download the OTW Installer directly from us via the following link.
  4. We're going to be testing EU districts as well yes.
  5. Hello everyone, we have just started testing on OTW, if you would like to help us test please head over to the OTW Networking Test forum thread. See you there!
  6. Hello everyone, we have just started testing on OTW, if you would like to help us test please head over to the OTW Networking Test forum thread. See you there!
  7. Hello everybody, The OTW Test Server is now back online, currently hosting NA West servers, which means testing starts NOW! We're looking for feedback on stability issues, such as District or World server crashes, as well as the connection quality for our NA players. Let us know if you experience changes in latency to NA West, increased packet loss, or any new issues. We're also working on adding EU Districts soon to gather similar feedback from our EU players. If you'd like to download OTW and help with testing, you can do so via the following link: OTW Installer Use your usual login credentials to access OTW and make sure to create your characters on the NA Test World. See you there!
  8. Hello everyone, Apologies for the lack of updates on the forums. Matt has been sharing daily updates on Twitter and the Little Orbit Discord, but we wanted to wait for significant progress before posting here. As of last night, our datacenter provider completed and brought the Los Angeles circuit online. Now, we're focused on configuring the servers and implementing our new Anti-DDoS solution. With no more dependencies on third parties, the remaining tasks are fully in our hands, which should speed things up. We'll keep you updated as we make progress. For real-time updates, feel free to join our Discord: discord.gg/littleorbit Thank you for your continued patience!
  9. Hello everyone, first of all we would like to apologize for the extended downtime we have experienced over the last month. We have ran into an issue with our server provider which meant that many of our services including our games have been put offline. This period was devastating and is something we hoped to be resolved quickly but was largely out of our hands - We're sorry and never want to go through an extended downtime period like this again so we're taking the necessary steps to prevent this in the future. To make up for the extended downtime we're going to run a two week long login campaign which will award each character you log in with with the following items via an In-Game Mail: Viper Weapon Skin Lost the Path Title Touched Grass Title Cut The Wrong Wire Title Valentines Quiver Backpack In addition to the login reward is a new Role called "Back In The Streets" which requires players to play Missions on Mission Districts or Fightclubs and awards the following: 1 Mission (Total) : 500 JT + Back In The Streets Title 4 Missions (Total) : 500 JT + Connecting to World Server Title 7 Missions (Total) : 500 JT + Back Online Title 10 Missions (Total) : 500 JT + 404 Aim Not Found Title 30 Missions (Total) : 500 JT + Certified SPiN Technician Title Read more about the Back in the Streets event including new and returning ARMAS items and a bonus G1c campaign in our Blogpost and Thank you for your support. Valentines Day 2025 Event Better late than never! This patch reintroduces a set of Valentines Day Event roles from previous years as well as a couple of new Valentines day themed titles which can be awarded by logging in throughout the Valentines Day 2025 Event period! This year's Valentines Day Event is going to be a little smaller than usual as we wanted to focus our efforts on improving the game as a whole rather than keep adding to an already rather stacked seasonal event, because of this we sat down and have made many meaningful changes to our maps as well introducing long awaited settings such as Hold Crouch or Toggle Sprint more on that below! Re-enabled Valentine's Week Massacre Role. Re-enabled Someone's Favourite Role. Re-enabled Snubby Love Role. Added 7 New V-Day themed Titles. Vehicle changes Bishada Rapier & Variants Significantly increased the grip of the vehicle. Dev note: Last patch we have increased the weight of the vehicle and while it has made the vehicle harder to bully we have also heard your concerns about how easy it is to spin out or oversteer when going into sharper turns now. To offset this we have increased the grip of the vehicle. District changes This patch ships a ton of mission district changes, primarily focusing on Waterfront to create more cover around spawns, more access points to difficult objectives, moving objectives out of direct line of sight of spawn areas as well as some other minor fixes. Please refer to the following two pictures to understand which block is where on each of the maps. Miscellaneous changes and additions Added Viper Weapon Skin. Added Connoisseur Weapon Skin. Adds Downtime Survivor Titles. Adds Downtime Survivor Package & Login Reward. Added Hold Crouch & Auto Sprint keybinding options. Fixed hand positioning on the ATAC Mercenary and Bodyguard variants. Fixed hand positioning on the N-TEC 7 Folded Stock variants. Fixed an error in the description for the Broadwing Hot Response RX-II Bars stating they're for the T-25. The V20 Jericho 'Street Krew Lookout' and Bishada Rapier 'Shadowstrike Interceptor' are now equipped with a Mobile Supply Unit instead of Mobile Radar tower. Their descriptions have been updated to match this change. Increased the open slot count for the ISSR-B Sniper Rifles by 1. Fixed an issue causing many Marksman weapons to not use the correct Muzzleflash effect when using the Nutcracker weapon skin. Fixed an issue causing the Nutcracker skin to show up as one of the Casino skins when applied to the SWARM. Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to not apply correctly to the Colby .45 AP. Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to change the model of the Scoped N-tec 5 to that of the regular N-tec 5 when applied. Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to change the model of the ACT-44 'Last Stand' to that of the regular ACT-44 when applied. Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to change the model of the RSA to that of the ACT-44 when applied. Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit Green skin causing the Showstopper to use the Showstopper 'Thunder' model. Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to change the model of the Colby SNR to that of the Colby .45 AP. Fixed an issue causing the Yakuza skin to change the model of the ISSR-A 'Artemis' to that of the ISSR-B 'Wisp'. Fixed an issue causing the Yakuza skin to change the model of the Stac-10 to that of the Stac-10 Stock. Fixed an issue causing the PSR's to use the N-HVR 762 sound when using the Spain skin. Fixed an issue with the Occult Demoness skin not applying correctly to the OCA 'Whisper'. Fixed an issue causing the N-HVR 243-SD 'Reaper' to use the wrong Muzzleflash when using its base skin. Fixed an issue causing the Dragon skin to change the model of the N-tec 5 Stock to that of the regular N-tec 5. Fixed an issue causing the Dragon skin to change the model of the C9S to that of the regular C9. Added a mission district version of the Blast from the Past Gungame. Updated Localization. Thank you for your continued patience! See you all in San Paro.
  10. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (01/29) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 4 to 8 hours. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  11. Hello again and sorry for the delays, without further ado here are the winners of the 2024 Ugly Sweater contest: 1st Place: @agamessaad 2nd Place: @Yapopal 3rd Place: @TzickyT Congratulations! Please check your Forum inbox over the coming days for your rewards!
  12. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (01/22) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 6 to 8 hours. Patchnotes This weeks patch features more game balance as well as some changes in interaction priorities. Balance VBR 'Enchantress' Minimum Damage % increased from 30% to 45%. Dev note: This is a slight increase to its 2 shot range (2 meters) but makes it so it is a little better at poking outside of its effective range, allowing it to kill in 5 shots within 100m. DOW Shotgun RaySpreadAt10m reduced from 80 to 70. NFAS-12 RaySpreadAt10m reduced from 150 to 110. NFAS-12 'True Ogre' RaySpreadAt10m reduced from 150 to 110. Low-Yield Fragmentation Grenade Max damage radius increased from 2 meters to 3.5 meters. Maximum Stamina Damage increased from 295 to 365. Maximum Hard Damage increased from 375.95 to 434.66. Dev note: A lot has changed since the Low-Yield meta that we addressed many years ago so we feel like we can now bring those grenades back up in power without causing another meta that is dominated by this grenade type. Bishada Rapier & Kissaki Weight increased from 1.5 to 2.5. Chassis Torque Factor lowered from 0.08 to 0.04. Suspension Stiffness increased from 60 to 100. Health Increased from 1150 to 1300. Dev note: The Bishada has been pretty easy to push around or even flip due to its low weight. We have increased its weight and adjusted the amount its chassis moves as well as its suspension to be able to support the increase in weight. Our goal with this change is to keep the Bishada handle roughly the same as before so please let us know if you encounter any sort of strange behavior in the way the vehicle drives after this change. Patriot V20 Jericho & Nightrider Health Increased from 1150 to 1300. Charge Mikro & Raptor - Packer Vaquero & Toreador Max Speed increased from 20.5m/s to 21.8m/s Gameplay Interaction Priorities Interacting with the Cargo/Trunk of a vehicle no longer takes priority over entering the vehicle, instead it now prioritizes the action the player is looking at. Dev note: This is an experimental change to make the interaction system more intuitive as well as fixing many cases in which a player carrying a medium item would want to enter a car but would instead put the item they were holding into the trunk of the vehicle, this issue was particularly common on smaller vehicles such as the Charge Mikro or Packer Vaquero. Decreased the priority of breaking into vehicles to avoid cases in which players prioritize breaking into vehicles over picking up task items next to it. Decreased the priority of opening gift boxes to prevent item cheesing. Miscellaneous changes The following two weapons are now skinable: CSG-20 "Country Gent" Colby RSA "Hunter" Thank you for your patience during this period.
  13. Hello, we're aware of an issue related to subsequent logins and are working on a fix.
  14. Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (01/15) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 6 to 10 hours. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  15. Hello - This issue should now be resolved.
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