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About Rezidant

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    San Paro Port Authority | Chief

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  1. That moment was actually for the new images on our main SPPA recruitment post on this forum. :] But thanks!
  2. | Quick Links THE PORT AUTHORITY CLAN SUMMIT Welcome to the page of the PACS event, hosted by the San Paro Port Authority PACS is an event returning every week on Saturday, with the goal of the event to create a non-serious, positive atmosphere with the main focus on bringing the APB players together. With APB having the target on the creative aspect of things, so does PACS. Player created assets are central, and are able to be shown to other players in the event, in a meet-up that can span from 10 participants up to 30 participants. Because it is always unsure who will show up, and how many will show up, the excitement factor remains that you might meet someone completely new each week. And that is the goal of the Port Authority Clan Summit, to bring the APB community just that little bit closer. HOSTED ON Every Saturday - 8PM CET/GMT+1 Phase 1 of PACS - The Meet The PACS event starts with a general meet-up which may last for around 30 minutes or longer, depending on the amount of participants and the activities that happen while in the meet-up. The meet gives the perfect opportunity to meet everyone else who has shown up while in a relaxing atmosphere, being able to inspect what the other participants brought with them in terms of vehicles, outfits or other creative assets. The meet will always happen in the parking garage of the San Paro Port Authority HQ, located in Waterfront. This is where enforcer contact Eva Orlandez is camping out. Due to the dynamic change of open districts, the actual district where the meet will happen, is announced in the SPPA Discord server right before the event starts. IMPRESSIONS Phase 2 of PACS - The Demolition Derby After the meet-up, it is time to pack the bags and transfer to the Financial district, which just like the Waterfront district, gets announced in the SPPA Discord server. On Financial district, on the broken Highway part which has gaps on both sides, the Demolition Derby will take place. It may sound complicated, but the concept is quite simpel - Grab a vehicle, line up against the other participants, and start ramming. Probably one of the few moments where you can ram-streak multiple players at once without getting warned for griefing! The Demolition Derby consists of multiple rounds, with each round having 1 winner. The winner is simply the participant that survived the longest. To keep it exciting, big rewards may or may not be given out to the winners of the Derby rounds. Rewards can range from in-game cash to Legendary weapons, or other in-game assets. Usually, there is always something to win! IMPRESSIONS PORT AUTHORITY CLAN SUMMIT Enjoy the fun side of APB
  3. SAN PARO PORT AUTHORITY | RECAP 26 03 A lot has happened for the SPPA in the past months, so lets take a look at all the events that have happened in the past period! The introduction of SPPA's self-hosted PACS event The SPPA has introduced a new event, which returns every week on Saturday. This event, called the "Port Authority Clan Summit", is created with the aim of bringing APB players together from multiple factions, disciplines and even other clans. The setting is a non-serious environment where the players can check out other players' creations, artwork, music, outfits & vehicles. After the first part of the PACS event, which is a meet in the SPPA HQ parking garage in Waterfront, the PACS participants move on to the Financial district for the last part of the event. When all participants have gathered on the broken highway area, it's time for the Demolition Derby. The single goal is here to push the other participants from the broken highway, in order to finish as last and claim the reward(s). The rewards may be in-game cash, legendary weapons and/or other in-game assets. Refresh of the SPPA Vehicle Theme, an event that returns every half year APB is all about creative freedom, and the folks from SPPA understand this as well. To keep the members active with their creative designs and ideas, the SPPA switches designs after every few months so that everyone involved with the SPPA has a chance to update their existing designs or create complete new designs. This is a fun way to keep involving the memberbase with how the SPPA looks to the public, and strenghtening the feeling of paticipation. Our new vehicle design is shown below Transition of the Wave Lounge Community to the SPPA Community With Ketog leading the initiative, the community members from the Wave Lounge Community have been given the option to transition towards the SPPA Community. The primary reasoning being that the SPPA Community offers a steady stream of activity, involvement & events; something the Wave Lounge Community became less active in itself. The SPPA has welcomed all new community members with open arms and will continue to do its best in providing the best and safest community experience that one may have in, and around, APB. Growth in Numbers After the outage of APB, which covered almost the full month of February and a small begin of March, the game had received a positive spike in active players in the game. As usual for the SPPA, it makes sure to cover the Social District advertisement banners combined with active SPPA Recruiters who advertise through in-game chat. This has given the SPPA a surge in new recruits and server community members. As also, the members from the Wave Lounge community joined in at the same time. All of this combined has brought the SPPA Discord server to a total member count exceeding the 400. The line keeps going up however, as there are still new members joining the SPPA Community each day, either to chill & hangout, or to become a part of the SPPA as a whole. I mentioned it before, but the SPPA welcomes everyone at any time, no matter the faction, in-game rank or threat, or game perfomances. That is all for this SPPA Recap! If you're interested in staying up-to-date with anything the SPPA is up to, please join our Discord server for the latest news and gimmicks, since this forum post will receive updates at a much longer frequency.
  4. SPPA - New Departments 10 26 Forwarded from the SPPA Discord server The San Paro Port Authority is happy to announce two new departments which fall under the SPPA. Port Authority Containment Unit (PACU) With chaos on the streets of San Paro during the Halloween period, the SPPA has called in the help of their rarely seen PACU officers. These officers are dabbed in toxic green color, and are highly skilled in combating the dangers that roam the streets and alleyways. The SPPA will not allow any threat from outside the city borders to harm its residents and/or property. Department of Road Regulations & Safety (RRS) Even more dangerous than a criminal holding an N-Tec 5, is the conditions of the vehicles that are usually encountered on the streets in San Paro. If they're not smoking, burning, missing parts or filled with bullet holes from front to rear because an eager Enforcer with a SHAW passed by, then probably they'd be stolen a few minutes later. The RRS will regulate the vehicles in the city limits of San Paro, by performing safety inspections. These inspections make sure that the vehicles are road worthy and less of a hazard to the average day citizen. Once the RRS has finished with an inspection, the results will be documented and archived, of which below is an example: RRS Participation Anyone is able to apply for a Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR)! An RRS inspector will inspect your vehicle, gather visual images, and generate a report based on the findings. If you'd like to have your vehicle inspected, don't hesitate to head to the SPPA Discord server!
  5. SPPA CERESCO Post - 09 29 Forwarded from the SPPA Discord server
  6. SPPA Autumn Bulletin Post - 09 27/09 28 Forwarded from the SPPA Discord server SPPA HAN VEO Post - 09 27/09 28 Forwarded from the SPPA Discord server
  7. Does this mean that the Dolton Broadwing gets its body/wheels raised to prevent front/rear model collisions on curbs in the same patch, as well? :D
  8. SPPA Criminal Faction Launch - 09 19 Forwarded from the SPPA Discord server. Today marks a new milestone for the SPPA as we introduce the Criminal Faction clan for the criminal characters. Our ambition may be high, but it definitely will be worth the shot to see if the sky really is the limit when it comes down to expanding into the APB verse. A few important things to note: The SPPA CF uses the same uniform as the main SPPA branch; The SPPA CF uses the same car visuals as the main SPPA branch; The Criminal Faction follows the ranking structure of the main branch. Which means that a SPPA CF Officer is the same rank as the main branch SPPA Officer; Important to remember, that the criminal clan is not going its own direction. It's an extension on the SPPA to reach a wider audience, and thus acts as *one community'. Bear with us as we keep settings things up on the server and in-game to provide the best experience for the new SPPA CF chapter! Anyone is allowed to join, alt accounts of existing SPPA members, or completely new recruits who wish to join the CF chapter because crims are their main. If you're interested in the SPPA Enf or Crim faction, please visit us at our Discord server https://discord.gg/sppa Also, we have now have a Steam group on Public for anyone who wishes to join. (It is being constructed as well) It gives me the option to send announcements on there as well, so you can easily keep in touch. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/san-paro-port-authority Have fun with these new additions to the SPPA!
  9. SPPA Criminal Faction Proposal - 09 18 Forwarded from the SPPA Discord server. Topic of internal discussion, made public for informational purposes.
  10. SPPA Calabria Derby Event completed! With 10+ SPPA officers in different Calabrias, we sure had a blast. Overal the total of the handed out prizes come to around 5mil+ Enjoy the screenshots taken at the event below!
  11. SPPA Calabria Event Post - 09 14 Forwarded from the SPPA Discord server
  12. SPPA Member Bulletin - 09 13 Forwarded from the SPPA Discord server
  13. SPPA members at the weekly CCC event. From September 11. Please, don't hesitate to join our fun community either as a spectator, or as a new recruit of the SPPA! discord.gg/sppa
  14. Heya, There is a known glitch that makes the Armas/Joker lights unusable for the Mirage when you had the lights beforehand. However it does work when you buy the lights after having the Mirage. This is going to get fixed by LO eventually. But if you really can't wait for the fix and got G1C to burn, there's the option to rebuy a specific light for G1C through Armas. Works if you had the light already. (Not recommended though)
  15. SPPA members gathered for a group selfie. From August 31.
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