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Everything posted by Divait

  1. I always was wondering what the exact real life model of this beauty, maybe someone knows, just reply here please if you know...
  2. From main menu of the game ? They added option to disable fog recently but didn't see uncapping fps yet.
  3. No one gonna read what this lil bro wrote Just kidding of course, you state a good points for making the game better and I pressed the like, but will try to explain what I didn't like or what they should also add: 1. Return the 40v40 mission servers maximum limit of players to make the game run smoother for everyone else. 2. Remove all the garbage no mod (0 mod) vehicles from the game and replace them with Mobile Spawner (ONLY 1) Mode, because the starting vehicles has this mode already and making it grind for other cars makes no sense. (I know that you may buy any vehicle or mod from social's district marketplace but then you will not be able to customize it) Here is the link on my topic where I explained the all things more properly. 3. They should make customizable UI in general because personally for me and maybe other players it was a cool idea. I also wanted to change my radar placement but wasn't able to do that due to the lack of customisations. Okay, that's all for now from me, now back to your solutions: 1. Players are able to rep any contact regardless of current district - I don't think it will work because people will abandon the waterfront district completely and will start to play only in the financial one. Personally - I enjoy playing in both districts and hating the fact that waterfront always missing players. 2. Threat levels hidden until the match is concluded (prevents discouragement) - Honestly, I would just disable the whole ranking threats like they (LO) did on consoles. Old players aka veterans will still continue to play like usual and the new players will probably rage less. The other solution to this is to make the separate matchmaking system. (ranked and normal missions are separate)
  4. They are already working on it according to the Roadmap article.
  5. Then this list of skins will never end I assume.
  6. Would it be a cool idea for the future? Give me your thoughts again, I think it will not affect the whole point of grind and will be more fun in general because 195 is just too much for it, almost the highest rank in the game.
  7. My bro just blasting those fools Nice, I hit a like because using the same pistol as you.
  8. I will have to disagree with that sentence because usually I've seen the price of 2 slot weapons was about in 6500 thousand JT while any of 3 slot costs 10000 thousand of JT currency. Some variants of them are already in the JT Store if I'm correct but legendaries are really expensive comparting to the usual ones. FAR and LCR are not the reskins as you said, it's the new weapons but I agree that it should be purchasable from contacts because people will have more options and freedom. As for compromise - they may leave the actual reskins (Vas, Joker CR5 for example and so on) in the Joker Store and add all new 0 mod weapons to contacts for $ currency.
  9. Good day for everyone once again! (or an evening) First of all - I wanted to introduce myself to you since I wasn't able to do that for some reason but some people may already know me by my salty great topics. I'm a pretty new person to APB in general but I was playing just a little bit in the past back in the days when I was a little kid. (as every other kid of that time - I fell in love with gaming obviously) For making it more clear to you - I have an old CD with APB when it was actually a new game and was owned by realtime worlds. So, back to business: "why do I even wrote this?" you may ask and I can understand that - basically when I accidentally returned to this game I just recovered my old account within my old character on this account. I've played the game a bit and not gonna lie - I was pretty shocked (not in a bad way) how the game developed. There were a tons of new features that previously I have not witnessed for and had to play to get the knowledge for it. After few days of playing on the old character - I've decided to create the new one for making the whole process of it more fun. And from that moment I will actually start to explain the whole point of this topic. Little Orbit wants to add new features to the game as you all already seen so I want to try help them from my point of view. After playing some time on the new character I've witnessed some things that I didn't like personally and usually when you are unhappy with something - you are making it clear. I will not list everything here because you can find it by checking my previous posts but I will just list one that should be changeable in future for sure: 1. The no-mod (0 mods) vehicles in this game became absolute garbages but I've seen that some of the new (low rank as well) players are actually using them on missions. Why is it so? Simply because they are not able to buy at least 1 slot mode vehicle at the start of the game, for that you have to progress literally a tons of contacts and play the actual missions and it obviously takes some time to them. Why am I talking about 1 slot mode vehicles? Because as being the new player your goal is to get that as fast as you can for at least having Mobile Spawn Point on your personal vehicle. With that being said - I want to suggest removing all 0 mods vehicles from the APB and replace them with the Mobile Spawn Point only mode. Why do I chose exactly that mod? Because the starting vehicles (Macchina Calabria and Macchina Cosenza) are already equipped by the Mobile Spawn Point only. So why not to make the every other of starting vehicles the same? If Little Orbit will able to do that in future - I think people will use more of this current 0 mod vehicles. (it should be good not only for the new players, but even for the old ones for testing the vehicles without affecting your missions by garbage vehicles) As for other 1 slot mode (for any vehicle mode that you would prefer) vehicles - leave them the same because anyway it takes some time to unlock them from a higher tier contacts.
  10. So, I played a bit with FBW and yeah, I was capable to kill people who even had colby 45 but you know - still feels like that the TTK of colby 45 should be somewhere in 1 second exact. 0.8 of the seconds makes the colby 45 too powerful, (in my humble opinion) so Little Orbit should make it slower or 6 shots to kill like FBW has. With that being said - the colby 45 still will be better than FBW but only because it's a pistol of the JT currency. P.S. Or in opposite way they can make FBW faster (without nerfing the colby 45) with TTK of 1 second exact or 1 to 1.1 somewhere. (1.05 for example)
  11. When I will get rank 195 - I will do it, I can even promise but I'm not sure what day it will be. I play as an enforcer too by the way so for making challenge proofable - we should play together since I'm not into recording stuff as I said before. P.S. Oh shit, I forgot to ask you on which server are you playing?
  12. That's a good point but it's just the meta pistol and overall better than FBW. (of course if you will fight 1v1 the colby 45 with FBW but if you will fight some bronze or silver guys with FBW, maybe you can handle it, but I'm talking about the equal situations in terms of skill and pushing the weapons to their limits) I had a free trial of colby 45 and for me it was easier to play with it comparing to FBW. I didn't buy this pistol but tested a little bit for 6 hours or so. I'm not into this stuff but we can play together if you want to. Well, that's good to know, will try this out, cheers.
  13. It's hard to find a person, who is playing with FBW nowadays but you are still defending the OP gun again... True, I prefer another pistol (S-AS PDW) may be found few people who are using it as well but not on the level with colby 45 in terms of popularity.
  14. Colby PMG is automatic gun but yeah - colby 45 with macros equals to colby PMG, just less bullets in pistol, it's insane.
  15. Yeah, I can joke as well like you or I can't? (even though when I joke I use strikethrough) You are right about that I'm a noob and I'm right about that the Ursus is OP. We are on different levels, I agree. Delusional because I want a nerf of weapon that costs 50k JT and because every old guy like you having it and having fun smashing noobs like me? See, I can manipulate like you but you started it first so I don't care. Now you need a proof. Not interested in advertising some people here, go watch streams if you want a proof, everyone knows what's the most popular streaming platform. P.S. I doesn't want to spend 50k on it even though it's great, I will buy sniper rifle first.
  16. Because it's my thread and I can do whatever I want to Because I tested the weapon in different way and still it's nowhere close to the Ursus. I can ask you the same quesiton - why are you always saying bye and coming back here? Because your opinion is a joke to me. Ursus is weak close range you talk like you wasn't able to use it properly in the close range or you talk like you are blind or something. Where I was "narcistic" ? I even called myself a "noob" but that doesn't mean you will shut my mouth. I don't have the Ursus, you are right but I've seen how people were killing me with it and I have seen how people were killing with it on streams. It is a perfect weapon due to the fact you can use it in 90% of situations. 10% is missing due to the sniper rifles. CQC weapons will be bad at mid-long range (3 of them maybe exceptions). If you play with a CQC weapon you need a long range pistol and it's pretty hard to hit with a pistol in the long range. And again - in 99% of situations people are modding Ursus with IR 3. With IR 3 - Ursus is an Obeya without it. (damn, even I found some + in Obeya's pocket)
  17. Okay, so I played Obeya with CJ 3 mode, it was actually good but I still will say it once more to make it clear for everybody - Ursus is still better than Obeya for now. Why is it so? Here are my arguments: 1. The magazine size of Obeya is 15 bullets while the Ursus's size is 25. (even reload time is a bit faster on Ursus - 2.4 seconds versus Obeya's 2.7 seconds) 2. Even if you compare Obeya with CJ 3 mode to Ursus - Ursus still kills faster, here is the screen to you: 3. You guys were saying Ursus is bad in a close range - what a joke from you because even I (a gold noob) was able to kill in a close range with Obeya CJ 3 mode and it's even easier with Ursus since I was getting killed by Ursus in a close range situations hundred times. (if not more. Also - you may check the APB streams and find a streamer with Ursus and see it by yourself) 4. You already mentioned it - Ursus have more mobility in marksmanship mode while with Obeya you have to crouch more often. That's it, if you will again say I'm simp or delusional - I don't care, I gave my arguments and made clear the fact of Ursus domination.
  18. Just want to hear your thoughts again... I think recent nerf of this gun is not enough, it's still pretty powerful I would say. My opinion to developers - make this pistol 6 shot to kill and the magazine size of 8/9 bullets per magazine.
  19. You guys calling me rude but then you are saying I'm a simp. Great logic as always, I'm happy that I just showed it. People have different tastes and so the different opinions on some things. I tried AR-97 but didn't really liked it. In my mind - I wanted to test Obeya with CJ 3 mode (had IR 3 on it before but I think it's not what it needs) and will see how competetive I will be against the Ursuses.
  20. a bullet less to kill is crucial in the competitive team game. I already did a comparison to Obeya, you just didn't read the thread. (and calling me rude, okay, lol) For now - Ursus is better than Obeya.
  21. 1. How it supposed to be easy if you have to pay 2500 JT (Joker Tickets) for it each time and having small chances to get it permanently? (I don't remember exactly how much you must spend for getting the permanent Ursus) 2. Yeah, you may buy Obeya for 10000 JT from Armas. 3. I like machine guns but you are slow with them in this game. 4. Yeah, I answered on this few posts ago - maybe when I will have 3 thousand hours in this game, I will get it. But I will try to give you an analogy as well: "You don't have to be a chef to say the soup is bad" P.S. Also few good players were agree with me that the Ursus is OP. (dont want to call the names)
  22. Well true but I see Ursuses more often than Obeyas and close range Ursus is better than Obeya still.
  23. If you are bad with Ursus in a close range - doesn't mean everyone else are too.
  24. Thank you for clearing this out, no jokes. Well, the Ursus is still ahead on this: "Walk Modifier" stat so I don't even know why you mentioned this. HVR 762 has 9 while HVR 243 has 3 (what the hell is it, not a sniper to be honest so clueless on the sniper rifles) P.S. I don't often crouch with Obeya so I don't know how it's helping you...
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