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About iRawwwN

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  1. and then usually the bolts holding your bed together go missing and you can't complete the bed and now you gotta sleep on the ground mattress.
  2. its me i am the provider i told matt i am shutting his game down be free.
  3. "you're going to get sick of us communicating" aged like milk.
  4. are the lights still not working on the dodge charger? are gEtGoOdtm lets see some MACKvision gameplay
  5. jup, tired of this half-patootie'ing of everything about this game. when LO took over everything G1 done should have been reverted; core 2013 gameplay and then build off that.
  6. why are we using an anticheat that cant detect godlike accuracy and stats, yet it can kick for the most simple of overlay, probably as part of the PC software ie MSI or something. thanks SARD really helping us out keeping these pesky stat knowers away
  7. not just you, gotta close sard myself too lol
  8. how about my launcher not launching to update the .exe yet i can launch with no issue nvm had to restart hmm edit2; if u launch game game and crash or exit, you cannot launch the update launcher neat time to restart PC edit3; i had to close out sard... MATT WE DONT EVEN HAVE AN ACTIVE SARD WHY IS IT RUNNING u mining bitcoin on my pc?
  9. iRawwwN

    Twitch Streamers

    some of them are able to cheat and not get banned thats a pretty neato thing
  10. yo are we gonna enable sard soon or what? i dont mind a cheater or two but its getting kinda silly now Matt.
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