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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. They are no longer using any APB assets. You can get caught up here...
  2. Maybe just make a stunt district instead. Add some more ramps and things ... That way everyone is happy. I guess I never realized how much you folks liked that stuff!
  3. Are you saying pop died cuz of OOB removal? I'm not sure you have the data to back that up. I'm only speaking if the current reality.
  4. Its hard enough to get opp already. I dont need half the pop doing stunts in 4x4s.
  5. Honestly Ive never tried, but I do hear that as a common complaint. Luckily Matt and LO seem to have heard the complaints and I believe there was mention of change coming in regards to that.
  6. I save my crying for irl stuff. While I may have been against some of the nerfs, I don't own the game, so its simply not my call. tl;dr Im an adult
  7. If you want free stuff, it should require some work. Then don't do it, you are free to choose.
  8. I personally don't mind panic shields. Even if you are out of nades, it effectively removes the player from the fight. They are still out of position even if they manage to regen health. Just remember not to continue to engage an enemy who is behind a shield. Unless you have the clear advantage. (Like the higher ground) They will have to move eventually and that is your moment to strike. Remember, in APB you never want to engage in even a fair fight if you can help it, and though you may have had the advantage before the shield was dropped, unless your opponent is running pointman weapons, the shield at the very least evens the score if not outright gives them the advantage. This is where I see many players screw up. They know they are only 1-2 shots from scoring a kill, and that bloodlust seems to prevent them from thinking clearly. So simply disengage, or wait. They will have to move again.
  9. ATAC is available for lease through the Joker store as well. (Not that I wouldn't like to see it as a contact unlock.)
  10. Although almost 81% of Russian citizens identify themselves as ethnic Russians, there are also other large ethnic groups. 3.9% of Russians are Tartars, 1.4% Ukrainians, 1.2% Bashkirs, 1.1% Chuvashs and 1.0% Chechens. 3.9% of the population did not declare any ethnic origin.
  11. (thats not how this works, thats not how any of this works)
  12. People seem to feel the risk / reward ratio of the weapon is skewed towards reward. That is, the risks of choosing the ATAC are relatively low while the rewards are more substantial. tl;dr it's too easy to use
  13. Damn son, how many times you get banned?
  14. Yeah all you can do is report. Both in game and through the support portal. I know it's not enough, but it's something.
  15. While I did recently move my office from the main floor which overlooked our fruit orchard and one of my wife's flower gardens to the lower level, it was only to afford myself a view of the sunsets over our private lake. But yes, I am typing from what you might technically call a "basement". If you think so little of the game and our community, Im not really sure why you are even here. Though if this was just an emotional response to people disagreeing with you I understand that, as Ive certainly fallen prey to it myself. Epic Games is highly successful indeed. Cornering the market on children has that effect. That being said, you should be aware of how controversial their recent decision was, even within their own community. Surely you don't think EG is infallible. Or maybe you do, I don't know. For me, while I don't understand why people choose to play with stretched resolutions, it doesn't really seem like any of my business or any of my concern. If you could explain why you think it shouldn't be allowed, I'm happy to discuss any points you make in detail.
  16. Sweet, I was worried someone who has no clue what they are talking about wouldn't show up. Thanks fam!
  17. Uhhh... I havent charged for a symbol in a long time, I guess DM me and we can chat? Of the selection shown only the gorilla is one of mine Its a very old one but I think I still have copies somewhere.
  18. Ive never had a problem with shields beyond their ability to block ladders.... then again as often as Im getting 1v1 and 2v2 missions, sometimes even that is a nice feature.
  19. If "minimal" settings through the advanced launcher do not work for you, Im not sure you can really go much lower.
  20. This is very good advice. Also, when you find your comfort zone, make sure you are using the same sensitivity in every shooter you play. This will ensure you build muscle memory. If you want to take it even further, you can you programs such as https://store.steampowered.com/app/824270/KovaaKs_FPS_Aim_Trainer/ to straight up practice aiming. What a lot of players do is keep Kovaaks running in the background while playing other games, and then using it while waiting for a mission or opp in APB, or for the next round in APEX or whatever. ^this^
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