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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. friend still waiting for the ticket its like 2 months
  2. @MattScott are we going to get free premium and 50% sale?
  3. Does anyone notice when it's off their latency goes lower?
  4. apb reloaded is a game that you really want to have fun, but end up just quitting because of frustration that the game gives. it happens every time.
  5. more like an abandon gun I don't see anyone uses an improve rifling 3 csg, tbh no one will ever buy that gun currently now on armas. why buy a Colby CSG-20 PR1 when there's a shredder? that doesn't need an improve rifling 3 all you have to do is hold the mouse button.
  6. what can you do in the game when you hit max rank already? lack of content is the biggest problem. if friends stop playing you are encourage to stop playing. the weapon balance is a mess IR3 nerf there was nothing wrong with it..
  7. This gun is completely useless now with the changes of improve rifling 3, and this goes to some guns who have IR3 applied to them. Can you please remove the improve rifling 3 and give us one empty slot, or revamp the mod for that shotgun and add a new preset mod for shotgun (choke) Don't see the point in using this shotgun anymore, when the JG no slot does a better job... or could I get a gun replacement cause it doesn't preform what it use to be.
  8. so pretty much editing these values does nothing
  9. add option enable raw input which only uses the mouse movements directly when you play and ignores acceleration.
  10. pretty sure everyone knows a new anti cheat is coming out obviously the cheating will stop for a while.
  11. you telling me people could cheat now, somewhat get banned by FF and wait for the release of BattleEye and the person who cheated recently gets unbanned automatic? There are still players cheating till this day who are high ranks.
  12. I believe the game would work well with projectile mechanics just like games implemented in pubg, fornite or battlefield series since APB maps are large scale rather than having an abstract concept such as hitscan. It will make gunplay a lot harder in order to accommodate for a target's movements a player will typically have to lead their target (that is, aim ahead of the target's direction) in order to successfully make contact. In close quarters, the target will be close enough that velocity will not affect hit probability. Pros: New gun mechanic. NHVR harder to use. Bullets are server sided, the statistic of cheating can be easier to detect.
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