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  1. Could you patch out the guy who has been cheating every single day on FC for the last 3 weeks?
  2. The .45 doesn't have a lower TTK than most guns. (seconds) .45 = 0.8 FBW = 1.0 FR0G = 0.8 N-FA 9 = 0.63 STAR = 0.75 N-TEC = 0.7 CARBINE = 0.75 OBEYA = 0.84 OBIR = 1.2 OCA = 0.7 PMG = 0.7 JG = 0.65
  3. wywv

    Can't open support site.

    When i go to https://support.gamersfirst.com/ i get an error. SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP what can i do?
  4. Almost all weapons have a ttk lower than 1 second
  5. i mean.. LO is a company. i'm pretty sure their main concern is making money. i'm guessing keeping around a team of moderators would cost too much for it to be worth it.
  6. I think the actual problem with the .45 is that the matchmaking doesn't pit two equally skilled teams against eachother. the risk vs reward when using the .45 is -low ammo count +more damage. so you need to be more skilled in order to use it. kinda like the direct hit in tf2. the problem arises when you have someone that almost never misses vs someone who misses quite often. then the pro basically just gets an upgraded fbw.
  7. There are well known cheaters, people who have literally posted videos of themselves cheating, still playing on their same max rank accounts. if there was just anyone who actually played the game moderating then these people would be banned.
  8. wywv

    make FC 15v15 again

    so like 80% of the time then
  9. wywv

    make FC 15v15 again

    Fight club when it's 20v20 is constantly getting shot from behind and having people spawn right next to you. shit sucks.
  10. according to this tracker APB gets atleast 300 players everyday.
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