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Everything posted by YoshePlays

  1. Congratulations you're now Indian. I wish that I would've started that sentence with 'Granted'
  2. granted, you have a social life but no actual life I wish that pedo bear look cuter
  3. Granted, you're now asian and you'll crash whenever you drive. I wish i had a retired stress ball squeezer
  4. Granted, you get diabetes. I wish that all diseases and stuff could be cured.
  5. Granted, you get a faster car, but you're on your way to crashing into another car. I wish that people would be as peaceful & polite as Canadians and the Japanese
  6. Sounds pretty dope, that autotune tho 8/10
  7. Granted, the download hurried up and now your computer is infected with virus. I wish that conspiracy theorists would shut up
  8. Granted, you went ahead your life and now you're dead. I wish that apb hackers will disappear
  9. music does not go with the background picture/10 https://youtu.be/2i2khp_npdE
  10. Granted, you risk losing all your teeth everyday. I wish that G1 is less money hungry.
  11. You have a suspicious armoury of guns/10
  12. Granted, you now don't have nice comfy socks I wish to find out the reason why you change your signature every 5 mins
  13. Granted, your friends and family all crave for your money until you lose all of it. I wish for a wish
  14. Granted, you drown in it. I wish you would stop changing your signature with different types of tv
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