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The other half uses their nades more than tier primary. Frags were always OP, but the reason it wasn't apparently obvious to most people was that we had low yields that were even more OP and we didn't have Vegas, tank meta so Concs were fun to use. Due to to direct nerfs to alternatives and indirect nerfs caused by car game play. Frag is the way to go, with deadly damage and ridiculous blast range. Instead of 3 small fast lowyields you have 2 Fat Frags dealing similar damage in full copacity but having double explosive range. How is that balanced?
A man of culture. Exactly my point. instead of 30m range on OCA you would have 15m of truly effective accurate range, and the best part of it it's that even past that point your weapon would still be reliable you could shoot At Ntec 40 meters away and hit him each bullet but due to damage drop off your TTK would be 3 times longer so Ntec would eat you up but you could still do some damage instead of praying for 2-3 lucky shots to finish off tagged mid range gun, and then if we were to reverse the situation to CQC range, you could put some fight with Ntec, but due to longer range thus lower average TTK than CQC weapons you would be at obvious disadvantage. I would love to test a system like that in some combat situation, I have been proposing this over the years but all shit gamer first could think of was adding bloom and random recoil to weapons. It would be truly a paradise, with accurate weapons that you could not use outside of its designed range and field zone, (open vs corners) without taking some trade-off. No more randomness or all around weapons like Ntec was/is for last decade.
Heavy items are fun though. When you can't drive up and need co carry one for 50 meters. Good luck with that playing 4v4 mission.
That's bold. I mean I would suggest to make - 1 to all grenades to make people actually think how they use it and when they use it but that's a discussion for difrent thread.
What do you mean? With 55m effective range you would get +5,5 as opposed to plus 7 you get now.
^ There, try to argue that. I am all into logical variations of any part of the game, grenades included. The way I see it, we have: Percussion Grenade - Low damage, Low range - without fuse which is its biggest advantage, or weakness - since you can't "cook" them to blow into opponents mid air. Low-Yield Fragmentation Grenade - Low damage, Low range - fast fuse time, you are awarded third grenade, that allows to still have an option where its needed most. Concussion Grenade - High damage, Low range - absolutely beast when used by high skilled player, trash when used by lesser skilled players. Imho have a highest skill cap of all grenades. Fragmentation grenade - High damage, High range grenade - don't you think it's kind of weird that it doesn't have any trade off it's just better option for lowly thrown grenades in spamable manner hoping to get lucky hit here and there. There is no point lowering its range since it will be just weak Conc, the propose I wanted to make is to lower it's damage to around 500-600 so we can have Low damage, High range grenade and then you could make your call - You feel you are good at cooking grenades go for Concs, you think you don't do well and miss a lot - go frags, but pay a price for that. Or use other alternatives. I do understand negativity, especially from Silver community that rely on its High damage and forgivable range, that gives result, without effort but the thing I want to propose is basically to make every grenade unique in it's own way, not simply better or worse alternative and to make people actually aim their explosives, or be exposed to penalties if they absolutely need high splash damage area.
Don't you think that explosive range of Frag nade is bit much? Frag grenade covers 14m wide circle, dealing full 750 damage up to 8m wide circle. From overall experience with it, being at both sides, throwing and being thrown at, it cover entire rooms, often being thrown together with teammates, leaving not much of a space to do anything. From what we tested recently, if there are stairs, or standard size corridors if you react instantly sprinting away from Frag nade thrown in your direction - there is no running from it, you will take at least half the damage. How amazing would it be to have skill requiring nades, one that needs a careful cooking and precision in throwing where receiving side could utilize room corner effectively to hide away taking no damage from lowly thrown nades.
How's that? Must have missed it, I mean having 10% more compared to flat 7 meters, would require a gun of at least over 70 meters of effective range - which would benefit mostly what, snipers? Which would move N-tec-ish like weapons a bit closer to 5m and CQC to 2-3 meters?
Game feels more like fightclub recently, with some luck and happy car-spawn here and there you can die 2-3 times within seconds of your teammates and still hold your own in defending the point.
Let's just nerf accuracy of every weapon and pray for Goddess's Blessing each time we aim at something, so the skill difference doesn't matter anymore and we can all be happy community. It's not a rocket science but a simple algorithm of set rules with small variations repeated over entire gun pool. Limit weapon's effective range by using range curve to keep them in their niches - make IR x% value top stop the CQC abuse of the mod. The lower weapon's range the shorter the TTK - so we could avoid where a mid range N-tec has theoretically the same TTK as an OCA player. The lower STK the longer TTK - to balance weapons where one shines around the corner and the other in open field, like you have that CSG with TTK of 1 second, if you get caught in the open by OCA - you are pretty much at disadvantage, but if you reverse that and you are in the close corner situations then CSG would have an obvious advantage. Make weapons accurate !! Let's go back to OCA example with Accuracy Radius at 10m = 36 cm, it's nuts ! If I would glue to the corner at 15 meters range 3/4 of your bullets would hit the wall or go past me, how is that reliable weapon? We are at the point of cluster fu*, created by G1 that introduced weapons without much though just to milk whatever they could before packing their bags. Nerfing this or that is a no go anymore, we need a major balance of all weapons based on some logic arguments making counterparts weapons different, not simply better or worse.
Thanks for Fixing QuickSwitching Little Orbit
Resine replied to a topic in General Discussion Archive
Did you ever play back then when HVR was a thing? By the time you finished switching weapon, crosshair was zoomed, dead on target resulting in theoretical TTK of .7s. -
I don't know why though. There was massive feedback all over the years from all kind of players - mostly high threat, to balance weapons around its designed range, damage per bullet and time to kill, but majority of times weapons are RNG trash, and if they make something right by mistake they usually nerf it with ridiculous amount of random shaking, recoil or their favorite feature adding raw bloom numbers. To me it's simple: Make weapons accurate and limit their range to keep them from sniping people out of their niche. The lower STK the longer TTK - it's a golden thing needed for years! So you have to choose corner advantage or open field advantage, over the years shotguns were meme, since they were corners Gods and could fight open field since TTK is same or even lower than SMG weapons. It's so frustrating to play, I mean it always have been, if Goddess is nice to you, you melt people, if she's not you start questioning why you even bother...
Car-Spawn fucks up entire spawn system making thins out of control. Just remove until you fix it, or better remove it and never look back.
You know the problem? people complain about weapons that are accurate, since majority are RNG fools that take more luck than skill to use.
Every CQC machine gun needs new balance, I just hope that they won't nerf if by introducing giant crosshair promoting RNG over skill.
In Your Honest Opinion; What Defines a TryHard in APB Reloaded?
Resine replied to a topic in General Discussion Archive
I am so very sorry that I won the mission using in-game available items and tactics you don't acknowledge or are difficult or annoying to deal with, next time I will play in a way you tell me, with equipment you allowed me to use so you have easier time to win a mission. You see where am I going with it? Who are you to judge what's right or wrong? What is it with your make up rules, I don't think there is a legit list every player signed in for. Yes, you can tell that running away with item in Vegas last minute, knowing that enemies don't have technical ability to regroup, counter, nor even catch up to you could be considered scrub, try hard move, but why give enemy slightest chance to win? It's game development team who should adjust things like that, things that are abused to gain more advantage that you should have over enemies, based on community feedback so the game is fun both ways, very difficult process. Also, I have seen percs mentioned, like everywhere for last 10 years. I do use them, I have very difficult time with Shotguns camping every corner, percs do wonders on them, but majority of hateful comments would tell me that I am not allowed to use them, or it's scrub way, but taking 3 Shotguns on CQC full of corners on defend spot is not? The thing I want to say is that there are no rules, as long as you don't abuse bugs, script, cheats, hacks anything and everything the GAME ALLOWS YOU TO DO is nothing more than clever game - play. The rest is nothing more than tears of fallen enemies that didn't try hard enough and neglectfulness of development team over the years. -
Uke is the best
Is there anything planned for Car Gameplay?
Resine replied to Resine's topic in General Discussion Archive
Blown up Pioneer put on its side is wonderful cover... I just hope that LO won't do G1 mistake by fixing issues by introducing mechanics to combat cars that will be annoying/limiting to use, instead of just cutting their HP by half when it comes to Vegases 4x4 and Tanks. -
Is there anything planned for Car Gameplay?
Resine replied to Resine's topic in General Discussion Archive
That's the issue, you have to give up game experience and play with silly explosive weapons because you can't destroy Vegases 4x4 and tanks otherwise. It's like you play 2vs2, the fight happens, both teams lose 1 person so it's 1vs1, you have to do the objective which is a car, I quickly hop to my tank and push it around so you can't do shit to stop me. -
I am not sure how APB's network works, but from personal experience it tries to compensate latency issues for lagging party too much. Imho if you have high latency, game shouldn't do anything to help you out, you shall live in the past server time and die before you will peak the corner to shoot as bullets of people with normal latency were registered first. I understand it's harsh critique towards people not fortunate enough due to their localization or connection issues itself but you shouldn't optimize the game for people that are not meant to play it causing problems to entire server population.
Is there anything planned for Car Gameplay?
Resine replied to Resine's topic in General Discussion Archive
I don't think I would enjoy playing alig to shoot cars all day, I think I am out of satchel charges, you get like what 2 every 10 missions? They are used to get rid of car-spawn rather than to blow up people driving around. If you land a conc on a car, it's mostly because you were hidden and they did not expect you, or the other player made a dumb mistake, and even if you do it's not enough for some cars. -
Dear Goddess, why is there no block / auto-kick feature for everyone who's above certain latency threshold or instability. I can't imagine is any fun playing on 350ms and I am quite sure you are ruining experience for other players...
That's funny, I am quite sure that I tested it post balance it's still 2 shot from 13 meters away? I can understand that there are people that are laggy mess from god's know where and for some reason are not automatically kicked even playing at 200ms and some shots are not registered properly. But if someone is having an issue in every fight complaining over and over its usually their aim ability failing them.
Is there anything planned for Car Gameplay?
Resine replied to Resine's topic in General Discussion Archive
That's very vague idea, I can't say I am happy with it. Making more mechanics to fix broken ones never ended well. Well, lets just secretly hope that they will cut HP by half and make other cars competitive again banning car gameplay at the same time.