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About Reprimand

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    osmaw disinformation spreader

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  1. I've tried every single red mod possible to fix the gun and it still doesn't work
  2. Will you consider giving more powers to volunteers to dissuade and punish cheaters, especially those who mission block, grief and troll? It seems that there isn't much of a hierarchy to stop players other than SARD, and the kick function can only do so much. Will you scale back in-game reliance of mods in order to reach gameplay meta and adjust stats to ensure that new players don't have an uphill battle to climb when playing?
  3. the ability to be a powerful shotgun with too much spread and too slow a fire rate?
  4. The description on the Bloody Mary does say it's supposed to be 24 bullets, unless I am mistaken.
  5. No, thank YOU for the rest of your comments, I appreciate hearing your honest thoughts and reading them, but this^^^ remark especially isn't necessary. I'm not your enemy and this isn't an argument, I was simply adding context to what you wrote. The ISSR is an awkward gun to play with, I do have them and that is my personal opinion that the series needs serious work. Yes, the accuracy and range on the ISSR-A is exceptional, but that doesn't change the fact that it takes more shots to get a kill with compared to say an NTEC or STAR. The ceiling on those weapons I find just aren't worth the time, money or investment.
  6. Your concerns are valid, but Frosi did say he is learning the tools and APB is custom coded to high heaven so new talent can't be brought in to work on it. They've tried that. Some have suggested rebuilding from the ground up but is that fair/worth the money and time? Also, I want to say that the ISSR series is just plain awful, even with amazing accuracy its recoil and lack of damage output doesn't make it worth touching. Major disagree. With the NTEC meta being the way it is, there's no reason most weapons should be locked to 1 or 2 slots. It's time we buff them all.
  7. Could you edit this post to reflect that the DOW change also applies to the Thumper, please, @MageLO?
  8. I'm happy you've buffed two of the shotguns I wish to play with, however I'm a little sad you still haven't buffed the SG-21 Strife, which has been very weak for quite some time. That deserved to have his spread lowered and fire rate increased to bring it in line with other shotguns. Hopefully we get 3-slot Raptor and ISSR-B soon.
  9. apbdb is the wikipedia of information, which means it never lies!
  10. I think you're responding to the wrong post. This is a guide for which mods work best with which weapons. It isn't about spending any money, it's for other players. If you know what I know, all of these guns don't cost $40 to buy, some are cheaper and some you unlock.
  11. THEY SAID I WAS MAD, THEY SAID I WAS INSANE, but LAWD did I prove them wrong look at this folks what is that highlighted in yellow? undeniable proof that cooling jacket 3 works on the osmaw you motherfluffers doubted me, you tried to beat me down but look here. i was right. i was righttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
  12. thank you for the kind words, I am not entirely sure which go best with high magnification scope, I'll have a play around and see what works
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