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  1. After the last week patch when you close the game, apb.exe still stays open in taskmanager and using 2gb of memory maybe fix that as well or its only me.
  2. 80 players on a server is better performance for me i have -30latency down and the fps is stable. I have good pc its not that..
  3. I tried what you suggested and no luck so far. I start using lazer config and its litle better. Before the config i was dropping -20fps and freezes like 0.3sec in every 4-5min Now its like not noticeable its still there but not like freeezes 0.3sec its like 0.1sec
  4. I made a fresh installation 2 months ago when i got upgraded my PC BTW its 10 Pro 64bit RTX 3060 Ryzen 5 7600x 16GB DDR5 5200 ADATA HUNTER
  5. I have tried all this no luck.
  6. Toolmaker

    Log in failed.

    Just now This account is currently in use from another client (error code 10004)...
  7. I have the same issue anyone figure it out how to solve this suttering?
  8. I don't know if its mention but what about ppl using blowtorch for the Armor Truck.Its 2vs2 you have a silver in ur team against 2 golds they running and fixing that Truck all the time until you start shooting to them and they run away...
  9. I already did that. PS. Reason:the songs are to loud for me.
  10. Can't wait to see new changes like the anti-cheat,haven't played APB like 3-4 months was waiting that moment.
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