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Everything posted by TzickyT

  1. didn't build it to make it mine but i made an idea that would work and be intresting. a lot of people are intrested in a tournament. hwhile a bunch is just not intrested from those who are intresting to help out. il see waht i can do
  2. and thats noted ... but is no contribution to my mindset of usefull includes
  3. if it would be possible could u hint me in the rigt direction by pm or dm
  4. i don' tthink importing is a good idea but i would like to see an export feature for music / symbols and Characters. even if it would be a payment feature i would buy
  5. just buy life time or character bound guns ... other options waist of money also i wonder if there is a 3 hour trail stil of the guns.
  6. its all about PMG and OCA ... PMG wins from OCA easily stil i prefer playing oca as i enjoy the gameplay more than playing a pmg. Would be fun if PMG and OCA would be on same niveau i wouldn't nerf the pmg at all. i feel that a lot of nerfs we got were unnecesairy. its all about how u enjoy your gameplay and not about competitive managment taking. but its true PMG is used quiet a lot. i enjoy oca too but i don't know what they would need to change ... the range of pmg is insane in my opinion but the oca has sometimes a chance to do the same.
  7. there is only 5 ways this can go at this moment - ban all weapons and play with star only. - ban all weapons that the team chooses to play with. - let the team choose for each player 3 loadouts. - let us ban all legendary(yellow) guns - let us ban nothing Merged. lots of people say that missions are to randomized to be accepted to be used in a tournament. toxic points . not worthy possibility's. to hard to stream and following characters to point out where they are. for outstanders to get to know how apb works. i tried to consider every aspect in the game - witnessing gives u to opportunity to do something alone. people can get into missions with other people together. we got the opportunity to show that objectives are important to be shown to get certain things done and it isn't all about who makes the biggest kill count. you can see teamplay. strategy's being used. exiting happenign when someone fails to deliver items or wins. and a short time to actualy finish the mission. ( its all aobut defending and capturing what apb stands for and that i feel is part of the idea why i created soemthing like this)
  8. Just to notify i am looking for Testers stil ( if there is a cop clan who would like to help me let me know.) (ingame , stream or forums)
  9. i guess im a fan of the background whitout people on it ...
  10. as i went to a few streams to get to know what the community thinks about this "competitve tournament watchlist and idea". I have the feeling that every one would like to see LO having also a stand in this as a personal tournament or community event wil run around hackers having all the fun. So my message now @MattScott i have no intention of finishing off a half worked idea so i would like to work this idea a bit more out. i know in the past a lot of tournaments have failed but i would like to make one that can last for a while. with the people we have. personaly i have no idea if u would like to consider a tournament for APB after the engine upgrade to make it look like APB is trying to renew itself in a new decade. as i said on the first page i have tested out the points already with another person Xsilver. at this moment i would need to find people who would like to test this game mode with me + potential backers to give me an idea what i have to change to make this tournament worth its time. i have no idea if people would like to help me or try to accomplish this. also @SKay i send u a mail and i have no idea if u would still be intrsted in helping me with this so i don't make the same mistake as the other tournaments held in this community.
  11. Thoughts i had if you would go further on this. APB Citadel or jericho. picture to announce on wich server u are playing. the cops right and crim left brb offline online screen a screen whitout a character on to put your face on as startup screen or to talk to your chat. also i wished people could make this with there own characters. but not everyoen is artistic like that...
  12. i guess this is free for use? suggestions a brb offline and starting soon with a contact on both sides like we had in the old login screen is that possible. that resembles a crim and a cop in one page. would be awesome to have something like that in my opinion i made it look like this and i am happy about it =D small edit - https://imgur.com/a/M2LTZ0D all the pics on right places how it looks
  13. i play oca a lot. i enjoy it and it got a nerf a big one ... that not even one mentioned.
  14. i have updated the whole Tournament. if there are questions about how i see a tournament can work. or if u guys stil have oppinions about stuff let me know ( this is not finalized yet. we stil need to test a lot for this lets hope this works) also if u have a clan or a group of people to try this out. let me know how it went.
  15. il try to look into that idea ( this is something that gets announced a lot)
  16. i let the players at that point decide if they want to ban each 1 gun or ban all Legendary guns or no bans at all. at this moment i can see the matches end whitin 2 minuts. and can last 4 minuts. car gameplay is goign to be a thing. hopefully.
  17. Gamemode and spots revealed info about tournament wil be announced later
  18. i like what u did there but i have no idea how to increase clan xp nor how to make apb dollars with a click
  19. i don't have a lot of previous works ...
  20. could i ask a link to that million dollar tournament
  21. i found this event and theres a lot of hate and enjoyment for this event goign to go trough this event when i can if people have other events that they know that had been organised let me know
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